Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

24 May

    /u/3van on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by robbyro5

So can I be the only player in the playground LTM or is it just a normal match with 100 players but we respawn and get faster loot?

You can play by yourself in a match if you'd like to. But it's obviously more fun with friends.

18 May


Originally posted by syuen77

Hypothetically, if I made another Xbox account for the time being, and linked my EPIC account to it, it could work right? I just wanna play Fortnite with my buddies on Xbox with all my progress. Btw, reason this has happened is because my EPIC account was hacked, and someone disconnected my Xbox account from my EPIC account. Now my Hotmail has been hacked and I still have not been able to retrieve my EPIC account. In terms of contacting support, what is the best way to do this?

Correct, you can create a new Xbox account and connect it to your Epic account and you should be able to play on Xbox with all your progress. In any case, I'd contact support first and see what they can do for you.

At the bottom of the page, there's a link to send a support ticket via email.


Originally posted by syuen77

This is ludicrous. I've spent so much money and time on my Xbox account, and now it's locked to some randoms email? How is this good service? Crazy. Please is there a way just to remove the linked Xbox GT from this bogus random account?

I'm actually an engineer working on these systems providing you with some transparency on how the system works. I'm sorry I can't help you further. Please contact support for further assistance.


You are able to remove the Xbox Login from the (headless) Epic Games account.

Do the following in order to disconnect the Xbox account from the headless account and reconnect it to your "main" Epic Games account:

  • Go to the website and login using your Xbox credentials (from the login dropdown, select Xbox)
  • After logging in, it'll ask you for additional details. In particular, an email address, display name and password. IMPORTANT: Make sure you use a REAL email address you have access to (and it's not associated with an existing Epic Games account)
  • After you've "upgraded" that headless account, it'll basically be a full Epic Games account with an email/password to login. Go to and verify your email address (th...
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Yes, cosmetics and progression is shared between consoles and PC.


Originally posted by syuen77


I made an email to link my current Xbox account, with the intention of disconnecting it, and therefore freeing up my Xbox account from an EPIC account.

I currently have an EPIC account which I have played with for months, and wish to link this account to my Xbox GT, but I cant, due to the mentioned above.

How do I unlink an account which has not been verified? And I cannot verify as I had typed the wrong email address in in the first place, so I have no access to this email?


Unfortunately you cannot. If you linked your Xbox account to a "bogus" or mistyped email address, you will not be able to disconnect it until we add a different way to verify accounts. The feature is in the backlog so I cannot provide you any updates on when it'll be implemented. I'm sorry I cannot be of more help in this regard.

14 May


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

u/Gemini_99 11 days and no news, man i have no hope left, adios Fortnite :(

There should be a fix in 4.2, I’m hoping it makes it into the final build.

10 May


Just got this tracked we should have it resolved for the next update. Thanks for the video!

09 May

    /u/arj4n on Reddit - Thread - Direct

hey, this looks wrong for sure. When this happened in a match, could you go to the menu and press "feedback" and type a quick report? that will give us some more information. thanks!

08 May


Thanks for posting. We're investigating this collision issue.


Originally posted by DarkLordCZ

Wait, you don't work at Epic anymore?

Still do.

04 May


Brownian Bay

L'Hospital's Lodge

Euclidean Estates

01 May


Originally posted by Gemini_99

the thing is i need the controller imput to work with the mouse imput,right now one cancels the other one so this option is not helpful for the kind of problem i have

Hey u/Gemini_99, the option they're referencing is meant to be used together with joy2key, xpadder or something similar that monitors for controller input and generates keyboard input on its behalf. Definitely give it a try as a workaround for now.

I'll look into why what we had regressed. Let me know how the above works out.

21 Apr


Originally posted by 6-22-2016-End

I know this is an old post but you still haven’t responded. Then why is there a bDisableMouseAcceleration=False then in the GameUserSettings.ini?

That config setting is routed into this Mac only CVar, and has absolutely no impact on PC:

static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarMacDisableMouseAcceleration( TEXT("io.Mac.HighPrecisionDisablesMouseAcceleration"), GMacDisableMouseAcceleration, TEXT("If set to true then OS X's mouse acceleration curve will be disabled while using high-precision mouse mode (typically used when games capture the mouse) resulting in a linear relationship between mouse movement & on-screen cursor movement. For some pointing devices this will make the cursor very slow. (Default: False)"));

The comment about the no-acceleration mode sometimes dramatically changing the speed of input is why it exists for Mac, otherwise it wouldn't exist anywhere.

Cheers, Michael Noland

17 Apr


Originally posted by DarkenMoon97

It would be nice if we could change HUD settings on the main menu.. and the settings would stay. Net debug stats will still not stay on if you mess with any option in the menu too. It commonly resets for no reason.



Looking at your desired HUD, the HUD options in the settings allows you to turn off the map/backpack keyboard hint element. Small part, but worth mentioning. These options are currently only visible once you load into a match.

I'm interested in showing trap data, though if the designers decide to add 3 more traps, the display would need to support that case without unbounded growth.

10 Apr


Awesome, I'd wear that :D

09 Apr


Originally posted by MrRAGER170

i have a headless account on xbox and i made a epic account then i tried to link it to my xbox and it said that my xbox account is already linked to another epic games account anyone know how to find out what epic account is linked to my xbox one?

A headless account is an Epic Account that has an association with an Xbox/PSN ID. If you are trying to consolidate accounts, I would suggest logging in with your headless account on the website (you can use Xbox to login on the website). That will ask you to enter additional information (such as email/password) and you will be able to use that email/password to login on the Epic Games launcher, for example

07 Apr


Originally posted by mthrs

Fun Fact: Epics anti cheat system can ban you for using swings.

Fun fact: it only ever banned you for being on the swings on October 8th, 2017. Never before and never again. Our bad. :)

06 Apr