League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Oct


Originally posted by FrostBlade_on_Reddit

Chills from that line tbh

Thanks, I appreciate you <3

23 Oct


Originally posted by Green_Pumpkin

just like Russ

How dare you speak on Muscle Chestbrook in this way.


Originally posted by danutmcviasi

Thanks for the files. Your issue looks to be different to everyone else's. I'm seeing lots of stutters due to network updates - what is your network connection like?


It’s largely mindless. RFC is heavily over-purchased. It’s useful if getting that one auto off really matters. It can for Jinx to get the passive reset. Rocket autos are also decent splash damage since you can hit several champions for 1.1x damage. But in general, yeah, RFC is often wrong.

22 Oct


Jankos is such a likeable guy

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IZizms

I listen to all of these during my drive to work in the morning , I don’t know if Jatt sees these threads but if you do see this Jatt , just wanted to say thanks man. Having a wife and baby makes it hard to watch every game with all my attention so these recaps for worlds and LCS help me stay engaged and up to date , greatly appreciated.

Appreciate it!

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aster1997

How come in the main reddit feed, the video thumbnail isn't showing as usual?

I uploaded the YouTube vid before the thumbnail generated I think

21 Oct


Originally posted by chosen925

RNG's comp has very little margin for error, they got no tank and no safe waveclear, also cannot siege. Once they fall behind its over.

they got no tank

sejuani and nautilus? :p

agree with the rest


Originally posted by BryanJin

we outscale you

Tho truthfully I think scaling was pretty even, or even a bit T1 favored. Renata is so much better than Naut late game, esp. in 5v5s.

on paper (i.e not considering composition) i think RNG's champions outscale but in reality i needed a 2nd line for the meme. renata/xayah is such a nasty combo to counter engage, but if that jayce was anyone else it would have been a 4v6


RNG: You're down 5k gold and 3 dragons

T1: yes

RNG: we outscale you

T1: yes

RNG: we win

T1: lol


Originally posted by Puddleglum567

Why don't you have telemetry for this? Its literally CS 101 to collect this sort of thing at game boot-time / GL initialization-time for diagnostic purposes

We do have Telemetry. Lots of it. But as I mentioned in another comment, this performance degradation hardly even shows up in our FPS meter, let alone in our End Of Game performance metrics. And if we can't detect the issue, then we can't filter for the hardware affected. Hence the request for RPDs where we do have every single frame logged.


I just want to say thanks to everyone who posted here with FPS issues and details, especially those who posted RPD files. Out of a couple dozen RPDs, I was able to identify 8 that showed the particular performance degradation that we're chasing. I'll be using this data to discuss this problem with some hardware vendors and between us we might be able to work it out.

I may be getting in touch with some of you over the next week for some more data one this problem.

Additionally, I'll be investigating a couple of other common fps issues that have been brought up in this thread. Hopefully we can fix a few existing problems now.

For those of you who have been struggling with this problem - thanks for your patience.


Originally posted by sorawth95

Yhea that makes no sense and that pisses me haha.

Who would think about downgrading his/her mouse to improve FPS in game...

That is interesting. I wonder if the massive number of mouse events is blowing out the message queue.


Originally posted by BIGGPAPILOCSTAA

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  • GPU: AMD RX 570
  • GPU driver version: 22.5.1
  • Reproduction rate: Every game at the 8 minutes mark the FPS drop to 100-120, sometimes in Teamfights even lower like 80-90. It stays like that till 15 minutes, then the FPS go back up, but still lower than they actually should be I think. Since I turned off SMT/Hyperthreading for League with Process Lasso, I am able to stay at 144 FPS (or higher) most of the time.
  • What overlays are you running (Blitz etc)? - None
  • Did running the game in DX9 mode help? - No
  • Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help? - Yes

Edit: Updated RPD File.

RPD File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JQaBQRpU1rBuxGsBtJK4T5rMVnu6FdLX/view?usp=sharing

Awesome. Thanks for the RPD. You are definitely seeing the issue I'm chasing.


Originally posted by generatedusername4

CPU: Ryzen 5 1600 (12nm version)

GPU: Radeon HD 7950

GPU driver version: 22.6.1

Reproduction rate: every game

What overlays are you running (Blitz etc)? None

Did running the game in DX9 mode help? (You can do this via settings/Game/Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode) Yes

Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help? Yes

don't have the rpd files, since I don't want to play another game with those lags, but here are pictures of my recorded frametimes during three matches, the parts where it lags are clearly visible:




Yeah. That looks like it. Thanks for the images.


Originally posted by fbgrimfate

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

GPU: Radeon RX 580

GPU driver version: 22.9.1

Reproduction rate: 10/10

What overlays are you running (Blitz etc)?: None

Did running the game in DX9 mode help? No

Did running with SMT/Hyperthreading turned off help? Yes- fps still dips after few minutes but this contains it so I dont go lower than 140~

https://www.dropbox.com/s/n1w2xja1a5ahzgt/League_PerfDump.rpd?dl=0 > My .rpd file

Yup. You're definitely experiencing the issue I'm tracking. Thanks for the RPD.

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ApplShinR

Why does he post 81 and 83 on youtube but not spotify/apple podcasts?

Because I’m trolling :o gonna upload 83 now


Originally posted by pesh0we

I want to apologize and give you 2 more games to analyze with the porofessor ON overlay Seems that was the problem for me, haven't used it in a while.

The first game no drops everything was smooth - RPD GAME 1

Second game is where it started to drop massively - RPD GAME 2

Those two RPDs are interesting. The first game ran at an average of 7.5ms per frame and CPU load of 20%. Second was 9.3ms per frame and 30% CPU load. Both games showed an incidence of stuttering, but only for around 30 seconds.

Thanks for the RPDs.

20 Oct