As someone who works on the team that deploys PBE everyday, can confirm - sometimes checking S@20 is faster. We also mention S@20 in one of our training presentations that go over PBE. Thanks for all the awesome work :)
As someone who works on the team that deploys PBE everyday, can confirm - sometimes checking S@20 is faster. We also mention S@20 in one of our training presentations that go over PBE. Thanks for all the awesome work :)
Worlds Semi-Finals in Brussels (Belgium) were hosted in English
Spring Split Finals 2016 in Rotterdam (Netherlands) were hosted in English
Summer Split Finals 2016 in Krakow (Poland) were hosted in English
Spring Split Finals 2017 in Hamburg (Germany) were hosted in English
Sad to see they chose French as broadcasting language since it isn't appealing to foreigners who want to travel to Paris :(
We actually make the call based on the different markets. True, English penetration is different in all the countries in EU, but this is not just about if people speaks or not the language, also what is their preferred language to play and watch.
So essentially, we try to ensure that the experience at the Venue resonates with the local players as much as possible. It's about creating the best experience we can, and that changes depending on where we are going
Very excited to go back to Paris, the french crowd set a high bar already and I am ready to set a new one even higher !
i'd be pretty happy with some kind of achievement section or display case on our profile somewhere details some of this stuff for other people to see.
i think summoner icons were kind of intended to fill that role but the core problem is that you can only have 1 at a time, so this system should be separated somehow.
they could also expand it to show past seasonal rankings.
Thanks! We're considering a variety of options due to different player needs / expectations to try to make as many players happy as possible. Exclusive rewards are definitely one of the things we're considering.
i'm gonna say right now the issues i have with summoner icons as rewards are that you can only have 1 active at a time and there is no way to display others on your profile.
ip is useless to me. i spent 60k on the chroma sales and 60k donating xayah and rakan to people. i still have more than i could ever spend.
hextech crafting stuff isn't useful to me either because i've had all of the champions for 4+ years and own all the skins i want for my small champion pool. i have 40+ keys and nothing to spend them on because the crafting model does not work for people that play very few champions.
i know this is a very small minority of players but there are others out there that have been playing for years and have all of this stuff too.
What do you feel would be a reasonable care package in your situation?
Question, is the new rune system tied to Ryze's runes for some fun lore spice?
Runes are the source of magic in the League universe, which is why we lean on them in a lot of places
Let's do Half-life 3 instead
Dude...we've already leaked one secret today, no need to tell them what Morello is working on as well
runes reforged = ryze is a rune mage = ryze reforged = ryze rework confirmed
sh*t they figured us out...
UW Represent!
No UW-Madison though! Kind of surprised by that.
There are going to be varying degrees of the term "veteran player" for many people who play league. I just hope they come up with a solution that will satisfy most of the community.
This is exactly what we're working on at the moment. There are players in various situations with different priorities that we want to take care of during the transition to ensure they feel good about the value they get for their time/IP/RP spent on Runes and Rune Pages.
This is one of the reasons why we want to share this stuff as early as possible so that we can get your feedback.
If I really need to lock in a win, Bard Support, all the way.
'Meep or Treat Bard'...?
The problem with this... is that its literally too awesome. So awesome, that if this doesn't happen, I'll be devastated. They could do something equally as epic, and it will just feel like they messed up.
My biggest problem with Universe is I have no idea what you guys have been updating. I don't know who has new stuff and who doesn't. I don't and it's not reasonable for me to daily check the universe.
As such, as someone who loved the old lore. I haven't been keeping up on current lore because it feels like too much. Understanding lore shouldn't make me feel this exasperated.
That's great feedback and I tend to agree that it's hard to figure out what's new since your last visit and where to start. Usually the latest stuff is featured on the big slider at the top but there may be more you're missing if you haven't checked it out in a while.
Good news is that we have a dedicated team working on making Universe better which may include a better way to browse lore seamlessly. Lmk if you have more thoughts on what you'd like to see.
Since universe.leagueoflegends is mostly text couldn't you just integrate into league without taking up much space. I haven o idea how difficult this would be.
Text only is boring tho, we want pretty pictures too! :)
these explorations and experiments aren't just for fun. We're building towards bigger things.
...Sooooooooooo, I guess that animated show or movie really is happening?
....yeah, I'll just assume that it's happening. If true - then i'm so very, very hyped.
When lifting weights you don't go from 100lb bench to 450lb bench in a week. You build up to it over a long period of time.
Hey guys
Big Thanks from Effiez and I, its always nice to hear feedback and compliments <3
Trying to give you guys the best experience :)
Yes, thank you very much :)
I just wanna say that the "3D" perspective camera angle is f**king AMAZING.
Thank you :)
But its yugioh:(
I go to home
And another one - is this just an unranked thing where you can see Garen vs Garen? This is so strange/funny/interesting that the same hero can be on both teams.
Yep, normals only
Another question - is tower diving even a thing in this game? I'm used to being able to go for a kill where the enemy is low health and making it out alive - but the turrets in this game hit like a ton of bricks.
It's funny -- League players often complain about towers not doing enough damage. It's, try Dota some time.
Yes, diving is a thing, but you have to be much more careful about when and how you do it. Watching pro play can shed some light into it.