Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Originally posted by skipoleschris

My problem is similar but slightly different: My son created a new account from the xbox but got the email address wrong and can't remember the password he picked (he's been suitably lectured on this ;-). We therefore have an Epic Games account that we can't login to because we don't know the password and we can't verify it or request a password reset as the email address is wrong.

I raised a support request with Epic 10 days ago but nothing has happened. Any ideas how long this might take? All I want them to do is change the email address on the account to a valid one so that we can verify it and request a password change. I made the support request from the email account I use for the xbox, so hopefully that's enough proof that I'm not trying to steal the account.

We really want to play Save the World together but I can't link him as a friend from my PC without being able to login to both accounts. Anyone have other suggestions for resolving this?

I am not sure I understand why you can't login with your xbox account. You should be able to access that new xbox account your son created even though you don't have the email/password by using your xbox login, right? PM me your ticket number and I'll ping someone to take a look.


Agreed - this is on the list to fix.

03 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


Looks like the payment went through. The v-bucks will not show up on PC, log into your Xbox to spend them. After you spend them, the item is available on any platform.


Originally posted by scrappy6262

Love ya. Keep on being awesome, and please don't stop interacting with us! I see people spam Epic comments in unrelated threads with suggestions/complaints. Makes me feel bad, and worry :(



Originally posted by Bossdude234

Just letting you know, rainbow smash is bugged. Check this post:

Looks like it was fixed for the next release. Thanks for letting me know.


PM me your in game name or email and the platform you play on. I'll take a look

30 Mar


If you believe that your ban was inaccurate, you are welcome to PM me to discuss further. However, since you claim your brother went looking for cheats, that seems unlikely.

Cheating bans are permanent and there are no warnings. We take this very seriously in order to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun time playing Fortnite.

Additionally, as stated here, we ban computers associated with banned accounts in order to prevent account churning to bypass our bans.

29 Mar

    /u/S-LG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Stats on both shotgun's are unchanged! We just shifted the colors to better visualize their power.

27 Mar


Originally posted by angelotadeucci

when it's uploaded can you drop the link? :D

Sorry! Got caught up with GDC and then went on vacation. Haven't been on reddit.


23 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by Luuu90

i missed the stream and they don't have the VOD for it on stream, anyone else knows if there is a full vod on youtube of it?

VOD is uploading to the Unreal Engine YT channel as we speak. Will have it up shortly.

16 Mar


Hey guys,

Thanks for bringing this up. I've forwarded the concerns here on to our QA and Perf teams. We'll be digging into this shortly. We want the experience to awesome, and this sounds less than ideal. Thanks for your patience while we dig in and investigate these issues.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Please reconsider the render distance for plants and shit on ps4 on the latest update. There and mushrooms and hedges and shit just popping up all over the place at close-medium range. Really distracting!

We’ve heard your feedback and are working on this for an upcoming build!

13 Mar


If you believe you were banned incorrectly, you can PM me the displayname associated with the account and I can look into it. Thus far, we have not seen any false positive bans related to EAC.


Hi Willis!

You can use the steps provided in this support article to see the account that your XBL account is linked to.

If you need additional assistance once you check, please contact us through the Epic support site here.

12 Mar


Originally posted by thavy

Sent you a PM

You are all set my man. Let me know if you need anything else in your ticket.



Originally posted by thavy

Why ping this person in? Can they help? I got a PM by a user called u/DJDerrickG and he's asking for a ticket number to help me... is that person legit? They have 1 karma and basically no activity on. Reddit

I have an Epic badge and work in our support department. I'd love to help you out.

09 Mar

08 Mar


Originally posted by JustKitten-

What happened to the on/off setting that switched the functions of X/O on PS4? It used to be somewhere near 60 FPS and now its removed and i’m stuck with my X/O switched

We actually are addressing that in this build, it slipped through the cracks shortly after we introduced it :) . You should have the setting again in the 3.2.1 patch.


Originally posted by Jac733

Explanation: The pickaxe swinging animation is broken when you hit an indestructible surface just once. (The pickaxe will jerk behind your back and swing over your shoulder as if it had swung into nothing)


If replicable, how: Hit any non-destructible surface just once (single click) like the floor, the side of a cliff etc.

Platform: PC

Got word that this one is fixed in next build! Thanks!