Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

18 Aug


Originally posted by Lower-Replacement869

Nick Hernandez where you at?!?!?!

It seems I have been summoned, haha. I was out on vacation when this happened so I missed it!

If you're curious as to what I would have said though, it's that I'm most excited for folks to get to run around Amnytas and discover the culture of the Wizards, the secrets held in each Bastion, and the things they can do to help deal a major blow to the Kryptis in that area.

I was the map team lead for that map though, so I'm a bit biased.

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by chase_vis

Roy "Roy" Marks, Rewards/WvW Team: Gathering nodes.

wow exciting

Gathering nodes are exciting! For some of us at least.

In all seriousness, as someone else mentioned on this thread, it's more of a running joke than anything, and I am really excited about the WHOLE expansion. I was just a player a bit over a year ago, and getting to see an expansion launch from the dev side has been a wonderful experience. It's been nothing but a pleasure getting to work with this incredible team, they've done amazing work. I'm very much looking forward to Tuesday.

And also I hope you enjoy the gathering nodes.

08 Aug


Aww you're gonna make me cry. Thank you so much! It really means a lot to hear this and it made my day! I tried really hard to make those Soo-Won ones as cool as possible, trying all sorts of things to get the surface to look like water, and it makes me so happy that you're enjoying them all so much! ๐Ÿ’•

20 Jul


Originally posted by Primary-Camera-4021

Hey! I'm aware this may be a while back but I wanted to thank you for creating such a masterpiece of a weapon <3 I currently have 105 hours into guild wars 2 in the past week and half, I just got a full set of exotic gear and I have my sights on Exordium! Its a beautiful weapon, the way it transforms with different abilities is amazing and am working hard gathering the materials I'm able as of now to obtain it :)

Thank you so much! That makes me really happy that you're going for Exordium first!

13 Jul


Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Oh I know, it's just the guild tag for the Arenanet guild that all devs are a part of, but afaik you only get the achievement if they're actively repping that guild

That is correct. When I do fractals, I don't put up the tag until the last boss is at like 5% health, and then I take it back down when the Transit Query comes up.


Originally posted by nagennif

Killing an Anet dev in PvP or WvW. It's called Conquer the Creator.

Edit: It doesn't give a reward of any kind, even though it's an achievement.

I love playing tagged up and seeing a whole zerg of players try to chase me down and murder me. I find it oddly wholesome.

There is also Carry the Creator (do a Raid with a Dev) Channel the Creator (do a Fractal with a dev) and Complement the Creator (do a strike with a dev.)

04 Jul

27 Jun


I did those llama variants (but not the original model). I'm giggling so much at these - thank you for this!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿฆ™๐Ÿ’•

23 Jun


Originally posted by LordGhoul

ANet is secretly just a bunch of skritt standing on top of eachother in a trench coat


09 Jun

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I literally wore the suit last stream smh

02 Jun


Originally posted by Jauxson

I would have loved that. But since the guy who wrote their songs passed away, I understand why ANet wouldn't do something like that.

Just for the record, Stan LePard, the person who passed away a few years ago, did not write the Metal Legion songs. That was Joseph Clark, who is still at ArenaNet. Stan wrote some ambient and combat music for a couple of those content updates, in addition to his many years of work on the game as composer and orchestrator prior to that.

27 May

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is awesome, you're insane.

25 May


Originally posted by smitske

If people dont get it, doesnt that mean you failed as writer to convey it?

If people dont get it, doesnt that mean you failed as writer to convey it?

The answer is always, "it depends." Some folks can miss details or subtext that was there. Other times a writer infers something that's too great a leap or leaves out important info. Every situation--and player interpretation--is different. And I think that's fine.


Originally posted by EnslavedPudding

You're not the only dev, we're perfectly aware of your colleagues patting themselves on the back on twitter.

You're not the only dev, we're perfectly aware of your colleagues patting themselves on the back on twitter.

How dare they! /s


Originally posted by EnslavedPudding

You're saying there aren't NPCs, ambient scenes, events, or interactive things in the city?

