Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose Dev Tracker

21 Sep


Should be temporarily fixable with changing AA. We are working on a wider fix in the meantime.

20 Sep

19 Sep

18 Sep


Originally posted by CheekiBreekiBanditz

Could you add an LOD setting so the pop in distance can be determined by the user?

That has even more of a heavier impact on performance. But, not impossible. A transition is the best in these situations.


A D3D error can usually being fixed by DDU your GPU drivers. A fix has been posted in Discord:

(Q) I have a problem with: LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')

(A) From HLL Discord member: RushTheBus i did a quick google of that error, seems fairly common i think the biggest things would be to make sure your drivers are updated


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Originally posted by ItsNotNow

Did transitions get adjusted with the last patch? The performance bump was pretty nice.

Ah, they are the same as before U10, we worked on many other factors for P16.


Originally posted by Borschik

Thank you, I hope it will be some toggleable option, so everyone would be able to choose what they prefer.

This is not how game engines work unfortunately. Its either the pop ins for more optimization, or the fade with a performance impact but a nicer transition.



For optimization we have these pop ins. But it seems that many prefer better transitions over FPS, so we hope we can test some solutions out with some cost on the FPS to make a fix for this issue.

17 Sep

    Jonno on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone,

We hope you've had a great week and been enjoying Hell Let Loose following the recent arrival of Patch 16!

The team have been going through everyone's thoughts and feedback, so thank you for taking the time to share it with us!

Today's post is just a quick one to highlight two cool things occurring in Hell Let Loose both imminently and right now, so let's get stuck in shall we...

DarksideRP Content Creator Role-playing Event - Saturday 18th September!

We're excited to share that ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Hey everyone,

Just jumping in to confirm what you may have seen others post in regards to this.

The good news is we are actively working on a quality of life patch for aiming in regards to everyone's feedback from the console Betas.

This will target things such as sensitivity and deadzones. I would go into more detail but I don't have that to hand right now.

In regards to when you can expect this to arrive there's currently two possible outcomes:

  1. Within the first two weeks of Hell Let Loose launching.
  2. Squeezing it into our Day 1 patch - If possible, but in no way guaranteed.

We'll share more details on this as and when it comes.

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts and feedback on this across the various channels, it does make a difference.

16 Sep


Originally posted by ChairOFLamp

Thanks yall for bringing HLL to consoles. Can't wait to feel the haptics!

Wooohooo! Its Flix Interactive who is to thank for that ;).

15 Sep