Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Y'all are awesome. I wish I had time to respond to each comment individually, maybe later this week, but for now I just wanted to say thank you so much for this support. I'm reading all of this. Your voices are heard.

Like I said in my original response, I can't promise anything, but I will carry your thoughts, ideas and values into future conversations.

Thanks everyone. Happy Halloween! :)

14 Oct


Hey, it's really nice to see love for Nightmare and Shattered, even three years later. They were designed from the ground up for replay value, but I never thought they'd still be this popular.

It's my intention to try and take the best parts of these fractals and apply it where we can to future content (fractals or otherwise).

I can't promise anything specific, but I can take the feedback in this thread to future conversations to help guide our path.

What aspects of these keep you coming back?

What do you wish was different?

What could we have done better?

What did we do well?

Seriously, thank you for the support. It's been a tough year and seeing this post today really lifts the spirits. Y'all are awesome.


Originally posted by wheadna

They have confirmed that they are still working on Fractals, but the dev who was lead designer on Nightmare and Shattered Observatory has sadly left Anet.

I'm actually still here at ArenaNet. After Nightmare and Shattered Observatory, I was asked to move over to Living World to help as a content designer on Season 4 (The Olmakhan, and the Episode 5 Kralk Battle) and now The Icebrood Saga.


Imma haft to use one of these for myself. Only question is - Cidd or Zolius? Hmmmm.

12 Oct


You guys are awesome! Thank you for doing this. :)

08 Oct


Originally posted by IsaiahCartwright

... it is...

turn anything off

By anything you mean almost anything with a varying degree of granularity but yes a very awesome system.

02 Oct


Originally posted by der_RAV3N

Are the extra unlocks per-character or per-account?

The Build and Equipment tabs are per-character. The Build Storage slots are per-account

01 Oct


Originally posted by MechaSandstar

Fixes can be implemented after the patch notes are finalized?

so, technically they can, even if it's a bad practice to do changes after that deadline. That said, and I'm totally not saying I was irresponsible like this, but some devs make a change and then forget to write up the patch note until it's too late.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I seemed to me that you get a base tab, plus two extra tabs? the screenshot kind of shows this too, would love confirmation from u/Anet-PaulS

It is two base tabs with more unlockable. The screenshot was taken on a character who had already unlocked an extra one, which was probably a mistake.


Originally posted by Edentrail

No bugfix of the Icebrood Saga reward track resetting to zero every day?

it should actually be fixed now, but I missed the patch-note window.


Originally posted by Vesrys

Sorry for tagging you /u/Anet-PaulS but could you clarify this please:

Build Storage can hold templates of any profession and can be accessed by any character on your account. You can copy, rename, clear, or inspect them the same way you would a Build Template tab, and copy and paste a template to and from tabs and storage (provided your character is the appropriate profession to apply the template to a tab).

Does this mean Storage is there just to hold templates and that is it? How I'm reading it, it sounds that if I want to use specific build from Storage I have to copy it firs to character template or can I immediately equip it from Storage?

Yes, the main purpose of build storage is so that, if a player sees a necromancer build in chat that they want to try out, while they are playing their guardian, they can store it for later, and to allow them to share their own builds for other classes while on their guardian.

30 Sep


Originally posted by JusticiaDIGT

Will ANet templates include ranger pets? Arc doesn't and it's one of the missing features. Let's see if ANet does any better.

Yes, ranger pets and revenant legends are included


Originally posted by Periproct

Can multiple characters use the same equipment template? (I’m guessing not but a man can dream)

Unfortunately, we weren't able to get a good solution for sharing equipment templates between characters, because we didn't want players to accidentally break equipment templates on one character by removing a piece of equipment on another.


Originally posted by GabrieI

Items you add to Equipment Templates will no longer take up space in your character’s inventor

And the build templates* are shareable via chat links as well? This is definitely exceeding my expectations! Nice.

While build templates can be linked, equipment templates cannot, since they rely on actual items.

28 Sep


Originally posted by Anet_ConnorF

Holy butts, it’s a comic about meeting ME. You did a good job with my Charr!

I am amused by how disaffected I seem in this comic :P I see you didn’t draw the part where I repeatedly failed the jumping puzzle. Or the part where we all RIGHTEOUSLY SLAYED THE BOSS.

Was nice meeting you! It’s always nice meeting people. Makes me really happy people are enjoying the content.



Holy butts, it’s a comic about meeting ME. You did a good job with my Charr!

I am amused by how disaffected I seem in this comic :P I see you didn’t draw the part where I repeatedly failed the jumping puzzle. Or the part where we all RIGHTEOUSLY SLAYED THE BOSS.

Was nice meeting you! It’s always nice meeting people. Makes me really happy people are enjoying the content.

25 Sep


Originally posted by AugmentedPenguin

I lost it at Poncho Playa.

LOL so did I! 😆

23 Sep


Originally posted by Xermarak

Why are metal legion 50% bigger than normal Charr

I'll answer that here - we often scale up key OW or Boss NPCs to make sure people can still see them when you have a bunch of players running around. :)

When we took Kossan from the Desolation OW for Episode 4, we had to make a new version of him that was normal scale.

22 Sep


Originally posted by AugmentedPenguin

Next up --> Zojja Tamagotchi! Feed her, care for her, and watch her wake up from her Mordrem Pod coma! Uh oh, her mind reverted back to a child asura. Be sure to play build-a-golem with her to increase her Happy meter!

I was thinking Choya but Zojja works.


Originally posted by MonstrousVomit

Is their marketing guy from the 90's?? What's with all these behind the times stunts? What's next, action figures? Plastic weapons? Official stickers?

Ohhhhhhhh. Official stickers. Me like 😜