Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 May


Originally posted by disablestyle1

Question about the experimental envoy armor skin, I remember some time ago someone from Anet said, if you get the precursor skin / legendary, the experimental skin for the same weight will unlock. But as I crafted my medium legendary armor I saw that it didnt unlock the experimental skin as promised. ( I chose light as experimental, cause of that info) Now I am missing the experimental armor skin, is there a chance for a fix?

I think what we actually said was that you could freely select the weight for the Experimental without concern because it is only the weight selected for the Refined Envoy that is converted into the final Perfected armor. If you want to craft the other weights you can buy an Envoy Insignia from Glenna that can be used to craft the armor you want.


Originally posted by anchuin

Really loved the story and map this time, it's even fun to get to remote places now with the new mastery!
However I fell into 3 holes I could not get out of and managed to get oob once and then got stuck there. Reported them all of course.
My question to Elizabeth Bergeron: How long was the map tested for? I know that you now can get to anywhere easily and that may have impacted testing.

Testing on that map took approximately 200 hours (double the normal length of a pass like this)... I suppose it goes to show that no matter how hard you look, it's hard to catch everything!! :(


Originally posted by TheCavis

It's well established lore that skritt get more intelligent in larger groups. If you had a skritt mesmer, would it get smarter as it summoned additional clones and phantasms?

Since the clones and phantasms aren't truly individuals with their own consciousness, I'd have to guess no. :) An interesting question to ponder, though!


Originally posted by Wiz-1543

I would like to be able to complete the home instance nodes, some black lion chests nodes are unobtainable. I love the quality of life for the map currencies the quality of the map is just amazing. The story is good. All in all good work!

Thanks a ton! I'll let the team know!


Originally posted by GruntSq

LIVING WORLD/STORY - What are the consequences in divinitys reach and in the rest of kryta, Spoiler

What happens to the priesthood?

The german roleplaying community is strongly based in divinitiys reach, this information is invaluable to us. Thanks in advance!

Your spoiler tag failed. Not sure why. :) And a response: Spoiler - Story Response


Originally posted by [deleted]

If you don't mind me asking, what steps did you take into getting your job? I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment and would love to do something like that but I have no idea where to start.

I have a degree in game development and simulation programming. However, there are a lot of folks that get their foot in the door of the industry via becoming a tester. You learn a TON that way. Honestly, more useful industry info came from my time as a tester than came from my whole degree program, if you can believe it.


Originally posted by TheRocknight

I don't mean to criticize, but whats up with Lazarus just hiring a bunch of mercenaries to do his dirty work? there's not much justification used for that and I don't understand how he would have gotten the money to pay them, aside from outright stealing it. It seems very odd and I feel needs a little bit of justification.


Originally posted by SynergizerSyd

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the instance!


Originally posted by Fanintu

whoever decided to Spoiler-ish is my new best friend <3 i love it!

i've had a blast in general, playing this episode's story and exploring the new map with the new mastery. who came up with it? it's loads of fun to use, reminds me of the grappling hook from legend of zelda a little bit.

Thanks, Bestie! The mastery was something that was originally going to be part of a task heart in Episode 02. We all loved it so much we decided to hold on to it and use it when we could really do it justice.


Originally posted by RisingDusk

And a beedog.


Originally posted by Knoppergal

Would those 4 big island have covered the entirety of the rest of the fire island chain? :O

No, not literal islands, rather it was in reference to 4 large landmasses (at varying elevations) attached to the interior of our giant hollow volcano.


Originally posted by Draxjon

Thank you for adding a special golem to our home instance ^

You're welcome!


Originally posted by bobothereal

Any news on a fix for the Lighting bug introduced in april 18ths patch? Its quite a shame having every map be real dark or a disco, especially the new map as whenever things work as they should it looks kinda nice.

more info:


Originally posted by [deleted]


<3 to the dog people! <3


Originally posted by [deleted]

Posting for an friend of mine: In the book when Rytlock meets Ember Doomforge, he tells her that she has her grandmothers eyes ( Almora Soulkeeper ). Now since when do badasses or just guys ingeneral notice something as someones eyes unless they find them either attractive or love them? Am I onto something?

LOL. Badasses survive so long because they notice the little details. ;)


Originally posted by PhoenixOfTheFire

First thing I wanted to say, I LOVED todays episode! Everything from spoilers and especially the map and the new mastery. Amazing job!

Secondly, I wanted to ask if you saw the recent suggestion of adding the year the zone takes place in, or slight lore tidbits about the zone to the loading screen (maybe even a loading progress bar). I really liked the suggestion and was wondering what you thought about it, and if it would even possible without some sort of drastic rework (cause a big rework for it wouldn't be worth it).

EDIT: Added link to the reddit post i referred to.

So glad you enjoyed it!! And I think your idea is very interesting. It would take a ton of work to implement retroactively, so it's unlikely to happen. But I like how you think.


Originally posted by Bloodyscratt

Any idea of the "minimal requirement" for this client ?

We are working on determining this right now.


Originally posted by ANET_Laevateinn

Dogs: This is a much-discussed topic among the team; I will take your interest as a vote for dogs but can't promise what the future may hold!

I'm going to go ahead and +1 for dogs. Like an English Bulldog. And/or a Corgi. And a Shiba.

All the dogs!


Originally posted by Diokana

I absolutely love the new mastery that came today, maybe even more than I love gliding. What kind of challenges did you have designing the grappling hook?

The biggest challenge was deciding how, if at all, to limit the mastery. The harsher the limitations, the more likely it was to be included in other maps, but the less fun or intuitive it became.

The first iteration was a timed buff, but had unlimited charges. After that, it had unlimited duration but only a single charge. We also tried a distance based system, where you could fire the grappling hook whenever you were near an Oakheart's Essence node. There were pros and cons to each of these attempts, but we ultimately liked the 3 charge version the best.

The other biggest hurdle was getting the character animations and FX to look smooth and polished. As one example, originally if you fired Oakheart's Reach while gliding, the glider would briefly tilt to the side as the character's arm reached forwards.