Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

27 Nov


Originally posted by capnslapaho

Especially for people that play solo squads/duos, it has a major impact on some gameplay. Downed a player in tilted and naturally his teammate runs down to the bottom of the building to help. I'm in a fight with him, get him low, he's inbetween his downed teammate and myself, and pull out the shotgun. I hit him and see the "eliminated 'X'" and the player I'm fighting takes a couple more steps, so I assume "okay, I got him". I then realize the player I downed had died and his teammate was alive and well to shoot me after I thought the fight was over.

I know this bug has been around for a while now, but is there anything we can do to get them to at least acknowledge or address it?


Thanks a bunch for sending this our way, we're looking into this but could also use your assistance. I've included directions on how you can help us here if you experience this issue.

Also, if you happen to have any videos of this happening, they helped us greatly!

26 Nov


Originally posted by Huntcaller

It’s absolutely infuriating seeing absolutely NOTHING from Epic on this. I’ve been harassing u/FreightTrainUSA since he/she randomly responded to ONE Switch post, but other then “please provide videos”, which they took out of the Switch version, there hasn’t been a word on the problems we repeatedly brought to their attention. Nothing on their Trello, no replies, nothing.

All the feedback and videos are in my report, this has been submitted from the thread you are speaking about. We are having discussions about the Switch and how our Trello board will reflect the Switch. I understand the frustration, but fixes take time.

Thank you for being a passionate player and sending me the feedback that I was able to gather.


Originally posted by phleep

Realllly hoping players stop walking after you kill them, that bug has hung around for a while

We're actively looking into the issue that causes players to continue walking after being eliminated. We'll get a fix out as soon as we're able to.


Pump up your squad for the Legendary v6.31 update.

Downtime begins Tuesday, November 27 at 5 AM ET (1000 UTC).

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Originally posted by progressivemotion this a glitch i use ro run into all the time were i couldnt swing my ax or shoot untill ibpicked up and drop something. The extreme lag i experience afterwards was the first time i have experience that. This is what the game plays like always at the start of the match and if there is intense building going on. this is the worse lag in the game at tilted at the start of the match.
My game use to never do this befoee the fortnitemares update. Sqauds always ran kind of bad but solos feet like it was almost perfect. And if it matters i use motion controls. Which btw i noticed the building multipler does not increase the motin controls build speed. Thanks for your time and have a good night/day

I have reviewed all of this and included it into my report. Thank you for the feedback.

25 Nov


We've removed bundles currently while we investigate an error associated with them. Hotfixes sometimes take a little longer for all servers to receive them, so some players may have seen the Bundle version of the Store for a short time.


Originally posted by mumblyjoee

How do you have the highland bundle some people have it and others don’t

We've removed bundles currently while we investigate an error associated with them. Hotfixes sometimes take a little longer for all servers to receive them, so some players may have seen the Bundle version of the Store for a short time.


We've removed bundles currently while we investigate an error associated with them. The top image in this post is the version that players should see. Hotfixes sometimes take a little longer for all servers to receive them, so some players may have seen the Bundle version of the Store for a short time.


Originally posted by jaxofficial

Oh my I didn't realize you were Epic Staff. My IGN is tacozzFN.

Looks like you changed your name from jaχ to tacozzFN shortly before the event. You're #63 on the leaderboard - when we get unicode characters it can display erroneously in html format. Our database still has your previous account name but will update after more than 24hrs :)

24 Nov


We've removed the Rex Bundle from the Store while we investigate an error associated with it.

External link →

Originally posted by jaxofficial

I don't have any symbols or any greek letters in my name and literally changed it yesterday so there would be no excuse.

What's your account name? :)


Originally posted by TheSupaSaiyan

Ahh an epic games employee is a dbz abridged fan, a true man of culture

First rule of Popo's training...


You made it look so easy!

21 Nov


Originally posted by SweetPlane

So me and friend play mobile from time to time and we will always keep getting killed by pc or console players.

Mobile players join mobile only lobbies. The only time cross-platform happens is if one of the players in the party is on another platform.


PC and Mac players will be receiving a client update in order to make some stability improvements.


PC and Mac players will be receiving a client update in order to make some stability improvements.

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Originally posted by NRGYOBA

Are you qualified upon reaching the 20point mark, or do they pick the 100 best scores across the 2 day span?

It's the 200 top scorers from each region.


Originally posted by BlackKnight117

Does it mean we can headshot now with snipers?

We'll be releasing the changes to the collision volume in the next update, Patch v6.31.


Boom! We’ve re-enabled Dynamite as well as made some adjustments to the Mounted Turret.

Mounted Turret Changes:

  • Headshot Multiplier

    • Reduced from 2.0x to 1.5x
  • Time To Overheat

    • Reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds

We’ll also be making additional changes in the upcoming v6.31 update. We are going to adjust the collision volume to make it easier to land shots against whoever is occupying the Mounted Turret as well as change the Turret’s floor to take structure damage instead of player damage.

Drop into the fun and keep the discussions and feedback coming!

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