League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Originally posted by FirCone

I'm actually surprised how little resources you have available for these things despite the quite high number of employees. Are there just so many projects running?

It's more that the kinds of folks who can do this work (dev/engineer) are strapped -- we have a lot of folks at Riot, but we're not all devs/ engineers/coders/etc. So all projects with dev-type work impact other teams, unless we hired folks.

But in a world where we compete with Google/Facebook/other studios for top-tier talent, "hey, come re-do our website and maybe we'll find some work for you when you're done" isn't a great pitch. It's also not how we think about hiring (we want people to have a strong path of career growth, and need to show that path when trying to set up a new role or team).

I think one way to interpret this is probably "okay, so you don't give a sh*t," but the truth is closer to us caring but not prioritizing in this specific moment. As the lead on Nexus, I do have a lot of ideas for how we can make the home site better and I'm talking to folks about it, but any major changes would be a ways off.

edit: Also, the scale of the project is ...

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31 Aug


Originally posted by vrnt7p

thats true. but we "waste" "invest" a lot of Money in this game. The first time its a lot of work but then it should work with databases right. so if you Change in this list something it should update all those sections automatically. If they Change/redo a champ ability then yes they have to Change the whole Thing. It can be a lot of work, but what in life is not?

It's not really the amount of work that would stop an update like this -- more the barriers of time and space. Time spent on this would be time not spent on something else, and there are a lot of competing priorities at Riot -- hell, most of our web folks are busy enough just keeping up with everything that gets published every week.

I mean, I agree that the site is pretty wonky and could use a refresh (that's why we built Nexus from the ground up instead of putting it in the existing News framework), but it would take allocating a full team for at least a few months.


Originally posted by bradygilg

This is really on the low end of effort required. They don't need to create anything, just document what's already there.

I think a web team would need to create an entirely new backend, yeah? That can pull from an API that would also need to be built? Plus localizing all versions of that site and ensuring the right regions get the right calls, etc.

At the very very least it's a web design overhaul, which is not a small task. If the choice is to manually enter the data, ie using what is already there, you then have a LOT of old data to port and a LOT of checks and balances to ensure it stays updated.

I'm not saying it's the hardest task on earth (I imagine Riot's engineers solve a lot harder problems on the daily), but it's also not super simple.

30 Aug


RP prices in CAD and USD are still within 5% of each other (barely) and we don't look to adjust in either direction until the difference between USD and CAD is at least 10% and stays there for a while. Historically that's benefited Canadian players more often than not.

RP cards and Subway cards may provide slightly different rates due to taxes etc. and we're fine with players using that to their advantage whenever it makes sense.


When we launched League in Europe, the exchange rate was about $1.49 per euro. It is now about $1.20 (down ~20%) so we're still making less $ when RP is purchased in Europe, as we've only adjusted prices by ~10%, and we even offset some of that with bonus RP to minimize the impact on players as much as possible. This reply explains that and the VAT effect better than I can.


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23 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]

screw microsoft, we'll host our own tournaments. with spotted cow and cheese curds

Don't forget the Two Women. It's my personal favorite New Glarus

10 Aug


Are you playing fullscreen, windowed or borderless? And at what resolution and quality?


Originally posted by Magister_Ingenia

Thank you for the detailed response. Can you share anything on future options, like what you'll do if League survives another ten years, or is that too uncertain at this time?


Surely you mean "When League has survived another ten years..." :)

As League evolves we are constantly re-evaluating the platforms it runs on and how best to support the players we have. As the low end toasters drop off the list, we'll bump up the min-spec and start to use more and more modern features. This will allow us to make the game look better and run faster with even more content and features. As for what APIs we'll use then, I can't say. Hopefully something awesome - ask me again in 10 years.

06 Aug


As someone who works on the team that deploys PBE everyday, can confirm - sometimes checking S@20 is faster. We also mention S@20 in one of our training presentations that go over PBE. Thanks for all the awesome work :)

28 Jun


Originally posted by dutchmash2

  • Worlds Semi-Finals in Brussels (Belgium) were hosted in English

  • Spring Split Finals 2016 in Rotterdam (Netherlands) were hosted in English

  • Summer Split Finals 2016 in Krakow (Poland) were hosted in English

  • Spring Split Finals 2017 in Hamburg (Germany) were hosted in English

Sad to see they chose French as broadcasting language since it isn't appealing to foreigners who want to travel to Paris :(

We actually make the call based on the different markets. True, English penetration is different in all the countries in EU, but this is not just about if people speaks or not the language, also what is their preferred language to play and watch.

So essentially, we try to ensure that the experience at the Venue resonates with the local players as much as possible. It's about creating the best experience we can, and that changes depending on where we are going

Very excited to go back to Paris, the french crowd set a high bar already and I am ready to set a new one even higher !

01 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]

i'd be pretty happy with some kind of achievement section or display case on our profile somewhere details some of this stuff for other people to see.

i think summoner icons were kind of intended to fill that role but the core problem is that you can only have 1 at a time, so this system should be separated somehow.

they could also expand it to show past seasonal rankings.

Thanks! We're considering a variety of options due to different player needs / expectations to try to make as many players happy as possible. Exclusive rewards are definitely one of the things we're considering.


Originally posted by [deleted]

i'm gonna say right now the issues i have with summoner icons as rewards are that you can only have 1 active at a time and there is no way to display others on your profile.

ip is useless to me. i spent 60k on the chroma sales and 60k donating xayah and rakan to people. i still have more than i could ever spend.

hextech crafting stuff isn't useful to me either because i've had all of the champions for 4+ years and own all the skins i want for my small champion pool. i have 40+ keys and nothing to spend them on because the crafting model does not work for people that play very few champions.

i know this is a very small minority of players but there are others out there that have been playing for years and have all of this stuff too.

What do you feel would be a reasonable care package in your situation?

31 May


Originally posted by [deleted]

Question, is the new rune system tied to Ryze's runes for some fun lore spice?

Runes are the source of magic in the League universe, which is why we lean on them in a lot of places


Originally posted by BittersweetHumanity

Let's do Half-life 3 instead

Dude...we've already leaked one secret today, no need to tell them what Morello is working on as well

30 May


Originally posted by Ceron

runes reforged = ryze is a rune mage = ryze reforged = ryze rework confirmed

sh*t they figured us out...


Originally posted by Asyrite

UW Represent!

No UW-Madison though! Kind of surprised by that.


Originally posted by LoL4Life

There are going to be varying degrees of the term "veteran player" for many people who play league. I just hope they come up with a solution that will satisfy most of the community.

This is exactly what we're working on at the moment. There are players in various situations with different priorities that we want to take care of during the transition to ensure they feel good about the value they get for their time/IP/RP spent on Runes and Rune Pages.

This is one of the reasons why we want to share this stuff as early as possible so that we can get your feedback.

25 May


If I really need to lock in a win, Bard Support, all the way.


'Meep or Treat Bard'...?


The problem with this... is that its literally too awesome. So awesome, that if this doesn't happen, I'll be devastated. They could do something equally as epic, and it will just feel like they messed up.