League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Sep


Originally posted by lolyoda

Yea I wish there was a game where you can like walk around the world outside of the gwent game. /s

Would be kind of cool if they added some combat, kind of like they brought the cards to life.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Negative_Neo

Oh man make her play VII or X, the story so amazing, or well you can skip VII and wait for the remake.

Also you are making me want to play XIV, maybe I should download it and try getting into it.

PERSONALLY I think VII has some hardcore nostalgia glasses and is a real mess.

BUT maybe she'll choose that one next :)

10 Sep


Originally posted by barcodetilter

In my experience people still usually just honor the best player

that explains why I get so many honors

06 Sep


Originally posted by EpicKraze

Check out the ROX vs. SKT series during Worlds 2016. It is the most high-level and intense series I have ever seen.

I'd agree here -- great venue, huge crowd, lots of tension and massive moments



05 Sep


Originally posted by CarpenterBee

Same here. It was kinda dissapointing watching them throw their leads and lose live in the stadium, but I knew both teams were fantastic and going to worlds. So while it sucks to lose to TSM in a BO5, IMT still put up a great challenge for TSM, and worlds is where their skill really matters.

First time in the big lights can be tough, but they really gave us a fun series to watch. I think with more high-pressure time they'll get better.

I was losing my mind in game four tho.


I think more than a role, it's easier to find a style of champ you like. Just play a bunch in free rotation in bot games or normals until you start to feel a vibe.

It took me a while to figure out I really like diving initiators, and then to realize the best place to play them is from the jungle (and I also hate being in a lane).

But mostly it's about putting games on champs until you click somewhere.


Originally posted by Dongsquad420BlazeIt

Shit happens. You responded immediately which is better than we can say for Ben Brode.

in his defense we don't have to write a whole rap


Originally posted by RedShirtKing

Seriously. Worlds cannot get here soon enough. So many good storylines. Will EU bounce back from their failures at Rift Rivals? Can TSM finally escape the group stage? Could Longzhu finally take out the SKT dynasty when it matters most? And, my favorite, how good is Gambit, and how awesome is it that we finally get to watch Diamondprox and Edward again on the World stage?

This is going to be epic.

I'm so hype to see how far IMT goes

04 Sep


Originally posted by savemeplzs

thanks Tummers your rad too

no u


Originally posted by MegaCharizardY72

Meme stuffs


Pls spare me

Sorry Cactopus is busy right now, so too bad you're stuck with me here's a meme

iS htIs hOw u mMme


Originally posted by [deleted]


I was yelling a lot. A LOT.

I think my heart stopped a few times before it finally broke.

02 Sep


Originally posted by Arcane_Bullet

So, my current 1383 blue essence will basically be increased by 6.5 times, or am I misunderstanding something?

That's correct.

01 Sep


Originally posted by JusticeOfKarma

Hey, Pwyff. This looks pretty cool! My question is; are Mastery 6 and 7 still going to cost the same amount of Blue Essence?

Short answer: Yes they'll still cost the same amount of BE.

Longer answer: The numeric values will be multiplied with 6.5 just like your existing BE amount to keep it in line with the new values.


Originally posted by BlackCrystal

we’ll tune down the relative value of the essence you get from disenchanting shards of all types

we need to “scale up” the amount of blue essence you get when disenchanting shards

Aren't these two sentences the opposite of each others?

And I like everything about this system besides one .. They lower the amount of orange essence you can get because they merge IP and BE and give you free champ shards to get BE? So that basicly means that obtaining skins from shards will become even harder now when they downscale the amount of orange essence? Meh!

Dude I had the EXACT same question when I was reading through this. But the gist is that the VALUE of the essence is scaling down, while the AMOUNT is scaling up.

Does that make sense?


Originally posted by FirCone

Now I am surprised that not enough talented people apply to Riot. I guess this means that the interview process is just really hard?

The interview process is very hard, but also talented people can work ANYWHERE, right? Riot is a dream job for a lot of us, but Google/Facebook/startups/tech/games companies are all sort of in competition for awesome people, and hey, League is niche.

It's not easy to find a top-tier pro who is amazing in his/her field who also knows how to freeze a wave, ya know?


Originally posted by Immortalsgg

We're here to break legacies. #IMTWIN



Can I have your gemstones since you don't need them now