
Foxhole Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by jmansmith8

Not sure where to put the sticker though

Center of your monitor seems like a good spot


Originally posted by D__Kid

It’s an ad

Yea man. We paid him off with Reddit gold.

14 Jul


Awesome! glad you like them.

11 Jul


Originally posted by Cimatron85

Welcome to foxhole! Nothing else like it!

Now this is a pull quote for the game!

08 Jul


The joke is not acceptable, as brought up. The player that made the quote has come forth and apologized for it, since. I'll be locking this thread since witch-hunts are against our rules, one way or another.

05 Jul

    KrazyFlyinChicken on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Update 45 Preview

If you missed our last devstream you can catch it on youtube now. In it we discuss the upcoming changes to Foxhole including Tank Armour rebalancing, Tank Armour visual damage, and two new tanks.

30 Jun


The next Foxhole Devstream is happening on Friday, July 2nd at 2PM EDT. Join us on Twitch for a preview of Update 45.

We are doing something a bit different this time. Instead of our usual Q&A at the end of the stream, we will be joining the next episode of Zero Dark PressCorps where the community can call in to ask questions. Visit the #updates channel on the official Foxhole Discord for instructions on how to call in:

Foxhole Devstream Twitch Channel: ...

Read more External link →

28 Jun


Originally posted by sytaline

I'm going to make some properly irl buildable versions then! these ones use the magic of computers to get away with parts that aren't always available in the right colours

Damn you computer magic! Hahaha.

Don't worry. I'm just being selfish. I don't wanna make more work for you! Nothing sucks the enjoyment of hobbies faster than turning it into busy work. XD

Just rest assured that I loved you Lego creations!



Ok.... this just got 137% extra adorable, now with both of them. Send me the parts list and instructions. I gotta get them for the office (whenever we go back)


27 Jun



08 Jun

If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to leave us a review. Thanks!

T20 “Ixion” Tankette A bombastic variant of the T12 Tankette, the “Ixion” provides its crew with more support and a mounted Infantry Support Gun. Added weight from the armour results in reduced overall speed.

... Read more

07 Jun


Originally posted by Z0LVIN

If you enjoy this style. Go check over the Hell Let Loose reddit. OP here said it was inspired by a guy who only draws like this on that games reddit and they are indeed that good!

But but.... Then it would not be Foxhole. That makes it 1000000 times more special. It's a sunday-cartoon-esque fan art of my game afterall!


(No shade on Hell let Loose, though. Awesome game)

I imagine that the guy there that OP mentioned was in turn inspired by the political cartoons like in the New Yorker. Some awesome stuff. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧


Originally posted by armagin

Still looks like something you might find in the Globe and Mail.

Makes sense, considering this is basically the same style political cartoons through our the world. It makes me particularly happy to see it as a foxhole art since my favorite cartoonist in the world has been Quino ever since I was a kid.

06 Jun


I really appreciate the well thought out, constructive post. Thank you.

05 Jun


Originally posted by dwarfmines

tank armour, and subsystem disable chances

Please let us use this opportunity, then, to express our dissatisfaction regarding how those mechanics work currently...and "work" should be interpreted loosely.

Given the raw imbalance apparent here, those other factors simply do not come close to making up the difference.

I agree that some of these mechanics need review and my reply wasn't meant as commentary on balance, but more so to ensure that a more complete picture was on the table if opinions are going to be formed around this.


Please note that the stats here from the community wiki are missing DPS (rate of fire), tank armour, and subsystem disable chances.