Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

31 Aug

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by astropath293

Does anyone know if you can get more than one Echo of the Past? It did not say anything about needing to keep it to put in the mystic forge and now I don't have it in my inventory, assuming I sold it. Only realised about the achievement later.

You should be able to buy a replacement one from the Provisioner on the Bastion of the Obscure!

28 Aug


This is so cute! Thank you so much for sharing.

25 Aug


Originally posted by ValyaaT

Real shame that it is all samples though, clearly a victim budget and/or time constrictions. I think PoF and EoD are the best sound tracks because they actually work as sounds tracks with clearly established motives and themes - i.e. telling a story through music. BUT, a major advatage they had was being played on actual intruments. That said, from a gameplay-music interaction perspective, this is well done. The eiry meditative drones complement the exploration of the bizarre landscapes you explore very well. I do hope that we get some kind of arranged version, even it is just medley like with the S4 soundtrack as, inevitably, the synth strings and percussion sound flat and plasticky. That is of course not a fault of the composers, they were working with what they had.

All of the core orchestra (strings, woodwinds, and brass) was recorded live in Nashville back in May. The only samples in the music are the same as they've always been since Living World Season 2, i.e. choir, percussion, harp, and miscellaneous synths and things. In a perfect world with a blank check, we'd get to do everything possible live, but that's not the reality of our situation. However, we work hard to make sure the heart of the music is done live for these expansions, and I think the musicians did a phenomenal job.

24 Aug


Originally posted by OpheliaBloodstone

I've been waiting for this ever since I first found out there was a thing where we got to name in-game pets, so about a year now. Thank you so much for helping put a tribute in the game to my late guild leader. I haven't found her feline incarnation in the core cities yet, but she looks happy as can be in the grass outside the new tower.

(For what it's worth, I've found that the Chatoyant Elixir doesn't work for me; it says it has to be April 1. I can only use the lens. Maybe the text needs to be changed to reflect that, or is it a glitch and the potion is supposed to be usable anytime?)

You're right about the Elixir - for years I've thought it was usable year-round since it doesn't really do anything that the Lens doesn't, but it was recently pointed out to me that it's still restricted to April Fools. I'd like to clean that up, but it might have to wait until next April Fools' to allow for some safety checks.

I think the cat you're looking for is in Hoelbrak, browsing around the rest area next to the Trading Post.


Originally posted by wucebillis

At this point I'll take the hint, searched across every capital city fairly thoroughly!

Pixel is hanging out at the Serrated Blade Tavern in the Black Citadel!


Originally posted by wucebillis

Congrats to everyone who's found their pet! I'm on the lookout for my cat Pixel!

Let me know if you'd like a hint or if you'd rather enjoy the search!

23 Aug


Originally posted by iundeadlichi

Are the 2022 Pets in? Has anybody seen a cat named Hamm?

Yes, this is them! Hamm is exploring the south side of the Grand Piazza in Lion's Arch! Make sure you have one of the Chatoyant items active.


Originally posted by newtrip

Looking for KayleeBear if you can help? :-D

KayleeBear is roaming near the Song Bower in the Grove, on the top level! That's near the Diving Goggles location as an additional landmark.

Every cat this year is also in the hub map of Secrets of the Obscure!


Originally posted by Malyszeq

If anyone can find a cat named Lilac, please tell; looking all over the place but Tyria is big...

Lilac is checking out some of the vendor carts near the Leatherworking Station in Divinity's Reach! Make sure you have one of the Chatoyant items active.


Originally posted by Sneakie_UpS1gb

Thank you I was searching for my bunny all over Seitung haha!! edit; i think i found one named Salvador in Wizard's Tower but it is a cat :D Were there two with the same name by chance?

Ok, Salvador can be found lounging near the Tailoring stations in Divinity's Reach but is also, unintentionally, a cat. I'll get that tidied up in the next non-hotfix release; sorry for the mismatch!


Originally posted by Sneakie_UpS1gb

Thank you I was searching for my bunny all over Seitung haha!! edit; i think i found one named Salvador in Wizard's Tower but it is a cat :D Were there two with the same name by chance?

There were a few matching names this year but I don't believe that is one of them. I'll check the setup, it could be an engine hiccup but if it's wrong I'll update here and get that fixed.


Originally posted by RemarkableNothing846

Did you by any chance find a dog named Pouncer? I’ve been looking for her desperately and can’t find her. :(

Pouncer is playing around near the Huntsman crafting stations in the Black Citadel! Make sure you have one of the Chatoyant items active.


Originally posted by TrusteaTeacup

If you can keep an eye out for one called Smos I'd really appreciate it. Going to take a look myself but so far no luck.

Smos is inspecting the College of Synergetics in Rata Sum! Make sure you have one of the Chatoyant items active.


I'm glad you like Sesame's spot!

As a note for anyone seeking their pets, each of this years' pets are in one of the major cities and a second time in the Secrets of the Obscure hub area.

18 Aug


Originally posted by Alsandar

Chloe Mims & Chelsea Mims different people? I saw in an EOD vid that Chelsea made all EOD legendaries. Just want to make sure I’m crediting the right person

We're sisters :P

Chelsea is the artist, I am the game designer!


Originally posted by Lower-Replacement869

Nick Hernandez where you at?!?!?!

It seems I have been summoned, haha. I was out on vacation when this happened so I missed it!

If you're curious as to what I would have said though, it's that I'm most excited for folks to get to run around Amnytas and discover the culture of the Wizards, the secrets held in each Bastion, and the things they can do to help deal a major blow to the Kryptis in that area.

I was the map team lead for that map though, so I'm a bit biased.

    /u/Roile on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by chase_vis

Roy "Roy" Marks, Rewards/WvW Team: Gathering nodes.

wow exciting

Gathering nodes are exciting! For some of us at least.

In all seriousness, as someone else mentioned on this thread, it's more of a running joke than anything, and I am really excited about the WHOLE expansion. I was just a player a bit over a year ago, and getting to see an expansion launch from the dev side has been a wonderful experience. It's been nothing but a pleasure getting to work with this incredible team, they've done amazing work. I'm very much looking forward to Tuesday.

And also I hope you enjoy the gathering nodes.

08 Aug


Aww you're gonna make me cry. Thank you so much! It really means a lot to hear this and it made my day! I tried really hard to make those Soo-Won ones as cool as possible, trying all sorts of things to get the surface to look like water, and it makes me so happy that you're enjoying them all so much! 💕

20 Jul


Originally posted by Primary-Camera-4021

Hey! I'm aware this may be a while back but I wanted to thank you for creating such a masterpiece of a weapon <3 I currently have 105 hours into guild wars 2 in the past week and half, I just got a full set of exotic gear and I have my sights on Exordium! Its a beautiful weapon, the way it transforms with different abilities is amazing and am working hard gathering the materials I'm able as of now to obtain it :)

Thank you so much! That makes me really happy that you're going for Exordium first!