League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Seeing someone post something about Morello gave me an Ego from Ratatouille moment. Ryan is a treasure :)


Originally posted by Tiagocf2

Buying grevious wounds into a champion that's already healing around 4000 per ability does nothing... It reduces it to 2400, but that's still alot..

Also shielding is even worse!

that means the item dealt 1600 damage per instance. We're not going to turn off healing entirely, but 1600 before you even count the stats of the item is a HUGE amount. There's no champion that's healing 4k per ability, that would be too much and we wouldn't try and solve that with an item.


Originally posted by HazelCheese

Huh I never even thought about the new terrain type with it's own vision mechanics, it just felt natural. That's actually really cool.

Agreed! When it was implemented it was no more than just a blue rectangle, but it was immediately intuitive and the map designer really had us scratching our heads saying: "Huh, it's genius, why haven't we done this sooner?"


Wow congratulations!!! That's awesome! So glad you're enjoying the mode


Originally posted by Eentity

Absolutely loving the game mode, made me come back to league.

But some champions need some love!

Artillery mages are horrible, most mages as well. Would be ncie to have more augments for them or some new items for them.

Same for Tanks (some of them), some tanks are doing well, like Mundo and Poppy who have damage, or things like Alistar that have a lot of CC. But other tanks are just forgotten, haven't seen a single Nautilus, Sejuani, Rammus do well.

Some augments could really make them shine.

We have some buffs to a couple artillery mages and tanks in 13.15. We're keeping an eye on them in general, and will likely look at the augment pool as well in balance updates going forward.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Did you guys make cleaver and stuff work vs pets, since you said you want pets to have the same interactions as champions?

You should probably do a sweep of all champion-only effects and make them affect champions AND pets if you want the interactions to match up.

That's a decent idea for something to put on our backlog. For example, Syndra W maybe shouldn't work on them.

It's not the most pressing and urgent task but probably a pretty reasonable one for us to identify all the rules we want to use.


Originally posted by Lysandren

No one is arguing that pen shouldn't work against pets. I'm just pointing out that it rings false to claim that she will be stronger after lvl 14, when you had not considered that the enemy team can build to ignore resistances, but they can't build to ignore hp.

Personally, I hate playing into Yorick, so feel free to leave her squishy. :)

I said the HP ratio is functionally higher. That tends to be true.


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

If that is the case, just remove smite from being used on pets all together to prevent misclicks there. You could also remove smite from minions except canons and super minions, because you never smite a melee/caster minion.

And you could even remove smite from minions all together, because it is an old interaction and mostly used to defend against baron buffed minions or super minions. It would lower the influence of junglers in a way that most players don't really care about.

One last question: Is the summoned RH a pet or a monster? And is the intention to keep smite working on it or not?

IIRC Rift Herald is still a monster.

I'm not against disabling pet targeting from Smite. It could be that you shouldn't even be able to smite lane minions (junglers taxing your cannon minion ring any bells?).

However, there are reasonable situations where smiting a pet is correct. At first glance, I'm generally in favor of lettings players decide that smiting a mini Heimer turret or Shaco box for 100 damage is correct for them to do. Saying you can smite small pets but not big ones is probably not a great change.

There are lots of permutations of this that are possible to implement. Saying "This is probably not the best choice but you can do it" is pretty inoffensive IMO.


Originally posted by TetBoyzzz

I'm a huge fan of the transparency that you and the Riot balance team have with the playerbase, but one thing that's always irked me was the use of words like "should" and "shouldn't" when talking about a competitive game.

The decisions made are completely based on the design choices of the person(s) in charge, which is fine (and unavoidable); but claiming that the decisions are made because that's how they should be comes across pretty poorly.

Smite should not do full damage nor intermediate damage to players’ minions

Why not? I'm guessing cause it's a one button way to cut down minion champions' damage that costs basically nothing and is limited to one player on each team - could be way off but that seems like the most likely thought process.

But then why shouldn't the minion player have to account for this? Knowing that a jungle gank is more effective on them since their damage (and therefore ability to...

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I understand your point but this is a short Reddit post, not defense of a dissertation.

I'm not going to fully explain every change in every detail. That's just not going to happen. That means you're not going to see some of the considerations. That's the best answer I can give you.

26 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Seraph199

Don't you toy with our emotions u/Reav3

I can't play when I'm working 😭 why else am I redditing?

I’ve been playing it when I have time between meetings. This mode is so good it’s probably going to get me fired.


Originally posted by GodlyPain

Is it anywhere near that threshold at the time?

The initial reception was awesome, but the important bit will be how players engage with it over time, so it's simply too early to assess that.


Originally posted by gksxj

I have nothing to ask, just wanted to say I love it! Amazing work from everyone involved! Wish you make it permanent

We're glad you're enjoying it!


Originally posted by Evening-Progress2207

Do you like pie?

I love a good pie


Originally posted by Evening-Progress2207

Do you like pie?

Yes. Only apple though. Otherwise cake is better.


Originally posted by Thirdatarian

What is the likelihood of adding more bans to help curtail the feeling of same-ness the mode has some of us feeling? Tired of seeing the same OP/annoying picks get through.

We're looking into resolving that "same champ every game" problem in multiple different ways. Right now there are several large balance outliers that we need to address which will help somewhat, but then we're going to try and look at better systemic solves that work long term.


Originally posted by CaptainEliass

will you add more ranks in the furture?

To reach Gladiator you have to hit 3800GR and the Rank 1 in Arena is almost at 9000GR atm

No plans to add more ranks right now. In the future we're likely to take a look at the ranked system and see if we should make adjustments. We want to see how this first run goes so we can design the ranked experience that's right for Arena.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 350

Yes, its not sticking around (this time)

If it’s popular enough then it’s always possible it sticks around this time


Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

Additionally, is this why you had the Hat stacking mode during April Fool's? To test out the hat tech for Arena?

Nope. SRT did that on their own, and we stole made use of their work.


Originally posted by mystireon

Was having to hotfix balance the game at such a rapid pace something that was expected at launch?

I've been really loving this mode but I can only imagine how stressful it must be to push out balance patches so fast just to make sure the meta doesn't go stale

yeah, we knew we were going to do the hotfix after the first day. The second hotfix was unexpected; the meta developed far quicker than we were hoping. The first hotfix was also way larger than we were expecting, since we chose to go with the champion specific nerfs instead of the ARAM balance percent buff/nerf style of change. We're hopeful we won't need to continue doing a ton of hotfixes, and can rely on the patch-to-patch balance updates once the largest balance outliers are dealt with