League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Nov


Originally posted by RedditUserLPP0010

This was a normal step for Riot to take, you make champ select anonymous in the client but let others that use your API to still show the info you want to hide.

Why even bother if let this happen.

To be clear it's already going to be obfuscated in the API whether apps change stuff or not, we just don't wanna see any funny business / circumvention.


Originally posted by Knifferoo

I don't know how much you know about racials in WoW, but you can find racials on both sides of the spectrum there. They've done a good job with some racials, and a shitty job with others.

Racials that contribute to player power are terrible in my opinion. I don't want to have to play as a troll because their racial makes my class more efficient in combat.

On the other hand, a Goblin gets to summon a personal banker for one minute on a thirty minute cooldown. That's not going to make me more effective in a raid, but the flavor is pretty good for the race in the game, and it's a nice feature to have. Doesn't make me want to roll exclusively Goblins, but if I'm playing a Goblin character it's nice to have access to.

With reservations for how it's going to play out in Dragonflight considering the increased focus on professions, the profession related racials are also pretty good imo. Makes sense for some races to be a bit more efficient with certain professions...

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Racials that contribute to player power are terrible in my opinion. I don't want to have to play as a troll because their racial makes my class more efficient in combat.

Commenting as a WoW player here, I don't work on the MMO!!!

This is kind of the problem with racials right now. There are many powerful utility racials that become essential for pushing in high M+ specifically; some players will end up race swapping on specific weeks to accomplish (very) difficult PvE content that would otherwise be impossible due to things like Stoneform. This was especially true in S2 of Shadowlands to deal with all the bleeds and poisons from the seasonal affix and from high tyrannical Plaguefall.

The problem with entirely personal utility racials is that they can sometimes be difficult to make feel impactful enough to justify using a keybind to activate them - a good example are the racials from Zandalari Trolls, where they have a slow fall, b...

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Originally posted by stupiddogyoumakeme

Damn never thought I'd get phreak to reply. Been impressed by your casting the last few years man!

Thank you!

10 Nov


Originally posted by SiriDeCabeca

Driving from Canada to Eastern Europe is tough, those are some true friends!

Dammit beat me to the joke :(


Originally posted by CLGbyBirth

hows the ping ? not sure if people will be happy having 9 ping to 100 ping on these servers.

We will have servers running in all the same regions so it should be very similar. The only caveat is that hardware delivery timelines are not predictable, so we may host some games out of nearby locations for a few weeks but i expect nothing like 50ms+ latency.


Originally posted by TheEternalKhaos

Hey there, if at all possible can you pitch the kind of stuff that Garena does as cool little events that coincide with big skin releases to the higher-ups, where you get points by winning games or winstreaking, and through point milestones you receive epic skin shards, chests and keys, orbs, and loot bags as rewards, with the final milestone giving you a legendary skin shard? It was the one redeeming quality of Garena servers. There was also one for the recent Star Guardian skin release where you would unlock a piece of clothing for your poro (I think it was a poro? maybe a pengu) in a dressup game on your first win, and you had 3 gifts to give out daily where you can select what article of clothing you'd like to give out to whichever friend you chose. It unlocked some sort of benefit to another set of rewards IIRC. I'd like to think that a lot of SEA players would miss these kinds of events.

Will do.


Originally posted by prn_melatonin

So the server is in Singapore?

Yes. Latency for players in Singapore is expected to be between 5-15ms. Current average today is 12.5ms for 80% of players

09 Nov


Originally posted by DolundDrumph

Dude every few months i used to complaint about this garena on this sub, now we finally have sun shine

Welcome home. If we arent doing well please let us know.


Originally posted by prn_melatonin

Where will the servers be at physically?

They will be physically in a different place but still in the same country. So expect some variance in latency but nothing dramatic


Originally posted by ShadowJinKiller

will all SEA servers combine, or will it remain seperated server as of now?

Separate. There is a tradeoff between larger enough population of players to get good quality/timing of your match Vs having a good latency to the server. There is also cultural considerations as well.


This was a huge effort from multiple teams at Riot with Garena pitching in to help us. I would like to throw a warm Riot embrace to our SEA players. I promise we’ll do our best to make your experience the best we can.

08 Nov


Yeah that sucks, as mentioned in the patch 12.21 notes we didn't significantly modify the detection code, in 12.22 we should have the fountain check coming that would catch this case.


Originally posted by Stealthychicken85

Inb4 the Old old God's vs New New kings storyline are beat to death

Working on it for my 2023 pitch.


What a neat song


Originally posted by The-UnwantedRR

Regardless of environment or quality of teammates? LeBron goes somewhere then they instantly trade all their assets for good players to be contenders for 2-3 years before he jumps ship leaving behind a rotting carcass of an organization. Not saying he’s not good but he’s basically always in the same situation.

Lol, if there’s a GM out there that wouldn’t take a championship in exchange for a few years of being terrible then they are a terrible GM.

07 Nov


Originally posted by Shabam999

The fact that no one is thread is even mentioning the 1hp nexus inhib respawn game shows just how stacked the entire tournament was.

Any other worlds that would’ve been an easy top 3 highlight.

100% agree.


Originally posted by p3r3ll3x

Imagine T1 using a ban on Heimer just coz the players would rather face Kingen's Aatrox than BeryL's Heimer

Imagine Riot nerfing Pantheon support just coz of him

If that's not value then I don't know what is...

I believe Panth was nerfed because it was a quadruple flex pick


Originally posted by NewGod1314

Many plays sylas equally good like zeka like(chovy, faker so on).and on last two games we saw sylas fell off, not banned nor picked so it's not like he's a sylas god, but his akali truly stands out, no one can match.

He got 4 solo kills with Sylas in a reverse-sweep Game 5 … if that’s not a god I don’t know what is.