Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Originally posted by GhrabThaar

Oooh, chance to thank someone 'in person'. I know everyone goes for the EMP but medizooka was my favorite mastery in IBS (mount stealth is a very close second), so I wanted to say I appreciate the work you put into it. It's impactful and fun to use, a fine addition to the game.

Thanks! FWIW I worked on the Mount Stealth too (and the upgrade mastery for all the skills) so I also appreciate the compliment on that one as well, haha.

09 Oct

08 Oct


Originally posted by digiviceboy

But they do it without needing to summon a Waystation or anything!

Hi! So I can give a bit more info on that (I made it :P) You use the waystation to pick one up but once you've acquired it it'll be a Special Action Button skill on your bar. From there you can run around wherever you want with it as long as you have ammo. Once you run out of ammo, it goes away.

07 Oct

06 Oct


Originally posted by TerrorBite

Thank you for sharing that. LOL

05 Oct


Originally posted by mainly_maeve

feedback on their characterization and dialogue.

Oh my god I just read the wiki, and Yao is agender!!!! They're probably gonna be the most prominent not-cis NPC ever in the game!!! Hell yeah!!!!!

I looked through the wiki, and I knew about Sya already, but I completely missed Myrun Skialkin somehow! Still only 3 NPCs, but 9 years of baby steps get you somewhere!

I'm a little late getting back to you, but yes! It's time we do better about including non-binary characters. We loved Jormag, but wanted to create NB human (as in non-creature, non-robot) characters as well. Baby steps, as you said.

Yao is an internal favorite, and I'll say that there are other NPCs coming in End of Dragons to keep an eye out for.


Please say hello to Joko and Madame Cookie