
Foxhole Dev Tracker

03 Nov


Just popping in to say we've seen this complaint. We'll make sure it isn't a repeat of the trench partisan scenario.

26 Oct


If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to leave us a review. Thanks!

It's that time of the year again! The annual Dead Harvest event is back. In this year's event, the Colonials and Wardens have weaponized the Cursed, allowing players to resurrect themselves as 1 of 3 undying soldier types from the underworld. In additio... Read more

22 Oct


There's a lot of useful feedback in this thread that helps us to identify the problems. There are a lot of valid points in this thread, pointing out things like speed not being a factor in this video. However for better or worse, short videos like this that help to highlight the balance arguments and counter-arguments are invaluable to us for identifying your concerns. So thank you.

There is one vein in this thread I feel compelled to dispel. Some players have expressed concern over a rumour of a 'shadow nerf' to the silverhand. Know that this is expressly false. It is never our intention to make balance changes without adding them to the patch notes. If a value was changed without a patch note, then its a bug, or we goofed (which can happen).

I investigated on our end. There has been no change to the health or armour values of the Silverhand in at least 3 months. So if there was a nerf, it was indirect. Perhaps, for example, the damage of the weapons you're using t...

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21 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thank you very much. This helps a lot. I'll make sure this gets addressed ASAP.

15 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


There are a lot of different variables here that make this kind of bug hard to nail down.

1) The user doing the shooting could be having their shots appear on their screen, but not on your screen. The shots may be registering on the server, but not being replicated to your client.

2) The client doing the shooting could be seeing nothing appear. It could be his local latency is not sending the message up to our server and shots are not registering at all.

3) His voice could be lagging. He could be saying that he's shooting but the connection to the vivox server could be coming through delayed.

4) There are a tonne of client-side issues this could be as well. For example the aiming reticle could be outside of the allowable deviation, but still showing white for some reason.

5) A bonus would be if there is anything else you could think of that might replicate the issue. Just knowing that this issue occurs when its 'laggy' is useful, but there ar...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


Im sorry this doesn't really highlight the problem for me. Is there any other video footage?

Try to understand this isn't just for my sake. The problem here is that I want to get a ticket to our programmers. They need to see the problem to begin diagnosing it. Video is the best way to do this with issues like these because it seems related to lag. Lag-related issues are a bit harder to reproduce for internal testing.

14 Oct


It would be immensely helpful to get a video of this. Thank you.

01 Oct

30 Sep


Not going to disagree or agree with your post here. Instead I just wanted to chime in with a few extra notes that will hopefully inform you guys a bit more. It would suck for us if players never bothered choosing the vehicle (like the mortar tank) but that is your right!

  • The Colonial ATAC is not just an ATR mounted in the turret. The rate of fire and stability-gain is higher. Just like its handheld counterpart, the gunner will still need to control their bursts for maximal accuracy. But a daring crew might be able to get you in range of your target to utilize its full rate of fire and really chew them up.

  • Open top is a theming choice. Right now we feel that the Colonials are a faction that would utilize their lighter vehicles more aggressively, which means more exposed tops to give the crew a wider view of the field. The wardens will get their own selection of open-topped vehicles as well, but only where their mechanical engineers might feel they ca...

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20 Sep


We're getting a few reports of players saying they're receiving this error inappropriately. Do not worry. Our tracking of actual alt accounts is more sophisticated than the system that triggers that popup. You are safe to continue playing despite the error.

You might be able to remove the error by validating your steam files (Right click Foxhole > Properties > Local > Validate steam cache).

If that doesn't work for you try uninstalling and reinstalling foxhole, or simply wait. We are in the midst of trying to narrow down the issue so that the warning is more selective.

18 Sep

16 Sep

If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to leave us a review. Thanks!

Mortar Half-Track The HH-d “Peltast” is a new Colonial Half-Track Variant that has a 360 degree mounted Mortar. Similar to the hand held Mortar, it is capable of loading different shells including Standard, Smoke, and Flare rounds.

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10 Sep


Surprise Mechanics

12 Aug

If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to leave us a review on Steam. Thanks.

ARMS RACE Arms Race is Foxhole's big summer update and includes a ton of game changing features like an overhauled vehicle system, 24+ new modular variants, the siege and assault tank classes, seaports, a new technology system, and much more!

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09 Jul


All of the visual and sound fx you saw in the demo videos were placeholder. We'll get em sounding nice.
Pretty much all the vehicle sfx will be redone for the new driving as well.

08 Jul


For the record, because there's some confusion in the comments, this isn't official, it's fan-made. But very cool!

25 Jun

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Foxhole is a game where many players are encouraged to work together in a sandbox environment. Due to the freedom that we give players, there is always the opportunity for players to cause trouble and ruin the experience for others.

We expect every player to follow the rules listed below. If you are found to break these rules, expect a ban to be issued.

Code of Conduct Read the Code of Conduct[].

Dealing with Griefers If you encounter griefing in the game (i.e. players breaking the code of conduct), use the following guidelines to resolve the issue.
  1. First, try resolve the issue by talking it out with the offending player through in-game text or voice chat. Sometimes, griefing...
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