Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

25 Jan


Originally posted by i_noah_guy98

There is a bug I would like to report:

Issue: In Team Rumble, after jumping from the Battle Bus, when the character reaches the normal auto redeploy height, the character will begin to deploy their glider, but then sent immediately back into skydiving mode. This causes players to redeploy lower in the air then originally intended.

Platform: PC, but I imagine it’s on other platforms. (EDIT: As I imagine, it’s on other platforms as well. Thanks everyone!)

If replicable, how: Begin a game of Team Rumble and jump off the Battle Bus.

This bug went into effect when the Gliders Item was introduced, and I personally believe that Glider Redeploy should be reverted in modes like Team Rumble to increase the flow of those matches.

EDIT: I should also mention that this bug is also in Playground and in Creative while playing a game with respawn location set to the sky.

Fixed in v7.30


Keep track of major known issues and their status on our Top Community Issues Trello Board.

Are we missing something? Let us know in the comments!

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24 Jan


Hey lil_Azex If you dont mind can I ask if you reported this issue in game using the feedback feature? If not and you happen to have this happen again please report it and then let me know your ingame player name and the subject title you used when submitting the issue.


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

We are aware of an issue preventing new installs on some Android devices. 

We're working on the issue and will provide an update once it's resolved.

The issues preventing new installs on some Android devices have been resolved. Jump into the battle now!

We are aware of an issue preventing new installs on some Android devices. 

We're working on the issue and will provide an update once it's resolved.

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23 Jan


Originally posted by HereticxAnthem

Hi all!

As with every patch, new bugs pop-up. In the interest of not flooding the sub with the same bug post, and to make it a little easier for Epic to keep track of all the bugs reported on this sub, we thought it'd be a good idea to keep all of them condensed to one thread. Please use the format provided below (you can just copy paste it), and please check if your issue has already been posted before posting it yourself. There is no reason to flood the thread with the same bug, as the upvote system will sort items by severity:



If replicable, how:

It is possible that some of the reports will be deleted. If so, it's highly likely that what you reported ruins the "integrity" of the game (exploits).

v7.20 Content Update Patch Notes


Read more

I have made a few comments on the same thread in the other subreddit. Here is the link:


Originally posted by ezidro3

Thank you for the update! This is what I was looking for.

Any plans for further Switch optimization in 7.3?

The Switch and mobile versions of Fortnite are currently being worked on for quality of life improvements.


Originally posted by BillyTheGoatBrown

Is there a cooldown for when a fire can be re-lit? And how many times can a campfire be relit?

Just like the Cozy Campfire, there's no re-lighting of an environmental campfire. We've added some new art for the campfires that should clearly indicate when a fire is unused and when it has already been consumed.


At this time there are no plans to bring back screen recording on the Switch due to performance and stability reasons as said in the statement. If at any point we are able to bring it back, we will let you know!


Originally posted by Raylatable

Will this mean there will be more unlit campfires added everywhere?

Yes, there will be some more added to the environment.


Thanks for the idea! We're deploying a change soon that will extend the campfire gameplay further by allowing players to interact with the existing campfires found throughout the environment. Interact with the wood pile in order to light the fire. From that point on it behaves just like a Cozy Campfire: healing nearby players and burning out after 25 seconds.


Originally posted by mackmeengs

Thank god



Hey folks,

We’ve just released a hotfix to make some adjustments to the spawn rate of the Ice Legion. Previous to this hotfix, spawn rates started low and gradually increased as the match progressed. We’ve now flipped these rates so that more Ice Legion spawn earlier in the game and gradually spawn less as the match progresses.


In addition to this, we’ve also heard your feedback that Golden Brutes were too difficult to find. We apologize for the oversight and have increased the spawn rate of Golden Brutes to a more forgiving level.


This will give more opportunity to progress through the Ice Storm Challenges earlier in the match while also allowing players in the late game to focus on earning that Victory Royale without having to focus as much on the Ice Legion.


Spawn Rate Adjustments

  • Increased the spawn rate of all Ice Legion in the early game.

    • This spawn rate gradually de...
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Originally posted by Cheechers23

So he responded to this and then deleted it? At least they've acknowledged it, kind of

Didn't want to derail this post with something off subject. But yes, more info is coming soon. 😎👍

22 Jan


Originally posted by LovesTheKey

Can someone comment on whether or not the Golden Ice Brutes challenge requirement is glitched, spawn time is glitched, or are we just not meant to acquire this glider

More info soon.


Originally posted by brucewvyne

it happens every game to every person on my squad. pls help lmao

Ya hate to hear it. However, this may help us!


Please follow the format listed in the post so we can pull your logs. That will hopefully help us gain some more perspective on what may be causing the issue for you. Thanks a bunch!


Hey folks,

We're investigating player reports of not being able to hear your teammates, or teammates not being able to hear you, even when the UI indicates that you're speaking into the microphone. We could you use help to identify what's causing this.


How to Help?

If you experience this issue, please report it in-game using the Feedback button in Options, and select the Bug button. Once you've done that, use the following format:

  • Title: Voice Chat Issues
  • Body: Can't hear or talk to teammates in-game
    • It would also help us if any party members you were grouped with also reported this issue with the directions in this post.


Additionally, please post the following in the comments:

  • Username
  • Platform
  • Which platforms you were partied with when the issue occurred


We're also working on overall improvements to our...

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Originally posted by TurHestus

How about the audio bugs? Every other game one member of the squad can’t hear and can’t be heard.

Are you referring to Voice Chat or actual in-game audio issues?

Update: Thanks for all of the examples and descriptions. We're starting up further investigations into the issue.


Originally posted by Weinersnake

Are you also aware that the use X4 Planes 5 times challenge of week 4 is bugged? Please it's the only challenge I'm missing.


We're aware of that and have a fixed planned for a future update. 😎👍