Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

11 Jan


Originally posted by G3Warner

Over the festive period they released an LTM called ground game where ammo and materials where limited. I think you were given 20/20/30 materials and like 200 ammo max (dependant on the weapon). I seen a lot of hate towards it however me and my friends really enjoyed it, and i genuinely think it should be a permanent mode.

The way in which the game is played is completely different, it seemed to rely more on game sense. It relied on using natural cover and good positioning to gain an advantage over your opponents, it was less about pushing every team you see and more about securing high ground in the next zone and defending it and being able to use trees and out buildings during your rotations for cover (planes were also very uncommon, i think maybe 2 or 3 spawned per game).It had a couple of disadvantages, explosive weapons like quad launchers were extremely overpowered.

Your probably thinking that i am just a bot that doesn't know how to build, however i am a goo...

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Ground Game Duos is currently on!


Originally posted by PlayerSZ11

Bring back Ground Game. It was my favorite ltm because every new player has got a chance to win. New players can't be stuck in a build fight and I feel like I'm in season 3 again. ( I know this is posted a lot of times but I wanted to say my opinion).

It's on today - give it a shot & let us know if you have any feedback!


Originally posted by TMillo

This is it. Will the same happen with stairs?

Not for now. Possibly down the road.


Originally posted by EpicEricSW

Hey everyone,

Have you ever tried building a wall and it builds partially below, or is obstructed by, the ground?

In the v7.20 update we’re introducing a change that should help placement in these circumstances!


This feature will kick in when you attempt to place a structure edit: wall that:

  • Requires a connection to a building piece
    • The connecting piece is at least 70% underground

Under those circumstances, the required connecting piece will now build automatically and for free. In addition, the connecting piece will inherit team ownership rules (and the material type) of the desired piece.


Please check out this feature when it’s rolled out and let us know what you think!

For the moment this will only affect walls. We'll update you if we expand this functionality to other structures.


Hey everyone,

Have you ever tried building a wall and it builds partially below, or is obstructed by, the ground?

In the v7.20 update we’re introducing a change that should help placement in these circumstances!


This feature will kick in when you attempt to place a structure edit: wall that:

  • Requires a connection to a building piece
    • The connecting piece is at least 70% underground

Under those circumstances, the required connecting piece will now build automatically and for free. In addition, the connecting piece will inherit team ownership rules (and the material type) of the desired piece.


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Originally posted by Orbitball

That’s great, I’m surprised that after 7 seasons there have still been no changes to the most useless item in the game. What are some of the other options that have been discussed though?

There's a number of ways we've discussed improving it... having multiple charges; or being auto-enabled while it's in inventory (like Jetpacks) and can't be shot off. Reducing the leaves that block your view has come up a number of times, since that can be a point of frustration.

What other things could you guys see with it?


Originally posted by RhysWindu

Today I put the bush on, just like I do every other day and looked into the mirror and thought ‘I don’t feel very legendary’.

The game changer: What if the bush gave you protection from one shot!

I don’t know if any of you have ever played pummel party but in that game you could put on a cactus and it would take the damage from one hit to you (so you take no damage). This isn’t too much of a change as the bush would still come off after it took the hit for you.

I would then consider this item LEGENDARY. Bush users could then feel safe when trying to meme.

I really hope epic see this an implement it!


We've been looking at ways to potentially improve the Bush's effectiveness, this is an option that's been discussed a few times. No adjustments in the next update but it's something we'll be reviewing.

10 Jan


Originally posted by xShroomy

I don’t have imgur so I don’t have a screenshot, they asked how long I’ve been playing video games (not especially suspicious but may be trying to guess my age), also asked how many consoles I have access to and how many members are in my family (might me trying to find out if the risk is worth the reward). The email is [email protected] which I know is epics email, but I don’t know if they’ve got one of those weird characters that looks exactly like and English letter but it still counts as different, I don’t know, I just want to be safe.

