
Foxhole Dev Tracker

16 Jul

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Update 57 revisits the weather systems that were added over three years ago in Winter Army. The goal of these changes were to address major player feedback, make weather have more of an interesting impact on gameplay, and adapt weather to all the new content that has been added over the years.

Rivers and lakes can now freeze over again. This was a feature that was removed in Naval Warfare but not only is it back, but it's been expanded upon. Frozen bodies of water can now crack and break when vehicles drive over them.

The heavier the vehicle, the more quickly the ice is damaged. Large Ships like Destroyers can also crash through ice while Submarines can traverse beneath. Broken ice will refreeze over time.

... Read more

26 Jun

25 Jun


Originally posted by Mallig98

Thanks for the reworks of the weather system, it has been some time since weather wasn't that impactfull or had any interesting gameplay loop. It has been at least one year since I've built a campfire to unfreeze a vic as far as I remember

Will we see a new overhaul of an old mechanic (such as bunkers, build in general, or maybe logi town ?) at some point ?

While there will likely be tweaks to those (e.g. we want to review the current Bunker meta at some point in the foreseeable future), I wouldn't expect a major overhaul anytime soon. We know the community has been patiently waiting for changes in other areas of the game like infantry gameplay so there's a good chance we'll see some movement there.


Originally posted by PresentAJ

Will the sub break ice at periscope depth?

I'd answer this but I'd rather it be a surprise when you guys test this in the dev branch :)


Originally posted by Stylish_Yeoman

Are there now ways to remove mud from people like with firetrucks spraying people who are burning?

No but that is a neat idea.


Originally posted by Mean-Estate1536

Why was weather deemed to be more important than many of the other QOL issues currently experienced in foxhole?

It wasn't necessarily deemed more important right now. Development is scheduled such that there are larger features like refreshing weather, shared Facilities, etc that need to be planned out far in advance. So it's not so much that we feel like right now is the most important time to work on weather, but its more that a weather refresh was in the queue for development for some time and we've finally reached the point now that it can be completed and released.

Now sometimes we do disrupt that queue of planned features to work on something more important, but we have to be careful to not be constantly doing this, otherwise no big feature will ever get completed. To put things into perspective, if we didn't have the capability to execute on longer term plans, Foxhole would still be a game made up of 3 hour matches in a single region with a hundred players rather than a persistent world with thousands.

However, in tandem to that queue of longer term planned out featur...

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We'll be answering questions here for the next few hours. Update 57 specific questions will be prioritized. Thanks!

External link →

24 Jun


This update is fairly conservative and definitely smaller than 56. It's mostly what we said in the recent Devblog so I wouldn't expect any big surprises either way.

20 Jun


The next Devstream is on Tuesday, June 25th at 1PM ET. Join us on Twitch for a live preview of what's coming to Foxhole in Update 57

In terms of what to expect, please see our recent devblog: ...

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12 Jun

05 Apr

WARDEN LIGHT FRIGATE - BLACKSTEELE Named for the unpainted look of an early prototype, the Blacksteele-Class Frigate is a highly manoeuvrable, albeit small-statured vessel. Deployment of “Trident” Submarines by the Republic Coastal Legion saw the Caoivish Naval Command respond in kind with the Blacksteele.

Designed as a sub-hunter escort, the Blacksteele excels at thwarting submersible assaults against larger, ungainly ships. The head shipwright on the project was none other than Conor O’Brien’s top protégé, Rory Boyd, who, in his later years became known as a master shipwright, and largely recognised as the man behind the Caoivish Naval Command’s world-class reputation.

Primary armaments include two 120mm turrets and 68mm turrets. S... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Apr

    Siege Camp on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Due to technical issues, War 112 has been delayed to Wednesday, April 3rd at 1PM ET. For additional details, please see the #updates channel on the Foxhole Discord.

27 Mar


Originally posted by Muigg

I'm sorry if it came across rude. I just wanted to make a funny post.

I am aware that these things are purely meant for testing new features and is not designed for the amount of players that joined this duell and im really glad the Developer Team let's us test these features in advanced in a sandbox-ish environment than an actuall game environment.

I also want to thank all of you for your amazing effort you guys put into the game and keep providing us with amazing features optimisation and fixes and endure the sometimes questionable player bashing.

Foxhole is really unique and so is it's Community and Dev Team and I'm really happy it exists.

Godspeed Devs! Keep up the good work!

No worries! I mostly wanted to confirm so the correct information could be relayed to the dev team.

26 Mar


Originally posted by Muigg


The dev branch environment was just never designed to handle this amount of traffic or this scale of battle. A few days ago we updated the configuration of the server to address an obvious issue that would cause this sort of problem under load on dev branch. However, today's test battle caused further problems with that configuration.

For context, the dev branch environment has about 5% the amount of server hardware as the Live shard and is made for 100-200 players spread out among lots of regions (which is the average amount of players usually in dev branch). When these sort of dense test battles occur, the dev branch shard gets stretched way beyond the capacity they are designed for which results in several problems including this one.

In the future, if these test battles are going to be done more regularly, we're just going to have to factor that into our dev branch setup.


Is this on the dev branch?

19 Mar