League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Originally posted by ProfMcPants

I love these kind of things.

Glad Riot is taking notes, from both the community's feedback and other games' developers, more and more in terms of communication.

Also, it's always a pleasure listening to Greg talking design (to me, personally, at least). The monthly, live Ghostcrawler Q&A sessions have been great so far, too- Always very interesting and fun.

We need lots of feedback! Trying to git gud

07 Dec


Originally posted by SovereignRLG

I'm glad to hear that. I tried to explain that to a Hardcore wow player, and he was adamant you could never enjoy a competitor's game... He also was sure Riot and Blizzard had really bad blood.

For me overwatch got boring in a way league never has. I still play with friends, but 60% of my time is in League, 20% in titanfall 2, 15% Elder scrolls online, and the last 5% between overwatch and halo 5. They are all great games. League is just the one that calls me back the most.... For the past 6...7? Years....

I could understand why someone would think that, but yeah -- walk around the office here and you'll see people playing all kinds of stuff. The computers in the PC Bang have Battle.net and Steam pre-installed alongside League.

I have a TV over by where I sit and it's always on Twitch streaming one thing or another. A lot of the time it's League, but a lot of the time it's a new game (FFXV right now, for example), or a tournament (like The International), or just a rando stream (I like to scroll to the bottom and turn on some obscure thing with one viewer, like a dude playing Metroid II).

Riot's not unique -- most people who work in games work there because they love games. I don't think anyone would accept a job where enjoying other games was disallowed.

06 Dec


ALMOST every loss. Sometimes when I'm frustrated at myself I'll close out quickly, and then I feel like a jerk.

05 Dec

01 Dec


Originally posted by yace987

I read that "Rito Manifesto"

that's actually what it says lol

22 Nov

17 Nov

16 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]

I completely agree with that notion - Ivern is a fully realized character. Did you do any of the work on Ivern? One of the themes that I like that was well done with Ivern, is that his personality isn't incredibly complex, when compared to some of the other champions that have been created or reworked.

Either way, his entire theme, design and kit are really well done.

I am one of the development managers for the champion team so I work on all of them to some degree, but I didn't work very closely on Ivern. I'll pass your feedback on to the team - thank you!

13 Nov


Originally posted by Dalganoth

Who was lead designer on him? His kit is super fun and rewarding

Blake "Squad5" Smith was the designer, but it's always a team effort from about 15 folks including animators, writers, engineers, sound designers, etc. Blake really designed a super fun and unique kit. I hope it encourages more folks to try Jungle who normally wouldn't


Originally posted by [deleted]

His voice over is really well-done. I love how silly it sounds and it really fits the ridiculous way that he walks around and things. The champion was really well put together from a thematical standpoint.

edited for clarity.

That's really nice to hear! Creating a thematically cohesive champion is always a top goal - I think Ivern, while not everyone's cup of tea, is a fully realized character.

15 Oct

13 Oct

10 Oct

06 Oct

28 Sep

27 Sep

15 Sep


Hey redditors,

with a few weeks left before the 2016 World Championship, we put together some statistics to help compare the different regions. Unfortunately, we only have access to EU, NA, LCK & LMS data, so that is all we will provide. We separated the stats into two categories:

Overall Region Stats: There are two types of calculations, average objective timings and everything else. Average objective timings are calculated per game only, meaning First Dragon (or Baron, Tower, etc.) Timing tells you at what point, on average, the first dragon was killed (by either team) in that region. All other stats are calculated on a per team & per game basis. Examples: "During the regular season, First Blood was drawn, on average, at 7.24 minutes in the EU LCS." and for non-timing stats: "During the regular season, EU LCS teams averaged 0.32 Kills per Minute."

Position Specific Stats: They further separate the regions into the 5 roles ...

Read more External link →

14 Sep


After seeing the 90%/50%/10% thread on the front page, I thought it would be fun to do something similar.

Ask a "What is more likely A or B" type of question and see what people think.


What is more likely, no EU team making it out of groups or no NA team?

I 'll say no NA team, despite thinking they are stronger overall. Their best teams are in tough groups and EU's 1st seed is grouped with NA's 3rd. Also H2k has a fairly easy group.

External link →

02 Sep

31 Aug