Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by SpitefulShrimp

Ah ha get f**ked mining rig

Several of us on the team can't stop laughing at this. This is what I will be thinking every time I go into that part of the map now XD

27 Feb


OK, now we need them to play bass, drums, and horns. :D

26 Feb


Over the years we've experimented with both: 1/ releasing campaign assets in advance (usually the Tuesday prior), and 2/ releasing campaign material the day of the update (trailer releases the same time that the update drops). There are pros and cons to each approach, but when looking at the data, they are highly comparable in terms of how they drive player reactivation (what this thread seems to be concerned with).

For this update, the trailer, key art, blog posts, and press coverage will drop on Tuesday, supported by Twitch Drops.

17 Feb


Originally posted by IzzyOwnz

"Something special like a raid" when Urgoz raid? ;) kappa

TBH I have raided on Steam Deck. Did it for Extra Life back in November. :)

16 Feb


Originally posted by garpu

That makes me feel relieved for proton/steamdeck and the new CEF update, if the steamdeck is already being used by devs. :) (Which one did you get? It's a nifty thing, but I think I'm saving up to upgrade my video card/cpu instead.)

That makes me feel relieved for proton/steamdeck and the new CEF update, if the steamdeck is already being used by devs. :) (Which one did you get? It's a nifty thing, but I think I'm saving up to upgrade my video card/cpu instead.)

I got the 512GB model, but I'm pretty sure it works on all of them! I did pick up a 1TB microSD card for additional storage, but I installed GW2 on the internal nvme drive.

Enjoying it a ton, actually! Been using a community template that one of our QA embeds made (SamCW's soulslike) since it uses the triggers and buttons for skills and uses face buttons or the bottom buttons to "shift" skills. Been playing my warrior on Deck since it's less complex to play than my ele.

So, even though Deck is technically unsupported currently it works pretty well IMO. I've limited frames to 45 to conserve battery life, and in most cases will get 30-45, except in busy fights or really elaborate environments with lots of...

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14 Feb


Originally posted by Artaica

Time zone issue, I see devs all the time. I just did DE with Roy a few weeks ago, a full EoD meta train with Bobby Stein a few days before that, and I have both Complement the Creator and Carry the Creator achievements for doing strikes/raids with an Anet employee. Every other day I see an Anet tag in Mistlock or Arborstone.

Are they super high-end players? Not really, but I wouldn't reasonably expect people who spend 8-10 hours a day working on something to be super enthusiastic or engaged with it during their free time.

I play the game every night. Only do raids and fractals on special occasions. Mostly do open world stuff, metas, story, etc. since it's casual friendly and easy on steam deck.

There are actually a lot of devs who play the game but some choose not to tag up, and others may play on alt accounts. We're in there.

13 Feb

11 Feb

10 Feb


I am insanely jealous.

08 Feb


We have a fixed lined up for this in the next release.

06 Feb


Hi all. Normally I wouldn't come here to shill something like this, but this may be the only opportunity to get a copy of the End of Dragons vinyl if you missed the pre-order. Don't hesitate! It's incredible looking and a perfect compliment to the Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire collections.

They'll be available on the iam8bit website on Tuesday Feb. 7th at 10 AM Pacific Time.


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05 Feb

02 Feb


They look great all together! I just got a couple copies of the EoD vinyl last week and it looks amazing. Thanks for supporting and listening!

31 Jan


Originally posted by Manetros

"every change breaks someones workflow"

In gvg tournaments, after the first stealthing phase, we used to send 1 player away from stack with their mini enabled, trying to trick the enemy into taking the bait.

Ha! Clever tactic. Hopefully the same group didn't fall for it multiple times in a row...


Originally posted by Firefiend1

Yep just tested, can still use minis in WvW, other people can see mine and I can see theirs.

My first comment was gobbled up by reddit, so trying again.

Known issue! They're showing up in inside Alpine maps, but they should be off in OS, EBG, DBL, and EotM. The change to hide them in Alpine will go out in the next release.


Originally posted by Krasinet

Just one problem: I can still see a lot of them. Well done ANet...

Known issue. They're showing up in Alpine maps still, but they should be off in OS, EBG, DBL, and EotM. The change to hide them in Alpine will go out in the next release.