For all intents and purposes, Yeah thats what im saying. Theres a few npcs around, but for how the city is presented, its basically abandoned. There should be hundreds of npcs visible in any given area, instead its predominantly empty space.

its a ghost town, and as a result its uninteresting and boring. Why are there no automatic skiffs moving cargo around for example? who are all those rivers for? or bridges? I get that the coders you have today are far less competent than the people that worked for arenanet in 2012 and you have to deal with it, but reality is that their incompetence resulted in you having to limit the amount of visible mobs, and as a result the city feels dead. And part of this is your fault as well - You could've worked around this with a story reason, perhaps the jade started decaying and somehow became toxic to peop...

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I get that the coders you have today are far less competent than the people that worked for arenanet in 2012 and you have to deal with it, but reality is that their incompetence resulted in you having to limit the amount of visible mobs, and as a result the city feels dead. And part of this is your fault as well - You could've worked around this with a story reason, perhaps the jade started decaying and somehow became toxic to people, Or some bullsh*t that explained why most people are indoors, but nope. the loading screen has more people on it than any actual area once you load in.

You're making a lot of false assumptions about my colleagues, and quite frankly you don't seem to know much about how games are made. That's OK! I wouldn't expect you to. But I can't figure out why you've decided to channel your energy into this discussion in this way. So I will take my leave now. Good day.


Originally posted by Unplayed_untamed

Why did it say meet with Taimi though, I think itโ€™s a bug.

Why did it say meet with Taimi though, I think itโ€™s a bug.

If it said to meet with Taimi, that's a bug.


Originally posted by NovaanVerdiano

Hmm, I'm not sure if there's videos yet, but the only thing that genuinely threw me off about Chul-Moo being there is that he suddenly knew about Cinder and there didn't seem to be any indication as to how he found out, but maybe I did miss something in that regard? Of course if they traveled together it would make sense they spoke about the subject before we got there, but I think that flew past many (including mine) heads; especially cause we never saw that talk happen. Though I will say this is an issue I personally face every now and then with the story, where I feel like I missed a step somewhere or I find myself thinking "wow, things are progressing faster than I expected".

The character stories themselves were quite clear I feel, I personally liked them. Chul-Moo and his (english) voice actor in particular were really good.

he suddenly knew about Cinder and there didn't seem to be any indication as to how he found out, but maybe I did miss something in that regard

Oh, gotcha. Yeah, we didn't explicitly call that out but the implication is that Chul-Moo heard about the Commander's past events offscreen. I could see why someone might bump on that.


Originally posted by HermitHideout

Ah yes the journal. You know only a handful of people will read that but sure lets put all in the journal and waste the resource someplace else like in oh .. lets see .. a date with random npc. Priority huh.

Ah yes the journal. You know only a handful of people will read that but sure lets put all in the journal and waste the resource someplace else like in oh .. lets see .. a date with random npc. Priority huh.



Originally posted by EnslavedPudding

I love how you're here to comment on this, but not a single other thread made in the last two days.

You realise we know that you're reading this and choosing to ignore criticism right? Commenting on this thread but not others actually made you look worse.

You realise we know that you're reading this and


to ignore criticism right? Commenting on this thread

but not others

actually made you look worse.

I was off work yesterday and not combing reddit or the forums.

I can only reply to one thread at a time, and my time is limited, so...I am focusing here for the next few minutes before returning to my other duties.

I'm also not choosing to ignore anything. If I was ignoring criticism, I wouldn't be here. I'm merely clearing up some confusion on some of the more subtle bits that people may have missed.

Not sure why that makes you mad, but I hope you have a good day going forward. Be well.


Originally posted by No_Structure7185

Oh man. Reading that and all the reddit comments regarding that episode.. people seem to have totally misunderstood why all these characters were there. Must suck as a story writer ๐Ÿ˜…

Oh man. Reading that and all the reddit comments regarding that episode.. people seem to have totally misunderstood why all these characters were there. Must suck as a story writer ๐Ÿ˜…

I think some folks are stuck on the idea that the only emotions one can have when playing a game story is "Make me cry about dead character" or "make me mad about bad guy." These releases were meant to go in a different direction but because we used some familiar callbacks I think they assumed we were just retreading old ground instead of reframing the emotional burden on the Commander.

I mean, I'm not surprised some folks didn't get it. They weren't looking for it. Hence, me needing to clear up some of the misunderstanding.

Some folks did get it, though, so that makes me happy. And for the folks who didn't, that's OK. I hope they're having fun playing the game or trying to peel back the layers of the story but they may not be used to that kind of anal...

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