Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Great point, agreed! I believe it missed the cutoff for 7.01 this week, but should be in the release after that.

08 Dec

The Explorer Pop-Up Cup has been re-enabled for all regions! EU will be able to participate for the next hour, but all scores from today will be removed in the future due to today's limited participation window.

External link →

We're aware of an issue where the Explorer Pop-Up Cup is not allowing players to hold the correct amount of materials. We'll be disabling the Pop-Up Cup as we investigate.

External link →

07 Dec


Stormwing: "I'm helping!"

Funny video, thanks for the upload!


You are the Stormwing now!

Seriously though, thanks for the upload! I've gone ahead and sent this off to our QA team and they're digging into it. There are a few Zipline issues we're currently aware of. You can track those here.


Originally posted by Abdulelah_jo

Please fix the connection issue. Especially after eliminating the last opponent..

That's an issue we're currently looking into. If it happens to you then please send a bug report to us using the feedback feature in-game. Thanks!


Originally posted by Toxikitz

Will this solve the ping issue also?

We actually resolved the PS4 ping/latency issue yesterday. If you're on a different platform and still experiencing a large change in latency/ping then please let us know. Thanks!


We’ve just released a client update for PC to improve stability and fix a crash. This was caused by a compatibility issue between certain older Intel drivers. You may need to restart your PC to fully resolve this problem.

We also recommend you update to the latest Intel driver, which is v25.20.100.6323.

External link →

Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

We’re aware of an increase in crashes for PC and Nintendo Switch players.

We’re investigating this and are working towards a fix.


Switch crashes have been resolved. Jump back into the Season 7 action.

We've just released a PS4 patch with fixes for crashes and incorrect matchmaking region settings.

If you're still experiencing crashes on PC, please update your drivers to the latest version.

External link →

06 Dec


If anybody is experiencing an increase in crashes on PC, please update your drivers to their latest version.


That's great feedback, thanks! We're taking a look at improving reticle readability against the snow.


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

Players may notice a higher ping or that they're being placed in an incorrect region for matchmaking. We're actively investigating this issue.

A potential workaround is to manually set your Matchmaking Region in Options to your preferred area.

Update 1PM ET - At this time we believe this issue to primarily be affecting PS4 players. If you are on a different platform and believe you are affected by this issue, then please leave your Ingame name, platform, and preferred region below in the comments.

Hey All,

I have one more thing to add. If you are able to list the normal ping and what you are currently seeing it would be helpful as we work to fix this issue.


Originally posted by xScorb

i have packet loss... 30% only in fortnite... and ping 30-300 and i play on pc. Region: Eu

What is your username?


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

Players may notice a higher ping or that they're being placed in an incorrect region for matchmaking. We're actively investigating this issue.

A potential workaround is to manually set your Matchmaking Region in Options to your preferred area.

Update 1PM ET - At this time we believe this issue to primarily be affecting PS4 players. If you are on a different platform and believe you are affected by this issue, then please leave your Ingame name, platform, and preferred region below in the comments.

If you are experiencing these issues, please leave your in-game name, platform, and your preferred region below. Thanks!


Players may notice a higher ping or that they're being placed in an incorrect region for matchmaking. We're actively investigating this issue.

A potential workaround is to manually set your Matchmaking Region in Options to your preferred area.

Update 1PM ET - At this time we believe this issue to primarily be affecting PS4 players. If you are on a different platform and believe you are affected by this issue, then please leave your Ingame name, platform, and preferred region below in the comments.

External link →

Originally posted by spyrous11

Hi u/mrpopotfs , thanks for being aware of the problems that come with the new update. Although I would like to mention that for some players there is extremely high ping with absolutely no reason . Me and my friends all from EU have 140 ping . Thanks in advance!


Thanks for reaching out! After the initial launch of Season 7, some players may have been placed in other regions servers via Sub-Region Matchmaking if they were unable to find a match in their own region. This was causing an increase in ping.

Please let us know if you continue to experience higher than normal ping as the day goes on.