Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

25 Jul


Originally posted by DrPeckers

Can we expect Legendary Trinkets as possible rewards for other parts of the game such as fractals, WvW, SPvP, and raids? Or will they be tied specifically to future Living Story Seasons?

We have an entire set of trinkets planned out, and they won't all be tied to Living Story.


Originally posted by ZC321

Any plans to do a core trait/skill update again any time soon ?

The last few were nice but there is still tons of repetitive, mechanically disappointing or just plain sub par stuff in game (Looks at spirit weapons & hollowed ground)

The skills and balance team is pleased to say that you'll be seeing a balance pass in the next release. We're looking forward to it! -Karl


Originally posted by [deleted]

Can you share/hint something about the legendary accessory, please? As in will it have any effect in game, what is it and so on.

Thank you in advance.

It gives your character a persistent effect that we've tried to make distinct from other legendaries (or infusions, shoulders, etc.)


Originally posted by Lovaa

Could we get some sort of information about the connection bug. It is keeping a lot of players locked out from all the new stuff and it is frustrating. I understand you most likely working on it, but last time i had this i waited at Lake Doric for hours and hours and would like to avoid that this time by at least get some word if this is a quick fix or something i should come back tomorrow for.

Hey Lovaa, we are indeed aware of the issue and are currently working towards a fix.If I may ask, do you have any DPS meters installed? Also, have you tried rebooting your computer and logging back in? Others have reported that the DPS meter can cause issues with client crashes and inability to log in. Along with that, other players have found that rebooting their PC has resolved connection issues.


Originally posted by dibblesdabbles646

Did white mantle keep instance with a party of people. However, nobody other then the instance owner received credit at the end. Happened twice (party of 4) and then we gave up and split up individually.

Hey dibblesdabbles646, thank you for reporting this! We're aware of the issue and are looking into it. In the meantime if you go in as a party again make sure that everyone has the "Find the entrance to the White Mantle Hideout" step complete. From there everyone should be able to enter the instance and progress together while getting credit. :)


Originally posted by zawias92


im in last instance, the big guy has dissapeared somewhere and im just being struck by lightnings for like..10 minutes? guess gotta reapeat it..

Hey zawias92, thank you for reporting this! We're aware of the issue and are looking into it. In the meantime, we feel it may be due to overactive amounts of Condi Damage before he starts pathing back. A work around right now would be to leave the instance and re enter (You'll be at a checkpoint so you won't lose much progress) and when that phase comes tune back the condi damage a bit. :)


Originally posted by Ryzel0o0o

Going near the walls in the White Mantle Hideout caused me to fall through the floor and end up outside of the fort but unable to jump off the cliff or move past an invisible boxed area.

Hey Ryzel0o0o, thank you for reporting this! We'll look into the issue :)


Hey Antzaeh, thank you for reporting this! We're aware of the issue and are looking into it. In the meantime, we feel it may be due to overactive amounts of Condi Damage before he starts pathing back. A work around right now would be to leave the instance and re enter (You'll be at a checkpoint so you won't lose much progress) and when that phase comes tune back the condi damage a bit. :)


Originally posted by Poki-3


The Mastery Insight in Fireheart Rise can't be used. It says that I already got it, but I didn't, so it might be sharing the ID with something else.

Hey Poki-3, Thank you for the report! We're aware of the issue and are working on a fix. :)


Originally posted by runereader

"Where's Balthazar" story step stalls after destroying the first crystal.

Good Morning! Thank you for the report. We're aware of the issue and are working on a fix. In the meantime it's possible to leave the instance and come back in at a checkpoint not far from the step you got stalled on. We think the issue might have to do with Counter Magic and the Shards. I'd recommend killing it with your regular skills for now.

19 Jul


I was Jebaited into this thread. . . Well played

14 Jul


Originally posted by RSmeep13

I thought they fixed that bug

We did :(


Originally posted by Cuedon

What's worse: Asura have a similar effect. (Toned down from the original version, but graaaah.)

Edit: Edited an old comparison; it's legendary light overlaid on top of legendary medium; I added the blue and green lines to indicate the approximate body lines between medium(green) and light(blue). Not sure if the original image was pre/post change...but a quick check in-game suggests it's hard to tell anyways.

Neither the sylvari nor asura light legendary chest pieces are scaling correctly right now. I've alerted the artist and we're looking in to this. (We thought we'd fixed this but it appears to have resurfaced again.)


Originally posted by thyeggman

Pinin' for the fjords?!?!?!!

Beautiful plumage.

03 Jul


This is being monitored and investigated.

There's possibility for as much as one more instance of this problem to happen per non-Obsidian Sanctum Mist War map, per tier in NA, if it happens before this Friday's reset. If this Friday's reset happens first, we should be in the clear until a permanent solution can be found.

01 Jul


I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences.

27 Jun


Originally posted by Ravval

hmm.. Did you come back to the WvW team? o.o

No, my primary duty is still Living World. I'm just temporarily covering for McKenna, since she happened to be out of office today.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Thanks for the explanation. Was it happening to just that matchup or all of them?

This issue was only occurring in that one matchup (Tier 4 NA).


This was the result of an extremely rare bug that created "ghost" maps of the green Borderlands in a default state, generating additional points for all teams, but favoring the green team. In the short term, those "ghost" maps have been terminated, while we take steps to prevent this from happening again.

22 Jun


Originally posted by orenwolf

Feedback so far:

Firstly, this is on a Maxed 2012 iMac (27-inch, Late 2012) 3.4 Ghz Core i7 24 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB

  • It used the downloaded assets from the 32 bit client! Awesome!

  • Test settings: Everything set to “High” except shadows, Character Model Quality set to Highest, use Hi-Res textures on (yay!), Native rendering

  • Zoning is slow. Slow slow slow. Took four minutes to load my character in from character select, and about 45 seconds to move to a different waypoint.

  • Sound is delayed about 5 seconds from when my character acts.

  • Particle effects are delayed about the same amount.

  • Game is running 30fps in Ember Bay though, possibly vsync limited even though I don’t have that selected.

  • actual gameplay is fine, other than the particle effects and sound – combat actions happen on time.

  • Anything interface-y was initially s...

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  • Sound is delayed about 5 seconds from when my character acts.
  • Particle effects are delayed about the same amount.

Is that just the first time you act, or every time?

  • Zoning is slow. Slow slow slow. Took four minutes to load my character in from character select, and about 45 seconds to move to a different waypoint.
  • Anything interface-y was initially slow (for example, guild treasury was ~15 seconds) but loads more quickly after caching

Given your point about sound and particle effects being late, and these, it sounds like this could be file loading that's just really slow for you for one reason or another. Are you running the game off an SSD?

  • Game is running 30fps in Ember Bay though, possibly vsync limited even though I don’t have that selected.

Correct. It's not piped through yet.