Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Dec


Originally posted by -Gullvieg

To this day, imo, one of the best modeled backs in the game has to be the wings of love. The modeling job was on point, looks real as opposed to the other wings in the game who either look too "solid" and plastic like, or the others that look too flat and almost dead. As for capes, when I saw it I was already expecting it to behave like that, completely understandable, my only problem is the lack of a glider combo. But well done on the dyes, just curious, I know that you will not rework the already existing backs to be dyable, fair enough, but, any chance to make an exception for the legendary backs? They have no ability to dye, neither on the back nor the glider, which is a bit sad for a legendary item.

Thank you so much! While I can't take credit for the original model (the hawk wings) that those are a re-texture of, I did make them white and create their new position. Boy, those were a buggy annoying mess! I'm so glad I got them to at least look decent in the end, and I'm really glad you enjoy them! :D

I cannot speak to which things will and won't be dyeable as that's not something I'm involved in. I don't actually know the answer.


Originally posted by Anet-Chloe

my sister got hired as a designer




Originally posted by officerbigmac

You may not be the most visible dev but all your legendary weapons are among my favourite skins in the game! :D I would prepare all the necessary mats ahead of every single LS release just so I could craft them day one!

Aww, thanks so much! That means a lot <3


Originally posted by Anet-Chelsea

You're absolutely right that there are a lot of "invisible" devs, both new and veterans, that people are never aware of. As a 10 year vet I doubt anyone would notice if I left as I do not have any sort of real presence on social media. Likewise, most people don't even know I, and the multitude of other vets, still exist. Similarly, my sister got hired as a designer a few months ago and there was no hoo-ha about her arriving for the same reason.

The game industry is a constantly shifting place, no matter what company. There will always be people who want to move on for personal reasons, and people who want to stay in one place for eternity. Doesn't make one better or worse than the other; it's just how people are.

So the moral of the story is: do not look at a single publicly visible artist being hired as some sort of pattern or proof of a lack of anything.

Also, a big, warm welcome to Jenn! :D

my sister got hired as a designer


03 Dec


Capes are one of the most difficult things we've ever had to implement, for so many complicated reasons. Backpacks are similarly irritating. One of the many factors here is body scaling and armor. There is a single backpack model which has to work whether you're fat, skinny, wearing a skin tight suit, or huge, bulky, spiky armor. If the cape is fitted snug to a skinny, tight suit wearing character, it will be completely inside the body of a chonker in giant armor. There's more to it than that, but hopefully that starts to give you a better idea.

I am one of the creators of backpacks (not capes) and I care deeply about the game and the people who play it. I take great pride in my art and I want it to be the best it can be for everyone. Unfortunately, game development is a series of compromises and this is the best possible solution. It's almost never as simple as it seems.


Originally posted by Varorson

Oh hey, you're still at Anet. Was actually wondering if you were still there a couple weeks ago while digging through known Anet artists' works for wiki categorizing (it always needs to be fuller!).



Originally posted by kreuzkamm

we have enough artists, what we need is talented programmers and game designers

Artists tend to be the most visible on social media due to our work being of a visual nature, and as a result it may seem like there are more of us. You don't hear about everyone coming and going from a game company, especially the non-visual devs. I'm an artist and even I'm not on social media. Imagine all of the other people who aren't either.

I made another comment on invisible devs, seen here.


Hmmmm we will look into this as soon as possible. Thank you~


Originally posted by kalamari__

something GW2 manifestly does not need

we have the head of anet's HR right here guys!

and how the hell do you want to know if the devs who left didnt get replaced equally already? maybe even intern. what you guys do is very arrogant and condescending towards the guys that follow these devs in their positions.

ever thought that the "veteran" dev had also a lot of "veteran" co-workers that are as good as him/her but just arent well known by the community?

nah, cant be, right? only vets are leaving gw2 and only devs that have no clue about the game are joining. /s

You're absolutely right that there are a lot of "invisible" devs, both new and veterans, that people are never aware of. As a 10 year vet I doubt anyone would notice if I left as I do not have any sort of real presence on social media. Likewise, most people don't even know I, and the multitude of other vets, still exist. Similarly, my sister got hired as a designer a few months ago and there was no hoo-ha about her arriving for the same reason.

The game industry is a constantly shifting place, no matter what company. There will always be people who want to move on for personal reasons, and people who want to stay in one place for eternity. Doesn't make one better or worse than the other; it's just how people are.

So the moral of the story is: do not look at a single publicly visible artist being hired as some sort of pattern or proof of a lack of anything.

Also, a big, warm welcome to Jenn! :D


Originally posted by Asuaka

fyi: my alt account which only has pof (+free hot) also cannot buy certain items marked as "requires HoT". something with the free HoT seems to not work with the store properly

Yeah, there is a bug with the "free HoT" that we have had trouble fixing and have had to do some work around fixes on. If there is an item other than the cape affected right now, please let me know in PM


Originally posted by [deleted]

I don't deal directly with this content (I'm the MTX/Outsourcing Producer) but I can make sure the right people have seen it!


We are looking into this now! Hoping to have a fix in soon


Originally posted by ChoiceDuck

Suggestion: Please make gliders for these capes! And make sure the superman pose(that pose that bugs and we get stuck in while leveling up) applies while we use the cape gliders.



Originally posted by DBZVelena

is that fix also gonna make capes actually lay on charr back instead of floating above it like pauldrons do?

Capes were positioned in a way to try and fit as much armor as possible since they are not adjustable per armor. It is also positioned in a way to try and reduce clipping with movement as much as possible. It is unfortunately not possible to have the cape laying on the back.


:D It is only on this body type for Charr haha we already have a fix and should be hotfixing this today. Sorry!

22 Nov


Originally posted by KestrelGirl

Damn, sad to hear that, but thanks for the help. Would I just tweet @ Arenanet?

I'd try tweeting at the main GW2 account and/or Rubi.


I don't have any control over the SoundCloud anymore, unfortunately, and only contributed one piece of music across the two releases. The rest of it would have to come from the studio. You can try tweeting at them, maybe.

13 Nov


Presses 1 to engage.

12 Nov


I'll jump in and make one last quick comment before this account gets abandoned forever, or maybe not since it's only one letter removed from my name.

Thanks for all the nice comments, it's really heartwarming to know how much the players have enjoyed the content I've worked on. And there were so many amazing memories watching you try to take down these challenges via Twitch on release day, so thank you for playing and succeeding (but mostly failing). I moved out of creative development over 2 years ago is why I haven't had a lot to say here in a while. I suspect that trend will continue, such is the life of management.

Go forth and be excellent to each other.