
Icarus Dev Tracker

11 Feb


Originally posted by GenieonWork

First of all, only for the person dealing the last blow it will count as having killed it. Before it became a Steam achievement, it was already an in-game achievement. We've killed numerous sandworms, black wolves, scorpions etc, but it has always been the case that the player dealing the death blow was the one who got the in-game achievement. If your mounts killed the Sandworm, that's a possible reason why you as a player did not get the achievement.

Another thing: When you go in solo (without other players, without mounts) and you use for example fire arrows and the last tick of health is taken away by fire, it does not count for you as player; it's the fire that dealt the last blow. Keep that in mind when soloing the Sandworm.

Lucky for you the Sandworm is the easiest world boss to take down, once you know it's attack pattern. How I personally deal with sandworms (I kill them just for fun, since I've already got the achievement and they're very easy to avoid): Go...

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Ive passed this on to the dev team to see if we can get this changed.

26 Apr


Originally posted by Delicious-Season5527

Appreciate the time and effort you put into responding to player inquiries. Our playteam wait for more content/missions to do and look forward to it

Agreed, this playthrough for me I have gotten into the missions much deeper and I'm hopefully we can do some more for each of the maps.


Posted this in another comment:

As for the "expansion to the expansion", the map has been completed and the story for the missions done. I believe the voice acting has also been recorded, and the missions are being implemented using this now. Then it will go for testing.


Originally posted by Delicious-Season5527

Hopefully it aint 6 months down the Line. Been a bit disappointing buy a DLC for full Price only to wait x years to get the remaining 50% of map

The current map has the same usable area as the olympus map, just squeezed into a slightly smaller area. instead, we left a lot of area in case we wanted to do more with the story.

As for the "expansion to the expansion", the map has been completed and the story for the missions done. I believe the voice acting has also been recorded, and the missions are being implemented using this now. Then it will go for testing.

16 Apr


Originally posted by TheKushDaddy

Hello. Thanks for your reply. And why are Vehicles unfun?

While mounts are only faster than the character when they sprint, but slower when they get exhausted. And moving is a lot of time just the mather of wasting 20mins to get somewhere, without any point. Feels like old OG dayz (walking siumlator).

The vehicles needed our extensive plans for the orbital station, as they were heavily component driven. You would drop down, get the stuff you needed, go to orbit, make better engine etc... When that was taken away, the vehicles were magical devices that kind of just undid the whole idea of movement and going around.

Without all of that the game is a "walking simulator". It is designed as "cavemen in spacesuits", like a Peter F. Hamilton book. So the game is heavily balanced around prepping for a hike basically. That was what was achievable and what the game focused on.

14 Apr


Originally posted by TheKushDaddy

Don't understand, why vehicles work in other games, but not in Icarus.

Icarus seems to have problems with graphical rendering. I have a RTX 3090 and Icarus can bearly do 60 FPS on 2k Mon, while I game Dayz on 120 FPS on High settings. It seems that all Area (even if not looked by the player) is rendered in full detail or sth. And even then, when you enter a cave or sprint in a new chunk, the area is not loaded fully.

As an enthusiast of Icarus, I am really curious, if the development is working on bettering the graphical rendering, and furthermore planning to add vehicles, later, when rendering is fixed?

I didn’t say they didn’t work, I said they caused performance and balance issues. Most especially with how we made the world.

There are enormous amount of trees in the game, and other rocks. How ICARUS tracks the world is more memory intensive than other games, allowing us to set trees on fire and other things.

Loading in/out of chunks is the cause of lots of memory “churn” and this loading in/out causes or exacerbated the circumstances that cause stuttering.

We had vehicles working but they were not fun, and not performant. Additional work would have to be done on a lot of areas for vehicles to have a fun game loop.

13 Apr


Done is the catch all close for tickets on feature upvote. Essentially the ticket has been reviewed and it is not planned.

Vehicles were added to the game and removed during development, as they were not fun and causing significant performance problems.

