Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

02 Jul


u/Harryolo97 Question about Dennis: The guy who is asking for medkits and acts as melee defender is called Dennis during quest to grab him burgers. He might have been called so during christmas event too, but I'm not sure. But then again the dude that from Valentines event who loves Summer and his son in the future will lead the resistance if timeskips are real is also called Dennis. Are there 2 Dennises in the Homebase? How is it not confusing for people in Homebase? Or is it Oversight by you guys? ;) Also are TimeSkips real.

The character we interact with during the events and in the main questline is Dennis. We also have another character who wears a Durr Burger uniform named Ned who is searching for Medkits…

Time skips are not real. Denni...

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Originally posted by loltotally

I love you guys

We love you guys!


Originally posted by DBRichard

" Along the way we’ll meet new allies, say goodbye to old friends, and learn a little bit more about the origin of the storm. "

Are we saying goodbye to Ray just like it is now at the start of Canny? (I personally hope not)

Don't worry, Ray is sticking around.


u/SouthpawSpidey Will there ever be full sized bosses? There has to be something bigger and badder than the epic mini bosses that exist.

The storm is going to continue to evolve over time as we become stronger and better at fighting back. I can’t make any promises about bigger and badder bosses, but I think that sounds like a lot of fun.

31 Mar

19 Mar


Originally posted by jmurf67

I am going through this right now with these guys. Somebody got access to my account and upgraded it. Why? Not sure. I stopped playing Fortnite some months back, but I did go on and change my password. Tried emailing Epic, got an email back saying the email is not monitored and to go to a website, there is no option for undoing this error on the website, so I try and call, get zero options for help there, and told to leave a message, no call back. Now am disputing it through my bank. Just been a huge cluster****.

Hey jmurf67,

I'd like to help investigate your case. At your convenience, can you please update me with your case number, display name/psn id/gamerag and Epic games email?

Thank you!


Originally posted by necroneous

The day after I decided to buy the game I immediately got hacked and they spent $160 on my credit card. I messaged support about it after getting control of my account and removing my card from it. I'm not even playing the game until this is resolved for fear of compromising my refund in some way.

I'm still waiting on an update as to whether I'll be refunded. If Epic can't refund me (and soon), I'm just going to do a chargeback and not play the game ever again.

I don't understand how stuff like this can happen, I used steam, and origin for 10 years and nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I want to play the game and I willingly paid for it, but I refuse to put up with fraudulent charges if that's par for the course.

Hi necroneous,

I understand your concerns. I'd like to help you look into this. Can you please send me a DM with your case number, display name/psn id/gamertag and email that is linked to your Epic games account?

Keep me posted,


Originally posted by lunatics

I don't even play Fortnite, I have only played BR a handful of times with friends, I can 100% guarentee that my purchase of a $150 russian collections edition of the single player game was not my purchase or "buyers remorse" ontop of that, I am getting emails daily that my Fortnite account has been locked due to too many failed sign in attempts. I changed my password AND enabled 2FA after this happened and people are still trying to access my account and causing problems with it. It has now been over a week and I still have not had an answer from Epic games about this and am getting extremely fed up. I don't want to go to my bank if I don't have to as a charge back will probably cause my account to get permanently banned/closed but at the end of the day I would rather lose my account that I spent 10 bucks on than lose $150 dollars on something I will never touch. This is ridiculous.

Hey there,

I'm sorry to read you're experiencing this. I'd like to help you. Please update me in a DM with your case number, display name/psn id/gamertag and email connected to your Epic games account.


16 Mar


Originally posted by CJLito

It's hard not to get excited for these changes/updates. I'm really looking forward to the future of Save the World.

Thanks so much for sticking with us.


Originally posted by blueruckus

I guess this really isn’t aimed at the subreddit since this is all the stuff we’ve been hearing.

I would appreciate that if a topic is brought up we get solid info instead of just “we know and we’re talking about it”. That really doesn’t give us players any info, so might as well not even bring it up.

Like imagine if you owed a friend some money and you randomly call him up to say “hey, I know I owe you money still. Okay, bye”.

It's absolutely intended for folks here and what you're mentioning is something we talked about before shooting the video. We know until some of those things mentioned are addressed that you'll continue to tell us important. We want to make sure you know they are important to us, even though some of those things (perk reroll, AFK, Global Chat) are bigger pieces of work that will likely take some time.

13 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey insta1234,

I'm sorry to read about the frustrations. I'd like to look into these issues for you. Can you please send me a DM with your case number(s), email that is linked to your Epic games account and display name/psn id/gamertag?

Thank you!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hello, it seems like you only respond to top posts about cases, and would be thankful if you could take a look at my cases sometime, I have been waiting a really long time, and have been essentially scammed $99.99 from Epic.

Hi InfamousEternal,

I'd like to look further into your issue. Please go ahead and send me a DM with your case number, display name/gt/psn id and Epic games email.



Originally posted by kmvii

Please help me! I sent in two support tickets for a refund and never received any case numbers for the first two, then I decided to submit a third one for ALL my purchases ($600~ USD) and then all of a sudden I was given an automated email with a case number two days ago. There is still no response from support and any updates I email back just get me the same automated response and nothing else. I want nothing more than to be out of your hair ASAP.

Edit: I don't know how to do chargebacks via PayPal or my bank yet, but I'd like to save that as my final option.

Hey kmvii,

I understand your frustrations. Please update me via a DM with your display name/psn id/gt and email that is linked to your Epic games account so that I can look further into this issue.


12 Mar


Hey RubenVDBr,

I'm terribly sorry to read about this. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've gotten a hold of your case number and will further investigate. Please feel free to send me a DM if you have any other questions at the moment as well.

Kind regards,


Hey Chicagobatmandriver,

I'd like to look into your case further. Can you please update me in a DM with your case number, display name/PSN ID/gamertag and email that is linked to your Epic games account?

Thank you!


Hey Coletheism,

I've gone ahead and sent you a DM asking for your details. Please keep me posted. I'd love to help with your case!

Kind regards,


Originally posted by Zertrux

Maybe you wanna help with my case ?

Hey Zertrux,

I'd love to help! At your convenience, can you please update me via DM with your case number, display name/PSN ID/gamertag and Epic games email?



Originally posted by Manceypants

I've had 2 problems that I reported immediately, by the time Epic's support got around to actually answering my tickets, they said too much time has passed and they cant help with the issue. I'm currently on 2 weeks for a schematic issue with no response.

Hi Manceypants,

I understand your frustrations. I'd like to help you. Can you update me via a DM with your case number, display name/PSN ID/Gamertag and the email that is linked to your Epic games account?



Originally posted by [deleted]

Still waiting for my refund, so done with this.

Hey Flexeggutor,

I can help you with your case. Can you update me via a direct message with your case number, display name/PSN ID/gamertag and email that is linked to your Epic games account?

Thank you!


Hey Bryce_lol,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've gone ahead and responded to your case, so keep a look out for it. I am more than happy to further assist you in making this right.

Kind regards,