League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Feb


Originally posted by reskon

Yea the players get an X instead of W/L (win/lose) and they are all getting 0 points. Pretty sure they will fix that soon β„’


We had some issues on the back-end today that basically killed the live stats functionality, so apologies for that !

The team is working on getting a fix for it ASAP, in the meantime fear not, while it's not getting updated live you should still eventually get those sweet sweet points, I gotta keep that n1 spot in our office league..

01 Feb


Originally posted by LeaoC

Oh so he's doing work for your team? good to know that at least he's doing some work

He's also doing work for our team! That man is everywhere

30 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Developing a new mode is definitely more difficult/time consuming than bringing back an existing one, but unfortunately those aren't completely free either.

With each patch, as LoL updates and changes, inevitably older things can become buggy (or break completely). That's just #gamedev. EG: Swain just got reworked, so when he comes out the next time in One For All, we have to completely revist him. Over time, all of those cool new things (Zoe, Ornn, Kayn, new runes system, champ reworks, etc) add up to a non-trivial amount of scripting to bring back existing modes.

That's what we're generally referring to when we talk about "required dev to bring back an existing mode".


Originally posted by Imhotep0

Now that they'll be more sporadic, can we expect the gamemodes to run for the whole 2 weeks instead of just at weekends?

Also this kinda kills my hope for Hexakill to return :(

RE mode length: You might have noticed recently we've been trending to just leaving the modes on for "whatever the duration of an event" is (1 week, 2 weeks, whatever). It makes sense if there's missions for an event that you want to do in a mode, plus it might be thematic (Star Guardian, Project), so it should just be there alongside. We'll likely continue something similar to this (doesn't mean we might not just use a weekend if it makes sense though!)

RE Hexakill: Quite the opposite, this is a potential pathway to free us up to work on Hexakill. Much better chance than if we were still maintaining modes constantly each patch.

[EDIT typos]

20 Jan


Originally posted by LikeBrahBrahBrah

That's what I always tell my team when picking my infamous Aftershock Yasuo.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.


Originally posted by FatAssInLatin

are we all gonna ignore the fact that this blitzcrank ran fcking comet ?

True artists are never understood in their own time.


Originally posted by Tynte

Another small detail I noticed was off, is when a player has the unsealed spellbook and changes their spells, the team fight viewer will still show their old spell. This is very evident at the big tower dive in the game of MSF vs G2, CA 14:20 ingame. Had to replay that part 4 times before I realised what had happened, as Tahm seems to cleanse while he has ignite in the graphic.

But otherwise, amazing series!

Thanks! Passed this on to the team already to take a look


Originally posted by Birgerz

Colour blind peeps tho, better use blue and red

Team already did some changes for today. Hopefully it is more clear now, let us know!


Originally posted by FancyCamel

I noticed that every game the rune choices of the players wouldn't show until a bit later in the game.

Is this too a bug being worked out or was that intentional?

Definitively not intentional. Right now we are having issues with runes and spectator that will be fixed for 8.2 , so in the meantime we are actually implementing it at the GXF level on top of the observers feed.

The workaround involves feeding the info directly from the API but , honestly it's not perfect, so sometimes it fails / gets behind, and then we have the team manually gathering the runes and adding them individually. So.. tldr? Far from perfect, team is fully aware. Full solution will come in 8.2 , until then we are trying the best to workaround this problems


Originally posted by Kestrel21

One small nitpick would be that on the between matches screen, when G2 win it's hard to tell that they won since their logo is grey on a gray background and the losing team gets their logo grayed out, too, so it's a bit confusing. This is just an 'at a glance' problem, for those who want to quickly tell what happened so far might get tripped up for a second or two, but nothing bigger than that.

Good job so far, though, keep it up!

Yeah, actually already made a comment on that one on another thread The team is aware of this and already have few ideas in mind to improve readability . Not sure if we can make them happen for tomorrow honestly, but it is in the to-do list!


Originally posted by Darkoplax

There was also a lot of faults as well .... (Champ Name , No Lee photo , Pauses , Screen going away for no reason , Sounds issues .... )

I Like the new revamped Studio and Designs but still there was a lot of mistakes all over the place ...

