to me personally, that communication device might have been the worst addition to the narrative in the entire game. I hate it.
I understand that its very convenient for them, they can have characters communicate with each other without having them get together or send mail. They rely on it constantly and if they did not have it they would have to tell their stories in a very different way.
I just hate how small it makes the world feel, how "modern" it makes it feel. Time and space means less.
Guild wars is a game where you always zip around instantly, going from activity to activity, the distances and travel is noneexistant. Its sad to me that the story is treated the same way.
The commander and gorrick can be in Cantha one minute and then in rata sum the other just to look at some of Blishs papers. The journey between contintents being of zero concern due to waypoints and Asura gates being part of the Lore.
And similarly we can communica...