Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

22 Sep


Originally posted by Blackops606

Don't forget the Funko Pops in the back window!

They call shotgun


Originally posted by Sondo1001

I can't wait to see the guy wearing these kicks with the Guild Wars 2 watch, driving down the street in their Guild Wars 2 VW Beetle.

Ditto. This would be amazing!!! 😎

19 Sep

18 Sep

Originally posted by SpicySalsaDance

Thanks for the response. Would love to hear the details of what exactly was happening if you have time/you’re allowed to disclose it.

Also, will there be compensation for the people that lost rank points and PvP matches due to this bug?

For those who got stung by the bug, I really can't speak to what happens next, as I'm way out of my depth in that field -- less "I can't tell you" and more "I don't know." I'd work with customer service, as needed. (Rote answer, I know.) My role in all this was just working on the fix: I was part of the roving band of programmers last night, moving from desk to desk, trying all sorts of things to get a repro, a fix, and a verification last night. (Testing required multiple clients, sometimes from desks on different ends of the building, so I was literally dashing around the halls last night. Got my cardio in, at least.)

As for what actually happened, it's...complicated. A collection of disparate things, really. Involving a very sick dev (who was out of commission that day), risks stemming from setting up our tech infrastructure to support development of a steady flow of new shinies on a live game, and, frankly, a really, really big code base. I don't mean t...

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Originally posted by neok182

This is probably my biggest annoyance with all games. I completely understand why it happens as you are syncing up animations and different audio but it is so massively immersion breaking and still happens in almost every game released. Glad to hear they made some nice improvements with that here.

I think a lot of devs don’t realize how important timing is to dialogue playing effectively. Our tools folks have made some optimizations to our implementation tool to give us more control over that, and hopefully over the last few episodes those improvements are being felt.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I think it's because of Aurene's death everyone has gotten more adult, and Jory and Kas reflect that - they have grown up from teenagers to young adults.That's how I interpreted it.

Definitely true, although there’s more to it as well. (See my initial comment above for a taste of that.)


Originally posted by Nebbii

I was ready to cringe at mention of them being a couple, yet again, but there was not even a hint in this episode, i'm really happy if we are going to see them as characters again, specially marjory as canthan Noir detective

Yeah, one thing we came to realize as we were contemplating how to move forward with them was that we had spent too much time thinking of them as a couple and didn’t understand them well enough as individuals yet, which needed to come first. So we’ve nailed down some character arc stuff for each of them that you’ll see play out over the course of the saga.

Should be all clear now. (And yes, the problem was more pronounced in PvP and EvE environments.) If you're still running into problems, drop a line here and, if you would be so kind, leave a note in the crash report when you send it in. Those actually can be quite helpful. When they're not "wwwwwwww," that is. ; )

Originally posted by CCSkyfish

If you're actually from ANet, you should get yourself a flair!

I know, right? I tried the last time I did some posting, for Ep4 last season. I think that request got lost in the shuffle. I'll see if I can get somebody to help me out tomorrow.

Originally posted by SpicySalsaDance

It’s happening in PvE as well. I read through the crash log and this is what I found:

Crash log shows that the game is having problems loading textures. In addition to this, it can’t find animations for certain skills, resulting in these strange crashes. Unfortunately, the log doesn’t show time stamps so I can’t tell if all the missing textures and animations are happening at once or building up over time and then causing a crash.

I’m guessing that people are crashing more in competitive game modes due to the skill animation not being found, and since so many skills are being used consistently, it’s probably freaking the game out.

Cheers for the digging, SpicySalsaDance. It's certainly been...well, not boring, at the office this evening.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you folks know two things: first, we definitely hear y'all, and have been cranking away to get this crash hammered out. (In the end, it was kind of a convergence of unfortunate events. Ain't that always the way.) We'll be sorting through the details tomorrow, but for now, I just wanted to post to say that we very much do pay attention when players run into fires like this.

Oh, and the second thing: the fix just went out, so you should be all clear. Holla if you see anything else, but otherwise, go nuts. ; )


Originally posted by ninja_slothreddit

Something like that, yeah. Work done for the Skyscale's ground effects made doing the same for Griffon relatively straightforward, so in between other tasks I made some changes a month or two ago that went out with this episode. I'm glad to see that my fellow cat bird enthusiasts are enjoying it!

17 Sep


Originally posted by Bahamabanana

Kas too, or at the very least the horrors have finally gotten to her.

More that, yes. More to come.

Originally posted by Cyanna

IT IS!!! “Cheer” was fun but once the “catch the charr” mechanic was brought in I was audibly cheering at my computer. And the finale had me screaming with laughter. All while listening to someone partying a bit too hard over the comm. I love rock concerts ( music in general) so I knew this event was a must do. But WOW that was a non-stop feel good event that just got better as it went on. I can’t wait until the next concert! (These songs will be available online right? Right?!)

...right. : )

Originally posted by _valravn

I don't think they're out.. But they should release them on SoundCloud!

Totally happening. I don't think they're up yet, but stay tuned.

16 Sep


HaHa!!! This one made me laugh out loud. :-)

Don't forget to play Bound By Blood tomorrow!!!! #IcebroodSaga


12 Sep


Originally posted by nononsenseresponse

The trailer on the day might get more people in instead of having it a week out, when people might forget it's happening on release day.

I can see the rationale.



Originally posted by jackaline

You have the patience of a god (excluding Balthazar).



Originally posted by Na0ku

Hey! If you're open for feedback I'd suggest releasing the teasers somewhere else (like YoutTube) too! It's really hard to see something due to the very low resolution :(

I’ll see what I can do :-)


Originally posted by kansnl14




Originally posted by Whilyam

Apology accepted, I guess? I'm very frustrated by this but also genuinely curious what the rationale is for this. The trickling out of "teasers" that don't seem to show anything really new. Meanwhile we'll get a trailer for the prologue... when the prologue comes out? This doesn't really seem to serve any purpose and just makes me think the release doesn't have enough content to appropriately hype and/or the marketing team didn't have any money left after spending on the cinematic.

Not apologizing but always glad to hear constructive feedback. :-)

This is the way marketing has chosen to move forward for this release. Trying a new rollout. It will either work or not work, with learnings either way.