Instead, they were replaced with tamed animals. These use existing systems and are slow enough to not exacerbate streaming terrain and cave performance issues that vehicles bring.

29 Dec


Originally posted by LadderChoice610

Not sure If you still monitor this post but would really like the UE4 character files. I exported and scaled them and tried to add custom animations for new items and there is always an issue with scale or sockets. Dont need the materials but just the Skeletal meshes(first person, third) and maybe a default animation so we can see the method used. Most other issues Ive had i solved with my mod manager/mod editor. I feel from my Bear mount to my windmill Ive figured everything else out except custom animations.

Could you flick me an email at [email protected] just so I remember. I’ll check and see what’s possible

08 Aug


Originally posted by Kyuiki

That’s really sad to hear given Dean’s post stating it may have been Steam who did it.

Edit: I’ll just add that I really liked this game. I can see the frustration having to deal with balancing people like me with people who wanted more out of it. But staying positive and relying on your community will bring much better continued success if not with this project but the next. Turning on community members though, that’ll leave a bad taste in anyones mouth regardless of their opinion on the game design direction.

That’s really sad to hear given Dean’s post stating it may have been Steam who did it.

Just to note, that's not what I intend to suggest.

There are multiple aspects to my post, to confirm:

  1. We have a (very clear) internal rule that no ban should be issued without a ban reason. This isn't just for the individuals who are banned... it's also for other moderators.
  2. This rule was not followed, so regardless of any valid reason for a ban, I lifted the ban (on steam).
  3. I did outline that while we have this internal rule, those internal rules don't apply to steam who also apply moderation. Just to clear up anyone who might say "but I was also banned with no reason!" - because this rule is an internal one.
  4. The steam community forums are "owned" by the studio, not by steam. Think of it like the store, people can come into a store and say whatever they like but they can also be asked to leave.


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07 Aug


Originally posted by Kyuiki

Are you saying that Steam doesn’t show you — a developer of a game who has to manage a community — who it was that performed the ban? If that’s the case how can you even claim that it’s Steam doing it and not some developer on your team that is simply getting upset and lying to you? “No, sir! I didn’t ban anyone today!”

If Steam is truly such a poorly built system that gives you no username reference at all as to who performed the ban, I think you should hire a community manager that moderates the existing ban list and makes sure Steam staff isn’t for some reason going rogue on your community. Because outside of racism, discrimination, and / or misinformation Steam shouldn’t be touching posts from your community. Doing so makes you as a lead developer look really bad. They’re pretty much attacking your reputation.

This post wasn’t constructive but it was in no way harmful. Your analogy is also so horribly delivered. You’re pretty much saying that eating at a restaur...

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The ban was issued by our team, hence I was able to revert it. This is against our own policy, which is no ban should be issued without a genuine reason (as a last resort) and that reason is required to be shown in the ban reason text.

To date only forty bans have been issued, which considering the post quantity is a very small number.

I am awaiting more information but that is all the I have about this ban so far.


Originally posted by falloutfan1987

The post was polite, voicing his own personal issues with the game to you, the devs, while being polite and courteous. There was nothing with malice or intent to insult. The fact that you and the rest of your team are attempting to censor this kind of feedback is absolutely appalling. I am not saying that you deserve to be mistreated or insulted, but people including myself have bought the game and would at least like a standing as to what is in the works.

Everyone knows that the forums are "not a right" but you guys definitely need to adjust how you accept feedback and healthy criticism. It is not a good look for you to come in and be delivering backhanded comments on a post on reddit like this.

Then you remove Munnky from the discord and block him on twitter. This is someone with a personal vendetta against Munnky for voicing his opinion. Shame on you and the rest of the moderators. I have already left the discord, uninstalled the game, and unfollowed you all on...

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I reverted the ban as I can’t see why it was applied. I cant revert steam issued bans, only ones issued by our staff/moderators.


