is there any way to unlink a psn account you no longer have access to in order to link one you do.
is there any way to unlink a psn account you no longer have access to in order to link one you do.
@akasupreme24 Hi and welcome to the forums
Thanks for your question! Just to be sure I understand correctly, you already have your Xbox account linked to your Ubisoft account and now want to unlink your PlayStation account? Is that correct?
If you create a Support Case with us, the teams can look into helping you get that unlinked. I also noticed that you had another thread like this one so I removed that one to keep everything together for you.
Hey @luk333,
I'm afraid we cannot make any changes to your account on the forums, including linking or unlinking any other platform accounts.
You can follow these steps to look into unlinking an account, though please be sure to check the additional effects as this can have an effect on your Apex or other game progress.
If you run into any trouble there please contact support directly so they can check into your account further, thanks!
Hey @GiggleCaustic,
You can try reaching out to our live support team. They can take a look to see if you're eligible to have your account unlinked a little sooner.