Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

28 Feb


We've discussed this at times internally and there are a few concerns that would need to be worked through,

1) Readability - Especially for console players, most banners at the size shown in the mock would be unintelligible. Unless they're much larger, it will still mostly just be colors. This would also impact the compass, since it also needs to show a large enough icon.

2) Mentioned here - Uniform banner icon and background color choices by players. This is becoming less and less of an issue the more icons we introduce, but still collisions happen. I probably wouldn't solve this with more colors under the user's control, if we bothered to differentiate them, we'd probably do something like add a star for each duplicate around the outside or something?

3) Does this buy us anything besides giving the banners more play and will it in practice? When I put my marker down on a city, most of the time it's just immediately overlapped with everyone else's on m...

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27 Feb


Glad to hear it, Godfather!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not a football, confirmed.


Originally posted by nsuserdefaults

Well, legend has it Joel is still in the box. The rest of the team is fine I think.


26 Feb


Originally posted by Repairman-manman

I had a similar issue being banned after a match earlier today. No reason given. I have actually put money into buyingSTW and BR. Please let me know what can be done from here.

Potentially the service hiccup we had if it's resolved now? PM me your displayname and I'll look into it if not.


Originally posted by automaticiso

I dont see a queue timer because i csnt get past the loggin in screen..

This is actually the waiting room queue. There's an unfortunate issue on console right now that makes it so you can't see the queue countdown.

If you're seeing an indefinite 'Loading...' on login just hangout, you'll get through after several minutes.


Originally posted by Kissmangasucksass

Im not even getting a log in queue it just stays loading the logging in screen

This is actually the waiting room queue. There's an unfortunate issue on console right now that makes it so you can't see the queue countdown.

If you're seeing an indefinite 'Loading...' on login just hangout, you'll get through after several minutes.


Originally posted by upvotethis12332

I have an issue where I can't get past the logging in screen, Is this an issue that's happening to other users just now?

This is actually the waiting room queue. There's an unfortunate issue on console right now that makes it so you can't see the queue countdown.

If you're seeing an indefinite 'Loading...' on login just hangout, you'll get through after several minutes.


Originally posted by the_only_luke

where can i find the client logs and where do i post the ticket? thanks xx


Can you create a support ticket, include your client logs, and PM me the ticket number?


If you truly believe someone is cheating in-game, please report them and we can investigate.

25 Feb


We expect it to be resolved with the next major release. Sorry this has been floating out there for so long.


Originally posted by NITEFORTLEGEND

An epic dev commented on my post. Life complete <3 . You guys rock!

How about a comment on your comment? :) Super funny clip!

24 Feb


Originally posted by Narendur

Seems good. Also... Hey, Matt :)

Hey Narendur! Glad to see you!


Originally posted by FoxtrotOscarX_ray

So spectating is a priority but better controls for console isnt. No bueno

Hey FoxtrotOscarX_ray! I'm currently on a team focusing on social features, but I'd be happy to pass along controls feedback to the right people.


Originally posted by DJxHALx

It would be cool, but I would like to have control over it - If i'm not in the mood I could just disable it in options or something.

I'm thinking we'd respect the Party Privacy setting. If you're set to private, people couldn't spectate you. What do you think of that?


Originally posted by Mr_Good2

Does it work that way for the tiers too? If I buy the Battle Pass week 5, and I already have tier 15 for the free BP, do I immediately get tier 15 for Season 3 as well?

Yup, and you'd instantly get all the rewards in that situational as well!