Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

27 Nov

18 Nov


Originally posted by RenegadeReaper

This was forever ago, but I'm proud to announce I finally managed to obtain Exordium, finally, after much hard work, and it's every bit amazing as I originally thought it was. :) Thank you again for making such an amazing piece of art!

omg grats! So glad you finally get to enjoy it now! And thank you! 💖

10 Nov


I'm biased, but Joe & co. did a heroic job bringing S1 back. Super proud of them.

09 Nov


That's awesome.

Now we'll have to crash an airship there to stand in for a sunken X-Wing...

06 Nov


Originally posted by southsun

Not enough consummate Vs.

I wouldn't know majesty if it bit me in the face :(

Maybe next time I'll add more chiaroscuro shading.


Originally posted by zoejdm

I spent too much time thinking what those "deloris" were.

Deloris is the ghost of Good Handwriting Past


Originally posted by ComfyFrog

I enjoyed watching anet beat soowon without even bothering with subgroups.

I'm more surprised we did it considering I contributed basically ZERO dps and was dying constantly while jibber jabbering the whole time. I talk with my hands a lot and got absorbed in storytelling and at several points my hands were no longer on the keyboard lmfao. No one ever said multitasking was a strong suit of mine, I have no idea how streamers do it!

01 Nov


Originally posted by petya990912

Quick kinda unrelated question... Are the ascended minstrel's equipment named after you?

I think technically it's named after the in-game NPC, which of course is named after me.

31 Oct


Is this my favorite piece of music I've written for the game?



26 Oct


Originally posted by Andulias

I saw the ANet Response flair and was like, Ipos? I bet it's Chelsea. Was not disappointed :D


25 Oct


Originally posted by Lindelle

Ok, I don't know how popular this may or may not be with other players but here goes. Coming from someone who was very active during LS1, loved the story and lore (thus far)... no one could tell WHAT the hell Anet was doing with this Scarlet story. There's some stuff going on in Southsun and something is pushing ocean life out? Sure. Now we randomly had dredge and flame legion pair up. Uh, ok? Back to southsun. Now dragon bash. Also all of the festivals at the time were considered LS content. This story was so back and forth you would have had whiplash trying to keep up. Here's some steampunk pirates. Ok also a big toxic tree. Now a giant marionette. Anet's reasoning was that they wanted it to feel like an epic TV series that sometimes different episodes talked about different things. We learned this later on I think, but at the time it was so jarring. And a BIG COMPLAINT was... what about the dragons?? Isn't this game about dragons?? (Funny how the players felt that way b...

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So you know what Anet did? Retroactively decided Scarlet was a Mordy villain all along. I will die on this hill. Short of an Anet member coming to me and telling me this was the plan all along, well... I still wouldn't believe them. Adding Mordy at the end was to save face and satisfy the players. That's why none of the sh*tball that was LS1 made sense.

No, her being an agent of Mordy all along was always part of the plan, hence Omadd's machine and all the elements leading up to the reveal at the end of S2. S1 was a lot of things back in 2013--frantically paced, hard to follow, and somewhat of a player-facing mystery at first. But we ended essentially where we planned to from the start, though some of the details morphed along the way due to scoping, scheduling, feedback, and an 11th hour decision to not kill off a particular character.


Originally posted by semperverus

What's your recommended Steam controller config?

I've been using SamCW's Souls-like layout, but there are a ton of user made ones I haven't tried yet. Hopefully you'll find something to your liking!


Seeing a pattern of things in this thread:

  • Some folks are commenting on S1 as it originally launched (2-week cadence, no journal support)
  • Others are commenting on the revival version (months apart, full journal implementation, "remastered" and new instances)
  • Some have only read about the story, whereas others have played it in part, and others may have played the entire dragon story from end to end (2012-2022)
  • Many folks aren't connecting the dots of what's in the game, either because they missed a detail or forgot after they encountered it
  • Scarlet's full story takes place over the first 2 seasons and beyond

Each bullet above is its own lengthy topic. Since we're in the middle of a VO deadline while also juggling Extra Life prep I won't be able to post very much over the next couple weeks. But I wanted to pop in and let y'all know I was reading.

I fully respect everyone's right to an opinion or critique, good ...

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Originally posted by oldfashionedglow

YES! Let’s see it

Heh. I won't livestream but maybe I'll tweet when I try it in case anyone wants to join the instance to watch me fall to my doom 100 times.


Originally posted by NeronTheTyrant

Huh, pretty cool then. Thanks, I'll grab season 2 when I have the gold B)

Yeah, play S2. It *should* be clearer afterward.

24 Oct

23 Oct


how do i delete someone else's post

jk i love this with every fiber of my being

21 Oct


Always such a joy when we can allow people to realize their lifelong dreams in our game.