Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

03 Aug


Oh...oh my god. LOL these are THE BEST! Bikini butt Gourdon is one of my favorite things I've ever made for the game. I am absolutely gonna use these. Thank you! đź’–


Originally posted by ANET_Laevateinn

I can shed some light on these issues:

  • Zephyrite Weapons: These 3 (+3) weapons don’t exist yet, but they’re in the pipeline. They were unfortunately pushed out last year in the lead up to End of Dragons, and we weren’t able to get them done in time for this year’s festival. While it's hard to make guarantees this far out, I expect them to be in for next year’s festival.

  • Weapon Boxes: This is a fair complaint – we weren’t able to adjust them for this year’s Four Winds, but expect to see a single-box version in this year's Halloween (more weapons for Halloween confirmed?). For what it's worth, the two boxes in Four Winds aren't strictly sharing drop chance, so it's more like you're getting extra weapon boxes compared to last year - but that's invisible drop-table-math and it's not fun to get the old box when you hoped for the new one.

(Vouching that this is an AN employee. Sent a request to mods to get them dev flair.)


I can shed some light on these issues:

  • Zephyrite Weapons: These 3 (+3) weapons don’t exist yet, but they’re in the pipeline. They were unfortunately pushed out last year in the lead up to End of Dragons, and we weren’t able to get them done in time for this year’s festival. While it's hard to make guarantees this far out, I expect them to be in for next year’s festival.

  • Weapon Boxes: This is a fair complaint – we weren’t able to adjust them for this year’s Four Winds, but expect to see a single-box version in this year's Halloween (more weapons for Halloween confirmed?). For what it's worth, the two boxes in Four Winds aren't strictly sharing drop chance, so it's more like you're getting extra weapon boxes compared to last year - but that's invisible drop-table-math and it's not fun to get the old box when you hoped for the new one.

29 Jul

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Can't wait to watch! Good luck everyone!

28 Jul


I see mine! :D

As for how many, it's hard to say but there are a couple varieties of signed ones:
1) The set that we all signed en masse, one for each dev employed at launch - a full room of them! (some of these have made it into the wild and I suspect this one is one of those due to the density of signatures and the presence of my signature).
2) One offs that sat on a table in the common area periodically to get signed as people walked by. These were often for giveaways, later hires, etc. (resulted in fewer signatures but more likely to be found in the wild)

edit: just saw the other comment saying this was won in a radio giveaway. Knowing that, this was probably one of the earlier one offs, but it's also possible there were extras from the initial mass signing.

26 Jul

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Congratulations! Great dedication, you love to see it!

20 Jul


Originally posted by daze413

Us: Wow! That's quality of life!

Anet: thanks

Anet: thanks

Anet: thanks

Anet: thanks


18 Jul


We're aware of this issue and working on a fix. Thanks for reporting it.

15 Jul


I’ve loved every single one of these but this may be my new favorite. Awesome work!

13 Jul


Originally posted by TheGreatMightyLeffe

Your cape is the sole reason my Rev has any back item at all!



Originally posted by Sophie_Fonsec

if only you didnt add those spikes on the shoulders for the heavy set :''', still nice tho.

I think you're referring to the Ebon Vanguard shoulders? I didn't do those - I don't do armor.


Originally posted by Jademalo

Is there a good way to get a fairly simple feature suggestion through to the team that would make the Steam Deck experience a lot better?

The deck can quite consistently run the game at 40fps, and with the 40hz mode of the display this leads to a great experience. However the Deck's frame limiter adds input lag, and the ingame frame limiter can only be set to 30 or 60.

Is there any chance of either a customisable frame limiter or at the very least a 40fps option for it? It would make a world of difference to how the game feels.

Best bet would be posting on the official forums and perhaps someone from Engineering would take a look. No promises or guarantees, but I think that's likely the best way to get it noticed by the right person.

Here's the US/English site for reference.


Yesss! Looks amazing! Really happy to see my cape being used in such great, grounded character looks. Fantastic screenshot too!

12 Jul


Originally posted by nohidden

Also Ramona who has little fat ears for extra cute.


09 Jul


Originally posted by Vertanius

It's ok, the dev will come here to post another funny joke and everyone will be happy.


08 Jul


Originally posted by Tulki

They also haven't posted a Q3 roadmap even though we're a week into Q3 which is a bit odd. I would have expected with the doubling down on communication that we would have gotten it before the end of June.

We ended the June studio update by noting we'd be back in mid-July to provide the next roadmap. You'll see it next week.

06 Jul


Hi, Hello! I just wanted to say that all of these are amazing and I genuinely look forward to whenever a new one pops up on Reddit.

Do you have a site where all of these live by chance?


Originally posted by that_shaman

As an Elementalist main all I've got to say about this: You'll never catch me alive!

Angry upvote


This is a proprietary tool for internal use only. How did you get your hands on this? ಠ_ŕ˛