Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

14 Sep


Originally posted by Senior_Can_2643



13 Sep

12 Sep


Originally posted by shadowsiam

Saving without changes (also called "blank edit" iirc) is just meant to force the wiki to refresh the cached content in the database without actually changing the content and also to propagate it to included contents (templates etc). That's why it wouldn't solve the CSS issues but could help with broken parsed content.

For the next MediaWiki upgrade, we'll try to run /u/chieftainalex's bot before going live to see if it can help with making this smoother for everyone (editors and players).


Originally posted by Chankzor

Sounds normal to me, I'm sure it'll be back to normal soon enough! Always thankful for the tireless work on keeping the wiki running and updated.

Credits to every single wiki editor who create the entire content of this wiki.


Originally posted by chieftainalex

Cheers Stephane but we all know the actual hard work is the bit J and QA do prior to even letting us know there's an update coming!

Ha Alex, never stop being your amazing self! ;) The hard work we put in the wiki is multiplied many times by the awesome community of the editors.


Originally posted by Chankzor

No, it finished at 4gmt. I get the problem too. They did change versions, perhaps thats it.

Yes, it's very common for the wiki to be in a "broken state" after an upgrade. MediaWiki (and the associated software we also use, such as Semantic MediaWiki) changes a lot of things between two versions and most of this is totally transparent for the content created by the wiki editors (who are players like everyone here and volunteer their time to edit the wiki). This requires some work to fix the content structure (things like template and CSS) that only wiki editors can do because they're the ones creating and maintaining the content.


Originally posted by chieftainalex

The CSS bugs are mostly fixed after I've applied the changes. I was able to prepare these in advance but was stuck in traffic on my way home from work :)

As to why the content is broken... we use one particular extension which doesn't play nice each time ArenaNet upgrades the wiki software (we call this one "SMW" - we use it everywhere, it's a beast and it lets us do pretty things) . The maintenance script provided with SMW (intended to be applied after we do updates) just keels over and stops halfway through with the size of our SMW database.

So we end up running some scripts to purge pages on the wiki (same as happens when you click the clock as a logged in wiki user). There's about 100k pages on the wiki, and the script is ticking through the pages. It'll get there, just give it 24 hours and don't worry about it. We're working on it.

This is probably one of the reasons we don't upgrade very often.

(I still think it's amazing that ArenaNet host the...

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Please a round of applause and /bow for /u/chieftainalex, who worked very hard to prepare for this update last week. Every time we upgrade the MediaWiki software, a bunch of CSS gets changed and Alex has to go through hours of fixing it.

And regarding the purging, unfortunately, we're bound to Semantic MediaWiki and they still haven't fixed this bug. Generally speaking, we don't upgrade too often to keep the software stack stable (and also because of how many months it takes to prepare these upgrades).


Originally posted by eidrevensemem

As a web dev who dont do css much, I am curious how saving without change fixing it lmao. Anyway, thanks for reply.

Like /u/DJembacz mentioned, it's about forcing the MediaWiki software stack to update a few things, because these things (a technical element of the wiki called Semantic MediaWiki) can take a while to be updated in a big database.

09 Sep


Originally posted by InfamousBrad

I thought they hired Floyd "Castle" Grubb for this job? Is he out already?

Floyd is the Senior Game Designer on WvW.

EDIT: Clarification on Floyd's role in balancing can be read here:

08 Sep

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Jesdeath

Hello Roy ❤️❤️ miss you.


    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Shooper101

Wait, do you actually work for anet now?

I do indeed!

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The ERP 3 Champions back at it again. This is sick, congratulations on an awesome record :)


Originally posted by theogwulfe

Anet/GW2 seems to not care very much about its 10th anniversary. For the stamp rally in Seattle, after spending a couple hours doing it, all that we received was old merch - four stickers (of mostly older expansions), a wrinkled Heart of Thorns wristband, and they made us spin a wheel to get another item. Most of the wheel had a chance to receive what I did, which was a GW2 bag with Path of Fire logo on it, and “a history of Tyria” items inside of it that had: an old pin, an old Icebrood Saga magazine, and an extra sticker. Felt really lacking in the reward department- at least give me a t-shirt or something better than some old stickers, an old wristband and whatever else you found deep inside the dusty merch cabinet. We got the feeling that they either didn’t care or they got zero budget for this “event.”

I'm so sorry you were disappointed. I wish you had let me know at the time--I was working there both days for the entire event and would have been happy to help you find something you liked better--there were art books, signed art prints, GW2 pint glasses, posters, plushies, coffee mugs, enamel pins, and other things. Some of that stuff is sitting in my car right now because we didn't give everything away--I would have happily hooked you up! We had a few people throughout both days who either already owned the item they won or knew they wouldn't use it. They let us know and we swapped it out no problem--we wanted to make sure everyone had fun!

You actually should have received a t-shirt, and I'm sorry you didn't. Everyone who came back with their completed book received the wristband, the set of game logo stickers, a t-shirt in their choice of design, and of course the postcard art book, plus the "bonus" prize from the wheel spin.

I am sorry for not being aware of...

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06 Sep


Alright, this got me! Quality content.

To address the issue at hand, yes, we're keenly aware of the mechanist incursion. To reference my balance forum post from Aug 18, it certainly seems to be 'dominating the meta'. No details to share today, just wanted to let y'all know we're looking into it.

03 Sep


Originally posted by gw2_memeHub

Mom!!! Game Director replied to my comment!



Originally posted by gw2_memeHub

Yeah grouch was streaming wvw in the morning

I did stream WvW yesterday (8 hours, what the heck?), but I can't claim credit for this claim. :)

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It was a pleasure to meet you both! Happy trails :)


Originally posted by Kennith_Draxtan

All of your designs are always such a joy. Bolt, Quip, Dreamer, Nevermore, Xiuquatl, Ipos, Shining Blade, and Exordium are some of my favorite legendry's in the game. AND the best mini in the game, the mini-angry-chest.

Thank you! 💖

02 Sep

Originally posted by Roile

This is awesome! Hopefully I'll have a chance to see it in person :)
