Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

07 Dec


I switch back and forth between a hammer tempest (which is complex on Deck) and a dual axe berserker (which is much simpler). Both are doable with the right controller template but the latter is significantly easier in my opinion.

I've been using SamCW's soulslike template since Steam release but there are a bunch of different ones out there. You can grab a bunch, try them out, and even modify them if you want. Good luck!

05 Dec


Originally posted by SWTBFH

Late response, but I'm a relatively casual player and just finished Exordium for my first Legendary item. Wanted to thank you and the VFX artists for the amazing work. Has a look and feel better than anything before it or since IMO.

Ooh grats! I hope you have lots of fun with it! And thank you so much! <3

01 Dec


This quest step isn't intended to reset progress under any circumstance; I'll investigate.

  • Edit - I've confirmed that this isn't working as designed (similar quest steps from Season 1 do not reset) and the bug is tracked internally. This is a side effect of BFLA's setup, so it may not be a fix I can rush in but it's in the pipeline.

10 Nov


Originally posted by blackiehideaki

That's really well done!!! Though, that 8 Defense aquabreather needs to be changed! What bottom piece is that of Blaidd?

Super late response (I don't get on Reddit much these days) but it's the Arah heavy legs!


Fred made my night. I hope he is cured of his paralysis curse, or finds his way back to Tyria soon. :)

02 Nov

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is heckin neat, thanks for making these posts <3

27 Oct

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I don't understand, who is that cartoon character?


Heya! The mechanic was indeed bugged and there's a fix coming in the Nov 7 release. :)

19 Oct


Originally posted by Zark_d

It's even better when you have the embiggening tonic on.

I think the original version of that line was, "I feel four feet tall!" but some didn't get the joke.

To the OP's point: Disable Player Chatter and Disable Player Item Chatter are your friends.

While some folks enjoy the quippyness of the systemic chatter, I quickly grew tired of it so when the Audio folks implemented that suppression setting years back I gave them a big hug.

16 Oct


Originally posted by Glizcorr

My first Soowon meta clear is my best gaming memory ever.

Excuse me while I proudly print out this comment and frame it <3

12 Oct

05 Oct


This is a known issue that's being tracked and investigated.

29 Sep

28 Sep

Originally posted by GuntherCloneC

I'm so sad it's East Coast, *cries in West Coast*

Total Wine appears to have some at some West Coast locations, if that's of use. (If not, maybe Pyrotorrick can toss you a pack?)

Originally posted by Sawhung

you can listen to all of the soundtracks on youtube. i’m a big fan of ibs sound track and eod soundtrack. the original game theme song is still perceived as one of the best of all mmos

Fun story: before I joined the company, I had some friends who worked there, and they invited me to come playtest. I was running around Queensdale, trashing bozos and saving villages, and generally having a grand old time. (Get rekt, centaurs.) Colin, of all people, was watching over my shoulder, looking for pain points and unexpected play patterns and the like -- typical usability testing stuff. At one point, he stopped me and apologized: "Sorry about the music. We can kill the sound if you'd prefer." I hadn't even noticed that the audio was bugged, and that the "Saga of the Norn" track had been looping the entire playthrough. "Hell no," I told him. "I feel so...epic."

A decade and change later, I still love the music. : )

07 Sep


Originally posted by MakarTheGreat

Also the glider and backpiece dye slots arent in the same place. On the backpiecez bottom right is the collar's color and on the glider, the collar is upper left iirc. A small detail, but one nonetheless x)

It had to be done this way for technical reasons. I'm a stickler for consistency but I assure you this was the only way for this one to work.


Yes this is a bug. I love it when things randomly stop working between testing and release >:c