Guild Wars 2

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03 May

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I think the best part about this is that the pinned achievements are both fishing achievements


Originally posted by MithranArkanere

I belive there's an ANet employee with a character called Zharra something-something.

It me! Zharra Embermane

01 May


Originally posted by TheExtremistModerate

Well, it's still gave me a chuckle a couple months ago when I first noticed it.



Originally posted by TheExtremistModerate

Yup. Something like "Who wants a horse that talks back?"

I wrote that silly ambient scene like 15 years ago. LOL

04 Apr


Originally posted by Boumeisha

Doesn't really have anything to do with it. It's more about server infrastructure and each game's technical design.

Downtime isn't a thing for GW1/GW2 because, to the extent that they have or have had in-game "worlds," they are distinct from the underlying server architecture, while an FFXIV data center or world is tied to specific hardware and characters are tied to those worlds.

With GW1/GW2, they're able to simultaneously host instances with different builds of the game. This means that ANet can put out a patch, spin up instances for that new patch that players will enter as they log into the game with the new patch, and players can keep playing on the old build while that's going on. This is why you'll get a message saying something like, "New Build Available. Log out within 2 hours." They don't want to host the old build indefinitely, but they don't need to interrupt your current session or kick you out of the game for hours at a time.

Running multiple builds is key as you suggest. It's easy to say but hard to do as it requires the entire engineering team to be "on point" and ensure that everything they do is compatible as you move between builds. So there is a software architecture that enables this but it's solid engineering especially by the gameplay programmers that makes it work.

17 Mar


Originally posted by Iksbrown

Needs at least 3 health bars, 2 aren't enough.

“I want a hornhealthbar here, here and here. You can never find a hornhealthbar when you’re mad.”

07 Mar


Originally posted by Varorson

This makes me wonder how Thaddeus Ghostrite's audio got bugged out. Happened years ago (maybe when the Fear arc got removed or restored?), but during The Ghost Rite, Thaddeus no longer has the risen FX to his voice, it's normal now. Always figured it was just the FX was failing to go with it.

This makes me wonder how Thaddeus Ghostrite's audio got bugged out. Happened years ago (maybe when the Fear arc got removed or restored?), but during The Ghost Rite, Thaddeus no longer has the risen FX to his voice, it's normal now. Always figured it was just the FX was failing to go with it.

It's likely just a case of a bulk backend process that accidentally reverted a file that wasn't supposed to be changed. If you have the info I can pass it along.

03 Mar


Originally posted by Wooperss

Was it a NPC in Lake Doric at the lumberyard?

Because when that map came out I SWORE I heard an NPC say that line and I couldn't believe it. So I told some other people and they didn't believe me. I said where I thought I heard it and sat around for HOURS waiting for the NPC to say it again.

Everyone thought I was crazy and eventually so did I, but I guess I wasn't?

I think it was an asura outside Rata Sum. But it was a long time ago so I may be wrong. LOL


Originally posted by Swordbreaker925

What a stupid change. Hearing someone as gruff and serious as Rytlock say “clusterfudge” is so f**king goofy and childish.

What a stupid change. Hearing someone as gruff and serious as Rytlock say “clusterfudge” is so f*cking goofy and childish.

It's a bug. The original, processed line cut him off with static so it implied...the other F word. A bulk processing import must've caught a wrong file or two and paved over the old one. It's been logged and sent over for review.


Originally posted by pushedmynan

Hey, you're that Rytlock Trombone, the revenant, right?

Hey, you're that Rytlock Trombone, the revenant, right?

A classic line from Season 3.


Originally posted by Rhywolver

Thank you for you answer. I'll do that, but since the "Crane"-thing, which I reported a year ago (as far as I can remember, I won't be mad if you prove me wrong) has never been fixed, I don't have the feeling that somthing happens... but I'll try!

Thank you for you answer. I'll do that, but since the "Crane"-thing, which I reported a year ago (as far as I can remember, I won't be mad if you prove me wrong) has never been fixed, I don't have the feeling that somthing happens... but I'll try!

Is the "Crane" thing also a localization bug? (Loc is a separate department so I'm out of the loop on any issues there.)


Originally posted by BappieJ

Okay, I just started playing last year and it is WILD to see you link a video I uploaded just cause I loved that line ahaha.


02 Mar


Originally posted by Rhywolver

I really hate to bother you, but since you are here and talk about minor details in the voicefiles - could you tell me if it's just a bug or intentional, that half of the voiceovers for the german version of the new story update are missing? For example Rama and the Norn male character are silent during the first chapter while Gorrik is fine, other players are missing more lines in later chapters.

Just asking because I want to be sure if it's just bugged or somehow abandoned, since - sadly - bug reports about bad translations seem to be ignored since EoD release (example: Crane (the bird) = "Kranich", not "Kran")

half of the voiceovers for the german version of the new story update are missing

If that's happening, it's a bug. Can you submit that via the in-game tool, please? Thanks.


Originally posted by Bionic164

Do the Charr use the same shampoo as humans? If so, how much do they use? I have to imagine it gets real expensive.

Do the Charr use the same shampoo as humans? If so, how much do they use? I have to imagine it gets real expensive.

Whatever they use, it's working. Ever notice how soft Rytlock's fur is?


Originally posted by SamMathias

Haha, do you know/remember if Graham McTavish used the same swear alternative when recording Bangar's "MOTHERF-"?

Haha, do you know/remember if Graham McTavish used the same swear alternative when recording Bangar's "MOTHERF-"?

I don't, but I bet it sounded great!


Originally posted by Nico_is_not_a_god

That's so much weirder then, if this isn't intended, since the "bug" would be swapping out a single audio file from a years-old story chapter lmao


so much weirder

then, if this isn't intended, since the "bug" would be swapping out a single audio file from a years-old story chapter lmao

Stranger things have happened. We once had an NPC say, "I'm getting too old for this sh*t!" make its way live. That was a fun bug to hotfix.


Originally posted by Rytlock

Thank you for preventing what would have been a real clusterf**k for us over here.

Thank you for preventing what would have been a real clusterf*ck for us over here.

Do I need to grab the bar of soap, son?


Originally posted by Nico_is_not_a_god

If it's a bug where the game is failing to "interrupt" the original VA with the static SFX, it's really funny that y'all had Steve Blum say "clusterfudge" in the first place.

The FX are "baked" into the voice file, so it's probably a case of import error. (But a true audio professional will investigate. I'm just theorizing.) But yeah, when we're in the studio we have the actors say a goofy swear in case something like this happens. LOL


Thanks for the heads up. Bugged it and sent it along to the right folks to look into.