League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Aug

28 Aug

18 Aug

08 Aug


Now that teams will start playing on 6.15 and lane swaps will be a thing of the past / a lot less common, I thought I'd post the lane swap statistics for all NA, EU, LCK and LMS teams (no LPL data available). The data is from League of Analytics. We generated lane swap statistics in a way that we think captures at least 95% of all swaps correctly. If you want to know how we did it you can read about it here.

I think the best use for the stats might be to see which of the two teams facing off in a playoff match profits more from standard lanes. The stats below include patch 6.15 games for the last week o...

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03 Aug


After my EU & NA LCS player stats summary post (link) got positive feedback, I thought I'd do the same for team stats. generated the stats myself and you can find many of them on League of Analytics. If you have any questions regarding the stats here, let me know. Here they are:

Highest Avg. Game Time Origen – 40:55 Team Envy - 37:57
Lowest Avg. Game Time Unicorns of Love – 34:34 Team SoloMid - 32:11
Most Kills
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01 Aug


Now that the summer split regular season is over, I put together an EU and NA stats summary for my website League of Analytics and thought I would also post it here, for those who are interested. For now, I only went over player statistics and listed the best (and worst where appropriate) ones. I calculated all stats myself and a lot of them are posted on the website's stats section. New to reddit table formatting, I hope the following looks okay:

Earliest First Blood: 49 seconds, Amazing kills Steve: ...
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25 Jul

22 Jul

21 Jul

20 Jul

14 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

And how Rioters that aren't working the event generally sit in the cheap seats to ensure the best seats are available for other players.

tfw you realise riot members are the true mvps

Also, are you suggesting that you go on Reddit in your working hours? Is that not prohibited? (just curious pls no hate sorry for the off-topic)

No Reddit isn't prohibited for anyone here as far as I know. But tbh I come here a lot less than I used to because it gets demoralizing to see massively upvoted posts that distort the motives, intentions, and/or competencies of people I know and trust day after day. But I get it that extreme views are often more compelling than rational thoughtful ones, and there's usually an element of truth behind most of them so I'm not saying it's all bs.

And plenty of Rioters read Reddit daily and take it all to heart, so I'll always hear about the big topics even if I don't check in for a few days.


I have nothing to do with eSports but have gone to many events and have seen how hard that team works to ensure that everyone gets what they paid for and then some. And how Rioters that aren't working the event generally sit in the cheap seats to ensure the best seats are available for other players.

That said, I assume each new event prevents unique challenges that are sometimes not handled perfectly for a variety of reasons. And I don't doubt that OP had a sh*tty experience in Berlin. I do however doubt that the Rioters there didn't try to make it right including a full refund, if what OP describes is what actually happened.

I can also imagine how disheartening it must be for the eSports team who works so hard to do right by players read threads like this where it seems like everyone agrees that they have the complete opposite attitude than they actually do. I'd expect that 95+% of players that have been to events at all price points feel like they've gotten...

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07 Jul

06 Jun


I don't know the direct translation but I think he meant... "Wildturtle has his mouth all over Gate's front butt". Can anyone verify?


Hi everyone,

we thought it would be helpful to have a few more advanced stats on League’s professional scene. So we created our own stats-hub that includes conventional as well as new metrics for the LCK, EU LCS, and NA LCS. This includes individual and team metrics. So if you like data and stats, check out our Stats Hub and comment if you need help or want to help us improve.

Here are the stats.

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03 Jun


Originally posted by neofederalist

It took me way too long to realize that they were not going to talk about the summoner spell at all.

haha, it's the name we always use for the data blog. Maybe a future article could actually be about the clairvoyance spell for extra confusion?

18 May

12 May

13 Apr


Hey everyone,

We’re the playtest team - you might have seen some of our ‘Patch Chat’ posts over on the dev corner. TL;DR about us is we work across multiple league development teams by playing the hell out of things (lane tests, competitive testing, etc) while giving actionable, objective feedback to designers.

We’re currently looking for highly talented, passionate LoL players to help fill out our roster, and figured we’d also try here.

A little bit about who we’re looking for to help us out:

  • Currently ranked Diamond+
  • Able to analyze and break down League of Legends at a very high level
  • Ability to state your points concisely and generate critical feedback
  • Understand, and communi...
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17 Mar


Originally posted by JQKAndrei

I'm pretty confident that if you win games in plat+ with ashe, it's not luck.

I am not saying people who max q are just lucky. Maybe I should have said that the win rate might be a result of randomness, meaning with such a small sample size, it is difficult to say wether maxing q had any influence on the win rate.