Hey guys, This is valid criticism. We actually have a lot of new tech at the studio (The entire core is new, not to mention all the added features, like the video walls) so there is a lot of fine tuning that we are still doing, on top of the classical "New players, new peripherals.." that go with any new season.

Overall, we are trying very hard this year to shake up the status quo on almost everything tied to the EULCS and hopefully today is just the begining of that. Glad to see that overall the reception has been positive, there is a huge team that has been working behind the scenes to make all this changes and improvements happen

Keep that feedback coming! and we will do our best to continue ironing out those small issues. Trying to speak more with actions that with words this time, so let's see if we deliver ;)

19 Jan


Originally posted by Miyaor

It would be nice if you showed the runes from the start of the game. Not really sure why its only shown after some time.

Agree. Runes integration in general is something we are still working on, I believe indeed there is room for improvement there and you should expect improvements as we move on.


Originally posted by InfernoKoala

They have done a great job with the new interfaces. My only complaint with this one is that you can't tell who won the previous games. It would be nice if for past games the winning team's logo would stay light up while the rest of the card went black and white. It would just help clarify, especially later in the season when it's hard to keep track of individual team scores.

Edit: clarifications.

Edit 2: nvm, I was wrong. Just couldn't tell because the G2 logo is already in greyscale.

Hey, you are not wrong. With some team logos it is indeed hard to notice (G2 as a prime example ). We are aware and already looking into some improvements. Glad you guys liked it , and keep the feedback coming, lots of us around taking a look ;)

17 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


For me it'd be Cho Gath's E active. You see this massive spike of pure f*cking awesomeness like jesus just took a sh*t and threw it at you. Then there's the PPPASHHHHEEWWWWWWW as it flies at you and f*cking annihilates you like my stepdad.


Originally posted by timamcd

We love you guys too. <3

<3 <3!


Originally posted by Naerlyn


I've seen it twice before your post - OP, I need you to tell me this: did the Teemo against you have the Omega Squad thing?

In all three occurrences of the bug, there was a Teemo. In the previous two, he had that skin. And Teemo was the only champion in common in the first two games.

Also, completely irrelevant note, was that a Zoe with Press the Attack there?

Oooh, this is super interesting... and odd, haha. Thanks for this note! Definitely a good start on tracking this bug down. :)

11 Jan


Originally posted by Riot-aBhorsen

It belongs to whoever is willing to make a proper Yorkshire brew in it!

Yorkshire brew



Originally posted by Riot-aBhorsen

Thank you, that is very refreshing and nice to read!

Dear Scott, it seems you promised your mug (green with white dots) to several Rioters in the Berlin office. This leads to confusion and arguments over it. Could you please clarify to me who inherited your mug?

On a serious note, it was always a pleasure to work with you and I wish you all the best!

EDIT: We both know it is my mug now, right?! RIGHT?!

03 Jan


Originally posted by spyrothefox

β€œIt felt less like a Jhin and more like a person playing Jhin.”

Why is this neccessarily only a good thing? It can also be seen as diminishing the actual in-game fantasy of a champion, something which Riot takes very seriously. Why make Urgot so scary, with his quotes, meatgrinder and all that stuff, if he can just show a cute kitten after executing you which kinda ruins his power fantasy completely? Sure, as a player you sorta become desensitized to all the different champions personalities, but emotes are just adding to the problem. I don't want to sound too hateful, in fact I also use the thumbs up emote, but just becase it is really versatile, emotionally neutral (I mean it isn't a character) and it's easy to imagine how the champion you play would express his/her approval when you flash this emote. I would like to see more emotes of this kind.

Hey Spyro,

That's an interesting point, and immersion is something that comes up with lots of the cosmetic content, like skins, in League. With Emotes, as the researcher I was actually excited about how these might get people to treat each other more as... people. After observing a lab, the Player Behavior team actually recommended having the automatic beginning of game Emote to serve that purpose of humanizing the other players in the game by showing their chosen flair right when it starts.

The Emote team is working on bringing new Emotes to League, and more 'neutral' or 'scary' ones are always a possibility.