Originally posted by Munnky78

While I appreciate the ban lift it clearly says "a developer banned you". It seems i am also banned from Discord and Twitter so that would imply it was not steam. I submitted to steam support to confirm this. I have worked with customers and clients all my working life. While yes, you can tell a customer to go elsewhere, it's not in the better interest of the business to alienate concerned or frustrated customers.

My opinions are valid. I come to the community with them to discuss in a civil manner. I even held off on a review as while I can't recommend the the game I didn't want it adding to the score. I was holding out for improvements. I'm not sure I will ever be able to recommend it at this point but who knows.

However the previous replys have worded it better than I could so I will leave it at that.

I cannot lift steam issued bans, I can only lift ones we applied. I mentioned above simply because there are some blank bans that I cannot revert. Only forty bans have been issued, so not that many.


I have unbanned you. You should not receive a ban that does not have a ban warning from our staff. Note that steam does regularly ban people from our forums (of the forty bans we have ever issued, most of them are done by steam staff) and they don’t always fill out the ban reasons.

However, please do read the steam community guidelines as posting on the forums is not a “right” and steam makes this very clear. You are expected to be polite and it’s not just open season for whatever opinion you want. It’s a place for measured and considered discussion with the devs.

Think of it like going into someone’s store. The forums are our store, and while you can indeed say whatever you want, you can also be asked to leave.

07 Jul


Originally posted by FuzzyWuff

if you look at wemod, they already have all kind of cheat enabled anyway, so it wouldnt really impact anything at this point.

the majority of the games are played with either friends or people asking help from the discord server.

At least until public lobbies become a thing.
but then again, even csgo with the huge budget valve have cant stop hackers to be around.

the modding community will bring more people in than trying to prevent some hackers imo, like bethesda and such, so many good ideas would arise for the game

Yes, that’s why I said the impacts are minimal. Our builds are now all deploying with the PDBs.


Originally posted by authorizedscott

I am a complete beginner when it comes to coding and software development and often have no idea what some of my fellow modders are talking about, but I've been enjoying making mods for Icarus since the beginning of this year (Critical_Fail on Discord). There are currently a couple of modders trying to put together a functional mod-loader and associated stuff that could really use access to a PDB (which I don't know anything about, but they're smarter than me!).

Me personally, I've been trying to work on some mods that make the game more difficult, but haven't had much luck with seeing any noticeable (or significant) changes when adjusting files pertaining to things such as: weather and time of day, AI spawn counts (outside of increasing the pop. of bears) or other AI-related data such as significantly increasing their levels to beef up health/dmg. Changing the values for AI level rang doesn't seem to do much in-game. Likewise, increasing the value for weather frequency in ...

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From tonights experimental build onwards, we will be shipping PDB (linker) files with all icarus builds as a matter of routine. Will continue to investigate the other suggestions.


Originally posted by CrystalFerrai

One thing I know the modding community would benefit from is debug symbols (pdb files) for game builds. See https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/313452

From tonights experimental build onwards, we will be shipping PDB (linker) files with all icarus builds as a matter of routine. Will continue to investigate the other suggestions.

06 Jul


Originally posted by CrystalFerrai

One thing I know the modding community would benefit from is debug symbols (pdb files) for game builds. See https://icarus.featureupvote.com/suggestions/313452

This is doable. Cheating impacts are minimal because unreal engine symbol data is well known anyway. I’ll discuss with team


As specific as possible. If there are any requests for things that would help (data binarized, that you wish wasn't, source files, etc...). Please post here, or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

To manage expectations; we have our work cut out for us for the next while. But I'm quite sure there are simple little things that we can change that would help a great deal - so I'd love to know what those are.

Much of our system is driven by JSON and data, making that available helps a great deal to modders. Let me know what is causing trouble, and in some cases, we might be able to make sm...

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27 Jun


If you email our support they are able to process item recovery for bugs and errors

04 Mar


There was a visual glitch, associated with a backend change preparing for tonights respec update. Very sorry for that. Luckily it was only visual - there was no data loss. We are now working on making sure that gets solved and Respec update is released on time. Again - apologies.