Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by OWstrider

Thanks for your reply and I'd be happy to provide any information that can help. To preface this I'll add this nugget: My specific kind of colorblindness is Protanopia. Prior to the 2.5 update I always had a slight bit of trouble differentiating between blue/purple items as well as a slight bit of difficulty seeing at night.

With the 2.5 update when I have the most trouble seeing enemies is at night time just as before but its waaaaayy more pronounced. On multiple occasions already my friends have had to ask me "why I didn't shoot that guy reviving his teammate" even though they are in the middle of my screen (just as an example). Since this update the entire game feels less vibrant, hazy, and almost like it's running at a lower resolution (although I'm sure that's not true). All colors are seemingly running together now which is ultimately what's making it difficult for me to differentiate between items, enemies, backgrounds, etc.

The specs I run the game off the t...

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Thanks for sharing your experience!

We did some side-by-side tests between older builds and 2.5 earlier today and the biggest difference we found was that night time is a little brighter than previous. I’ll be sure to do the same test with your settings- I know in the past that low settings with post processing has been darker, due to “auto brightness exposure” being disabled. Try turning that a notch higher and see what happens.

Any pictures would be very helpful!



Originally posted by [deleted]

Explanation: The colours of the weapons in the ground are so bad, we can barelly see them properly


If replicable, how: just look at the weapons in the ground


Please fix this

We have a fix for this lined up for the next release!

As noted elsewhere, this was intended to be an optimization. This issue actually prompted us to improve our pipeline for approval of new gameplay affecting visuals before they get into the game.

Sorry about this!


Originally posted by OWstrider

As someone that is colorblind so it's effecting me more... This is really sad to read :(

The entire game looks washed out to me to the point I'm having trouble spotting enemy players let alone determining which loot is which. This change doesn't need to wait until "next patch" but be hot fixed asap tbh. I'm already tired of not being able to tell what gun a drop is until I'm right next to it... and then on top of that I need to actually read the rarity to know what exactly I'm picking up.

I really don't mean to be rude because I love all the hard work you guys do but I'm basically not going to be able to play your game until this "next patch" hits and that's super disappointing. What good are performance optimizations if it comes at the cost of making your game not worth playing.

On the issue of the game generally being washed out, would you be able to provide any specific examples (an image, or just a specific time of day and location that caught your eye) We want to be super-super extra sure we’re on the same page about this!


Originally posted by BruceOfChicago

Hey dude, sorry for this super late reply:

Basically at a certain distance/angle, certain walls start "flashing" rapidly. I can make a small video if you need further clarification.

Sounds like we’re on the same page! We’ve found a small hand full of these and have them fixed in our next build to go out!



Originally posted by Matthais

Yeah, he really thought outside the box

15 Feb


Hello pippatke. Try checking whether you need to update your GPU driver. I'm tracking similar reports and would love to hear back if this resolves the issue for you.


Originally posted by BreakfastAtWimbledon

Will they change it back because everyone has noticed it? I don’t really know how these things work. Or is it like Snapchat where they won’t give a shit about what others think?

Epic dev here- We're looking at this right now!

We're definitely not happy where it is right now, and are actually changing some of our pipeline for getting content approved and in the game so that we don't run into these kinds of situations in the future.


Originally posted by dontstunt69

Thanks for contacting -

My Monitors res is 1920x1080 yes. After the Update the 3D res was 2880x1800 instead of 1920x1080 at 100%.

"Fix" ; I changed Screen res and toggled between various settings and now it stopped changing itself back to 2880x1800.

ALSO - i just noticed that my Screen refreshrate was capped to 60hz in adapter system settings!! (240hz Monitor). I dont know if thats possible through a Game Update or if it was an auto-update in the background for AMD drivers...

Thank you!! We'll dig into this.


Originally posted by BruceOfChicago

Wall clipping is the huge thing I'm noticing right now.

Epic Dev here- What exactly do you mean by "Wall Clipping"? We've been discussing it here, and we think we understand, but some clarification would go a long way!! Thanks.


Originally posted by dontstunt69

its like on the first Version of the game... same problems here. also 3D rendering went to 2880x1800 instead of the usual 1920x1080 at 100%

Epic Dev here- Is that the native res of your monitor? Just trying to get a clear picture of what's going on.

14 Feb


10 points for creativity. Wow.

13 Feb


Originally posted by FanC_Fox

How fun is it to play a game a you helped develop?

A lot of fun actually. To see how people react to the things we have created or built is humbling and amazing at the same time. I've worked on games in my past where it felt like a chore or part of my job to play them. Fortnite I play in my free time because I find it entertaining.


Originally posted by Ricxz

may i ask how i change my ingame name? when i go to the site wont load

Not sure there is an option in game. I tried the website and it worked fine for me.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Chance of bringing them back is high. Keep checking the store!


Originally posted by Xilixir

I don't find you guys often, but I knocked one of you down about a week ago, danced and they left the game :(

Also just going to ignore that one of the squad members in this clip's name is basically 'epic admin'?

Was probably me.

12 Feb


Originally posted by NizeDine

Would love to see if from your POV

Didn't record it but maybe I can recreate the moment.

We were at warehouses on loot lake (D4) when another team ambushed us. My buddies served as excellent meat shields buying me time to get 3 kills but I wasn’t fast enough to save them. I was left alone with 3 other players.

Time was short after the battle and the circle was closing so I had to cover some ground and head towards the forest between Snobby Shores and Haunted Hills (B4). Kept looking around to see where they were but saw nothing. I figure I'd get in the circle and setup a base trying to do my best.

Right as I get there and I found a nice spot to build my log cabin I turned and saw building behind about 100 yards away on the hill from where I had just come. I panicked and started firing the AR then lobbing grenades with the launcher to see if I could pick one or two off before spamming some walls. Player in the clip charges me so i swap to the shotgun in an attempt to take him out close...

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Originally posted by Epic_Joel

Sigh. Knew this was going to be posted as soon as it happened. My terrible friends died earlier in the game and left me to 1v4. They almost died laughing when they saw this play. Thanks, going to have to hear about this from them for the rest of my life...

Lol Joel don't blame your "terrible friends."


Originally posted by Velaxity

RIP Joel's Career.

Was over waaaaaaaaay before this. I'll just leave this here....

10 Feb


Originally posted by LelandE

I did nothing showed up in my inven :(

Were you charged Vbucks? That's the placeholder image, so I'm guessing it couldn't find the offer for that slot for some reason. Even if the UI gets funny, it obviously shouldn't actually complete any purchase and deduct funds.


Originally posted by LelandE

I did nothing showed up in my inven :(

Were you charged Vbucks? That's the placeholder image, so I'm guessing it couldn't find the offer for that slot for some reason. Even if the UI gets funny, it obviously shouldn't actually complete any purchase and deduct funds.