This error was the result of a small backend operation and was fixed quickly. We'll be figuring out how to avoid these little blips in the future, which may involve brief maintenance downtime as these operations are not happening often.
Bug Fix:
Fixed an issue that could prevent the story from progressing during the Air of Mystery chapter of “What Lies Beneath” if the player exited the map while dialogue was playing
I feel like there is a potential combat advantage here... some combination of "being in two places at once" and "a lot of kicking". 😛
That said, I have flagged this for people so they can start looking into it. And thank you for the video, @TheAgedGnome.7520, it was both helpful and hilarious.
Bug Fix:
Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving progress toward the achievement Ongoing Investigations: The Jade Brotherhood when listening to the Jade Brotherhood’s and Yao’s audio logs.