Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

19 Apr


Not a bug, but yes they shouldn’t probably despawn after he dies. That’s how we normally do it, so characters don’t get killed after killing a big boss.


Thanks for the report, we’re looking into it!


Hey! This will be fixed in the next content patch.

    Wick_EHG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there,

Could you please send us a support ticket about this issue? We’d be more than happy to help but, due to the sensitive nature of the issue, we prefer not to discuss it in a public fashion.

Kind regards,

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is an excellent example of how not to post on our forum.



Thanks for the report!


Can you post your specialization tree of Warcry?


Hey Morbo, very happy to hear Last Epoch is making the genre more appealing to you!

We’re aware that the inability to do this is not ideal and it’s in our log of things to tackle. We have some good stuff coming for Druid in a couple patches and hopefully we can improve this functionality with that release.

18 Apr


What build were you running? For example, were you using fear? Sometimes bosses can do unexpected things with certain skill mechanics. It will help root out the cause of the problem.


Are the barrels actually floating or does the shadows give the illusion they are?

17 Apr


The order does not affect it. The drops work more or less the same as they do for other timeline bosses, except instead of dropping from any of the individual bosses they drop in the centre of the arena once all the bosses are dead. This distinction is probably what's causing the item database to fail to pickup the drop chances.

Bhuldar's Wrath is by far the most common drop and while you're a bit unlucky to have gotten neither of the others after 8 runs, it's not that unlikely. I think the chance of not getting Herkir's in 8 runs is around 29%. Keep in mind that Logi's only drops in the empowered, level 100, version of the timeline, so if you're running the basic version it can't drop.

16 Apr


We’re tracking this issue internally.


Thanks for the report!


This is a known issue, we’re tracking this internally.