Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

22 Jun


Originally posted by RaptorDotCpp

When I press those, the game registers it as "Tilde" in the options menu. So that key seems to be mapped to the windows Tilde key (which corresponds to the @ on my layout if I'm not mistaking).

It's like the @ key simply is not bound or recognized in the game engine.

Ah yes, you are correct. The label for those input bindings are for the equivalent key on a US keyboard layout, and it appears those keys are swapped for you. Which is likely why @ won't work for you, cause that key is missing on a US keyboard. I believe it will work for keyboard input though (as in, when typing in a text box such as the chat or launcher), but it's likely still swapped.

Thanks for clarifying though, I will make sure to update the bug description with this.


The team has been investigating the issue and are working to get a fix out as quickly as they can.

21 Jun


Originally posted by JoelTheSuperior

I get more than double the framerate on the Windows client right now.

That said, I'm confident things will improve with time.

I think it's unlikely you will get the same performance as with the Windows client. Most of the CPU time is spent in Apple's graphics drivers. That said, performance is definitely something we're still working on so it should hopefully at least improve over the current.


Originally posted by RaptorDotCpp

Dutch Shudder (from Belgium if that makes a difference). I'm on a Macbook Pro so it's the default Belgian keyboard on a Macbook (looks like this).

The @ key is also what I used for weapon swapping before, but it doesn't seem to work in game either.

Great job on the port, I am so very excited!

I think the rest of the buttons work as is.

Could you see if using the <> key works instead? It's a common problem (on our end) for those two keys to be swapped in certain ISO keyboard layouts. (The one next to 1, and the one next to left shift.)


Originally posted by [deleted]


What input language do you have in macOS, and what physical keyboard do you have?

20 Jun


Originally posted by HitByATrain

My assumption is that a lot of these buffs are overpowered for WvW. I also have a feeling they don't want to make healing too strong in pve because then a lot of encounters will lose their challenge.

This update was specifically aimed at PvP, so the goal for balance was to make mostly pvp-only changes. Barring the couple of changes that would have made the skill functionally different. As we've been doing, we'll evaluate the splits over time and look to bring them into the rest of the game (with some possible tweaks). Some of these will stay PvP-only, however.

15 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]

Asshole golem. Bad enough I got all the cats.

Shit! The cats! I better count them! In case the spider is eating them!

In my experience, cats think spiders are DELICIOUS!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Tell Aaron I need to kick his butt for this in the new PvP lobby. Or WvW. Either or.

Note to self: Stay out of PVP until this blows over...

09 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]

Is this the art show or does anyone know what they will talk about at the guild chat?

Today's Guild Chat is about the WvW update!

05 Jun


Originally posted by Traxgen

Guy above you is probably referring to John Smith, aka Anet resident almighty, all-seeing, all-knowing economist. In case you haven't been paying attention to the economy, t6 leather has been in a dire spot compared to other materials in the same tier. This is largely due to the changes made by Smith, of which there were many, and each have a significant impact on the supply and demand of t6 leather.

The first sentence of this post is very well written.

25 May


Originally posted by hollywood_rag

/u/CrystalRAID, /u/PaulElla, /u/ArenaJon

Is there special behaviour for Torment in raids?


24 May


that_shaman was correct in that twitter post. This string is from the HLSL to GLSL converter. There is no DirectX upgrade in the works.

23 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


Gilscale Pond is the hub after all ;)


Originally posted by SirMaster

Can we just appreciate for a moment how much time and effort has gone into the game on ANet's part to program all these dynamic event chains.

All the script writing, recorded dialog between NPCs, all the AI pathing and event triggers and everything.

You can play this game for years and still find events that you have never played before, especially ones deep into event chains based on succeed/fail statuses.

Dynamic events certainly can be complicated. I've been building these things off and on over the past 5 years or so. A lot of these bright red spots represent large amounts of time and effort. A good number strongly correlate to specific phases in both my personal and professional life. I've seen heatmaps before, but never of the whole world at once. Let's just say it brings back a lot of fond memories. Thanks to /u/that_shaman for posting this.

22 May


I'm doing local tests for a change to 1-up/1-down on the other monitor now. No exact date, but we're aiming to send it toward Live and turn it on when it's ready.

16 May


Originally posted by kiradead

can you guys poll us? there might be people like me that want to see the combat version.

The fix is already in the pipe. As always, though, we're watching for feedback on things like this.


This is a bug that crept in at the last second. It'll be hot-fixed back to the old behavior of showing the idle version.


Originally posted by ANet_Rubi

I suspect you'll get your wish. ;)

I hope you're referring to what I THINK you're referring to.

10 May


We temporarily disabled two of the fertile soil locations, last night, as they were causing map crashes. One in Draconis Mons and one in Cursed Shore.

07 May


When I first designed the suspicious bushes task, you couldn't [F] interact with the suspicious bushes, instead you had to throw a rock into them. The logic was that it'd be a lot safer to check out a potentially dangerous bush by throwing a rock into it, rather than sticking your face into it. However, the early playtesters were confused by this mechanic, so I re-enabled the [F] interact, and decided to leave the 'loose rocks' in as a minor easter egg.