I don't know how much you know about racials in WoW, but you can find racials on both sides of the spectrum there. They've done a good job with some racials, and a shitty job with others.
Racials that contribute to player power are terrible in my opinion. I don't want to have to play as a troll because their racial makes my class more efficient in combat.
On the other hand, a Goblin gets to summon a personal banker for one minute on a thirty minute cooldown. That's not going to make me more effective in a raid, but the flavor is pretty good for the race in the game, and it's a nice feature to have. Doesn't make me want to roll exclusively Goblins, but if I'm playing a Goblin character it's nice to have access to.
With reservations for how it's going to play out in Dragonflight considering the increased focus on professions, the profession related racials are also pretty good imo. Makes sense for some races to be a bit more efficient with certain professions...