
Fallout Dev Tracker

23 Mar


Originally posted by jacktg11

Are new allies being worked on?

We are working on new allies! No set ETA yet but they're coming.


Originally posted by jrg993

We will have a lot more to talk about with this update in the near future as this this will be a huge added benefit to our Fallout 1st members. To give a hint, think server settings...

And this is just the beginning, we plan on continuing to build on this feature far into the future.


Originally posted by 0ptional

Does the update to private servers in the fall mean mod support?

We will have a lot more to talk about with this update in the near future as this this will be a huge added benefit to our Fallout 1st members. To give a hint, think server settings...


Originally posted by ZanthirEAS

Thank you for doing this AMA! Here's a few of my (many) questions!

  • Can you give us any sort of information about Expeditions? Probably not a release date, but where might they take place/how might they function?

  • Will we get to become ghouls or super mutants/super molerats sometime in the future? Or just some visual mutations in general?

  • Any chance we might get a big amount of new weapons/mods/mods for existing weapons added all at once? A 'Gun Runner's Arsenal' styled content update is frequently requested on this subreddit

  • Is there any plan to add 'catch-up mechanics' to the Wastelanders reputation systems and Gold Bullion, such as increasing reputation gains/bullion limits? It made sense to gate these at release, so that players couldn't speedrun to obtain all of the items, but as mor...

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Re: Expeditions

Yes! We still have big plans for Expeditions. We are as bummed as you are about them slipping out of this year’s Roadmap. We are still iterating on the Design for Expeditions, so we will share more details as we get closer to releasing them. The BIG take away here is – yes, these will take you outside of the current map, they are their own new feature, and we are committed (and very excited) to make them.

Update 2: Thank you so much for all your questions and comments! We had a great time, as always. We'll look to do this again, but in the meantime... see you in Appalachia!

We’re back!

Yesterday we revealed our 2021 roadmap for Fallout 76. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see it yet, take a look at it here!

Today we’ve brought Project Lead, ...

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22 Mar


Can you please DM me and tell me your bethesda.net username, platform, date, and time this occurred?


Originally posted by FritoZanzibar


hi, it seem the issue of joining a world where your camp cant be placed and adding things to your inventory causes the bug where all your display cases items and items in your vending are removed ( i have lost 4 of my 5 characters dog armors that were on display and now cannot be replaced as they were removed from the game)

it also contributes to the vending bug where items from stash are being unwantedly added into vending

I know you already said you would look into the display/vending removal bug, but we are getting alot more reports of peoples prized loot being sold they thought was safe

thank you

Thanks for the tag! u/Xenosaigacan you please DM me some information? Bethesda.net username, platform, date, and time of day this occurred?


Originally posted by mrnapolean1

Hopefully u/LadyDevann will see it when she reads the thread.

Great suggestion! Definitely not something we can implement right away but I can suggest it for the future.


Originally posted by electrickite


Hi, I just wanted to bring this to your attention.

Thanks for the tag! I already reached out to this player last week.

19 Mar


Originally posted by brian11e3

I used to encounter the Wise Mothman at least once a week outside of the lighthouse event. I have photos of him at over a dozen different random encounter locations.

I have not seen him in the wild since Wastelanders dropped.

I haven't seen that reported before, I'll raise this.


Originally posted by mattocksr2

Is the the reset on skins fix going to be in the live game after its tested? That is bugging the hell out of me,

also what's up with the moonwalking npcs? I'll use free range as an example, the brahmin all seem to moonwalk away from where they are supposed to go, I've also seen it with random encounter settlers moonwalking away from the area they are supposed to be at an insane speed

I believe this has something to do with latency and actor budget working together. I could very well be remembering it wrong but next time you see this try switching servers and let me know if that fixes it.

18 Mar


Originally posted by PrestonGarveyFo76

u/ladydevann hi so does this mean the bug when you are placed in a world your CAMP cant be placed at, and you stay and buy/add stuff to your inventory, then when you load next into a world your CAMP can be placed at, you will have lost ALL your display items and your vending machines will have been emptied out?

I am not sure off the top of my head. I'll look around and see what I can find.

17 Mar


Originally posted by LKDlk


: We addressed this issue by removing the cost of displayed items. Displaying items should no longer use C.A.M.P. budget.

So we can display magazines and bobbleheads without eating a huge chunk of camp budget?

That is correct!


Originally posted by zhaoz

Can you confirm that healing with friendly fire not working outside of Radiation Rumble? I saw a video with it not working in the caravan mission.

If it wasn't working in Radiation Rumble I would assume the same for the caravan mission. I would need to look into this more.


Originally posted by JollyScoundrel

I’m curious if the vampire vats fix makes it stack properly or if it’s still f’d

If you're still seeing issues, please let us know on the PTS forums so we can continue to look at it. :)


Originally posted by -1heart

Oof, hope the Friendly Fire fail isn't intentional then.

Are you talking about Friendly Fire not working on NPCs like in Radiation Rumble? This may have been fixed with this:
Melee attacks: Addressed an issue causing melee attacks to not stack their effects. 
We are monitoring and still investigating to see.


Originally posted by StormingRomans

"We addressed this issue by removing the cost of displayed items. Displaying items should no longer use C.A.M.P. budget. "

Is that a permanent change? If it is - wow, that is awesome news!

We're doing testing around this to see if it can be permanent or not. For now, it is solely in the PTS.

16 Mar


Originally posted by mepradayounada

ahh, totally missed your reply! first of all, thanks. :) as for the stutter, hard to specify because it happens all the time and everywhere for seemingly no reason. people say it has to do with windows 7 and that you‘re already aware, but i‘m windows 10 and my game stutters more than ever before. all just after the latest update. but the PTS is running great, so maybe that‘s fixed already. :)

No worries! Can you tell me some of your system specs?