Hey! This is an official survey. We send them out ever so often and you can find out more about what we do and why we send these here:


Great idea - looks like we can bang this out quickly and have it out next week with 7.20. Thanks for the input!

Edit: Was just informed it was a bug, not a new feature... can you tell I didn't read the whole thread? Anyway, thanks for bringing it up, will be fixed next week.


Originally posted by zaidkhalifa

I got credit even after being eliminated for the 1st and 2nd times :/

As mentioned originally, some players are being affected and not all. Glad to hear you were able to get credit and complete it without any issues.


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

We're aware some players are experiencing problems with the Challenge to deal damage with different weapons in a single match.


We are investigating the issue and will update you once we have more information.

In respawn modes, it appears that you'll be granted credit until you're eliminated for the first time. After you respawn, you may be unable to progress any further in that match.


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

We're aware some players are experiencing problems with the Challenge to deal damage with different weapons in a single match.


We are investigating the issue and will update you once we have more information.

The issue preventing players from getting credit for damaging enemies with 5 weapons in a single match seems to only be occurring in modes that allow respawns.

This will be fixed in a future update. In the meantime, you can complete this Challenge in all non-respawning modes.


Originally posted by Leo9991

It worked for me. I think I dealt damage with like 10 weapons or something in that match though lol.

That's commitment!


We're aware some players are experiencing problems with the Challenge to deal damage with different weapons in a single match.


We are investigating the issue and will update you once we have more information.

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Originally posted by vhath

I just love how pretty much everyone has the same guns and shield is very limited. Also using six shooters as an ar is an experience.

Solo Wild West is on for the next 24 hrs!


Originally posted by AeroTheManiac

For the sake of context, I am an avid Fortnite Switch player and have played since its release on June 12, 2018. I have spent $450 USD so far and plan to continue. I have just hit 900 hours played on the game, so I have spent a lot of time enjoying this game. Coming from an ex-CoD Wii player, I know what it feels like to be truly abandoned by a gaming company. So I want to start off by saying this is not the case here, and Epic Games is the most responsive and openly accessible gaming company I've ever seen. I love how easy it is to interact with them and give them feedback that actually results in changes. You guys are awesome.

That being said, The Switch version is obviously isn't their top priority and it shows. Below is a list of things that are Switch specific and need to be fixed. It's definitely more important to get the major ones. Please feel free to add to this list for any ones that I missed out on.

-Default City-
I'd es...

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Just wanted to let all the Fortnite Switch players know a couple of things. All of the above issues and more have been reported and are known to the team. While I do not have a time frame to say when these issues will be fixed, they are actively being worked on. Also for Switch players, posting in r/FortNiteMobile is allowed so feel free to post your feedback in that sub as well!


Originally posted by AngryRaccoon44

Why is it that when I finish a game, I have 5 LEGENDARY turrets and 0 BLUE campfires. Campfires are blue, so I should find at LEAST 1 a game, but it’s like the campfires are legendary and turrets are green. Don’t know if this is intentional but it’s something that I’ve noticed lately. I want more campfires than turrets, as that’s how it should be.

We're in the process of evaluating drop rates for traps, and the hope is to make some tweaks here for 7.20. Thanks for your input! :-)

09 Jan


Originally posted by Uscjusto


Those Dual Pistols have been suuuuper excited about making it back into the game, to the point where they snuck into a few of the LTM's this week. We think we have a handle on them now, but let us know if you see them show up in any other strange places...


Originally posted by DreadAngel1711

I'd just like to ask - why did you bring Food Fight into the rotation if you knew this bug could happen? Sure it's rare, but still, just wanted to know.

Mainly b/c it's super rare and we wanted to rotate through all of our respawning big team modes this week.


Hey - thanks for pointing this out. This bug confounded us for a while, as we didn't have an easy repro internally. We eventually figured out last week that we were starting our trace at a height that was a little low for some of the mountains (especially Polar). This is fixed in the 7.20 build, so the next time we run the mode, you shouldn't see this issue. Let us know if you do!