Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

27 Mar


Originally posted by Exponentiallyrandom

Explanation: Game crashed when opening friendslist in Team Rumble

Evidence: Opened friendslist in Team Rumble and game crashed

If replicable, how: Open friendlist in Team Rumble (possibly has something to do with timing it when I was respawning)

Platform: PC

Hmmm, that's odd indeed. Thanks for the extra details about timing when respawning, it's always helpful. I've escalated this over to our QA team to look into it.


Originally posted by PumpkinMacchiato

Explanation: When you press the key for “replay last emote” it doesn’t dance.

Evidence: Assign a key for “replay last emote”, get in a match, press that key and it won’t do anything like it used to dance.

If replicable, how: See above

Platform: Xbox One X

Thanks for the details, very appreciated! I've sent this off to the QA team for further investigation.


Originally posted by akaMoods

Explanation: Wins not not being recorded.

Evidence: Won 2 solos in a row, still have the same amount of wins in solo. Displays "stats last recorded 1 day ago".

If replicable, how: Win a game and check your profile

Platform: PS4

Thanks for the info! I've reported this to the team and we're looking into this report.


Originally posted by eeeaaakkk

Explanation: Can't play Divison 3 of Duo Arena mode. Error: "You can't play this mode at the moment"


If replicable, how: Try to play Division 3

Platform: PC

Hey there! We're aware of that issue and you can find details and a workaround here.


Originally posted by SirTytan

Explanation: Getting stuck in Baller after selecting a trap slot item from inventory screen. Disables the ability to shoot grappler and exit vehicle. Only able to roll and dash.

Replicable: Yes, just select a trap slot item while in baller. Happens every time requiring to be shot out or leave match.

Platform: Xbox One X, Default button layout. Exit button same as trap slot which is X

Thanks for the detailed report! I've escalated this so we can start our investigation into the issue.


Originally posted by fockboy95

Thanks for the update. Also there is the issue of wins and stats not registering. I have at least 25 wins that are not recorded the past few weeks. We really would like an update about that.

I'll escalate that concern internally. Drop your username below if it's your PS4 account you're referring to. Additionally, I assume you're not referring to LTM Victories? As LTM's Victories are bucketed in their own category and Large Team LTM Victories aren't counted toward stats.


Originally posted by Leo9991

Username: leogendfn Platform: PS4

Thanks for the details! I've sent that info to our QA team so they can take a look.


Originally posted by fockboy95

Explanation: Spectators icon still shows that the are spectating after leaving Evidence: Every Game If replicable: yes Platform: ps4

Thanks for the report! We're still investigating this issue and working towards a fix. You can follow the status of this issue here.


Originally posted by justSomeGuy0nReddit

Explanation: party interface constantly has players that aren't in my team. Evan in solo match i get random players appearing in the interface.

Evidence: image from a normal fill squad match where i have 2 team mates

If replicable, how: happens every second or third game to me.

Platform: PC

Strange, which game mode were you playing in? Thanks for the image example though! I've reported it to our QA team.


What device are you using and your ingame name? Any details such as OS the device is on also help.


Originally posted by Leo9991

U/mrpopotfs I can't receive or send friend requests. Is this being looked at?

Hmmm, mind sending me your:

  • Username
  • Platform

Originally posted by Leo9991

Explanation: there's an exclamation mark top left even though I don't have a friend request or invitation.

Platform: PS4

Thanks for the info! We've reported this over to our QA team for investigation.


Originally posted by Leo9991

Explanation: you can carry 999 mats in the arena mode (supposed to be 500)

If replicapable, how: go and try it for yourself

Platform: all

Thanks for the report, we released a hotfix to resolve this issue.


Originally posted by jblade

Explanation: Can't place traps in 1x1 with ramp

Evidence: Go into any mode and build a 1x1, you can place a trap. Go into any mode and build a 1x1 and a ramp try to place a trap, you will not be able to.

If replicable, how: See above

Platform: PC

Hey there,

This is an issue we're aware of and actively investigating. In the meantime, you can work around this by using the trap to auto-build the wall instead of placing the wall then trying to place the trap.


Hey there,

This is an issue we're aware of and actively investigating. In the meantime, you can work around this by using the trap to auto-build the wall instead of placing the wall then trying to place the trap.


Originally posted by teschianto

Nono stair white(when is mine) and red (when is enemy i think)

I was just told that these outlines appeared due to us turning on outlines on mobile for player models while in game modes other then solo. This is just an effect of those outlines. This was in the patch notes under:

  • Fixed missing outline effect for squad members.

Originally posted by NoahW23

Hey Freight, I saw your post the other day about the reason why we don’t have a “swing pickaxe” button in the shop, and you said it was by design to avoid performance issues. I’m no programmer, but we have a “swing pickaxe” button in our locker, so why can’t we have one in the shop as well?

Locker and shop are a bit different since the shop is always rotating and locker items you own. I dont have an actually technical answer but if I can find out an exact reason that I can relay to you and others I will.


Originally posted by NYIJY22

Just updated my game, have the arena mode options but no option for floor is lava mode :/

Try either restarting the client or briefly readying up in another mode (which will check the servers for updates & give you the correct playlists).


Originally posted by NoahW23

I think he means the white bars surrounding the ramp build.

I see it now, I saw the title say white lines and presumed the HUD was what was being spoken about. Apologizes on the random post then :)


We're investigating two issues related to the Arena game mode. Find full details below:


1) We’re aware of an issue in the Arena game mode where players are seeing negative points to progress to the next division. This is visual only and all Hype points are being properly tracked. We’re working on a fix and will let you know once it’s resolved.

Find more details and workaround info here.


2) We’re aware of a separate issue where players in a party attempting to Duo queue into Arena are rec...

Read more External link →