League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Nov


Originally posted by GiganticMac

Idk about you but I have my Zandalari glider, and goblin gliders bound on every character, shits way too useful to never use

I simply don't have enough binds. I have 36 binds on my keyboard that are comfortable to use.


Originally posted by LeOsQ

Shadowmeld for skipping packs that weren't intended to be skipped (at least not by regular pathing), Stoneform to cleanse bleeds and whatever when those were prevalent, Rocket Jump to not get yeeted off KJ's platform (as a Priest/DK) in Tomb of Sargeras, Every Man For Himself/Will To Survive to 'trinket' CC's in 3v3's, later replaced by Orcs just not being in CC for as long. Trolls having Berserking which made them easily the best raid race for most DPS, and let's not forget Arcane Torrent being giga-bonkers in Mythic + before it got reworked because you could AoE interrupt entire rooms of enemies when the M+ meta was to pull basically the whole dungeon at once. And then the reworked version (AoE dispel) was practically mandatory on Zul in Uldir at the start of BFA not too long after..

And let's not forget that even the fact Humans get more reputation is quite a big deal because it makes the rep grinds (mostly for old stuff) quite a bit shorter in many cases.


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Rocket Jump to not get yeeted off KJ's platform (as a Priest/DK) in Tomb of Sargeras,

[cries in restoration shaman or disc priest in Sanctum of Domination against Mythic Painsmith]

I'm short in real life!! don't make me reroll to goblin pls :(


be normal challenge (impossible)


Originally posted by TheTruexy

Well I'll be here answering any questions if possible....but mostly defending why the blue pet is the best one.



Originally posted by hotdogman402

You should obfuscate it by randomly substituting out names or swapping them around on teams for maximum chaos

One considered variation was replacing summoner names with players' roles - like your new names are Top, Jungle, Mid, Bot, Support. Seemed neat until we thought about what champ select comms could look like if players agree to swap roles x_x


Originally posted by Hounmlayn

Is this to focus on pure soloq? Or has soloq been scrapped?

No updates from what I talked about at the start of this article recently.


Originally posted by Assaulter

I feel like if someone's gonna troll in champion select once they see someone not picking their main will just do that if you pick a champ that they dont think is good or as soon as you load into a game now, and the names show up and you get all the same info and problems. Which is arguably worse because now you can't escape by dodging the lobby.

Any plans to make people anonymous the whole game if they wish? ...Actually there's even a problem with the part of them being able to choose since anyone who manually makes the choice to be anonymous then will just be assumed that theyre turning it on because they have something to hide in their statistics.

Any plans to make people anonymous the whole game if they wish

Someday maybe!


Originally posted by _negniN

I'm sure you guys know what's best for your game and all, but have you actually thought far enough ahead to consider how this may affect the game in the long run?

Sure, the intention of the change is to stop abusive behavior in champ select. If someone hovers a champ with a high skill ceiling they have a low winrate on, that someone is usually harassed into picking something else and if they don't, teammates will threaten to troll and eventually someone dodges.

That sucks, but what do you guys think will happen if you force these games to go through? I'll let you guys sit on this one for a lil bit. If there's a player on a team who is acting abusive because a teammate of his wants to play a champion they are not very good at and you take that player's ability to even know that before the game starts, hence removing his ability to preemptively dodge, what do you think he's going to do once he gets into the game and op.ggs his teammates anyway?

This seems like...

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The thought is that a lot of incentive to be negative is removed after you hit the loading screen, since that game is now locked in and going to happen regardless of what you say or do, so you should now be focused on winning. In Champion Select when you can see something you don't like you have an incentive to try to change their behavior to what you want, or incite them or others to dodge. Currently if this happens and a game goes through anyway, that negative interaction will carry over into game and can cast a shadow over the rest of your interactions with your team for the rest of that game.

Now sure, not everyone is a rational actor and some folks will be sh*tty when you get into game anyway, but the hope is we see less of that since when the game starts there's plenty of other things to be thinking and focusing on than your ally's winrate.

Question I think about sometimes: What are the impacts if we removed dodging entirely? There are other comparable games ...

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Originally posted by IHadThatUsername

Is the anonymity opt-in or will everyone be obfuscated?

Everyone will be obfuscated.


Originally posted by trapsinplace

Does this change include the little 'titles' given to players by apps like Mobalytics? For example it labels me a "Herald hijacker" because I am involved in getting first herald in around half my games. It also says I ward in the first 3 minutes in 100% of my games.

I actually like those because it lets me know the play style of my allies and it's fun to see my own labels.

You won't be able to see those in champion select but you will as soon as you hit the loading screen.


Originally posted by F0RGERY

I have 2 questions:

First, what is the target for these changes to be considered successful?

In past seasons, we've seen plenty of jungle changes. Some of them were kept (e.g. blue/red smite, elemental dragons, plants) and some were discarded after a season (e.g. buffs for using smite on camps, Purple/Gray smite, generic dragon stacking).

What would make you consider pets worth keeping at the end of season 13, vs what would label them a failure (i.e. what happened with chemtech drake)?

Secondly, I'd like to address the lowering of the skill ceiling.

When these changes first hit the PBE, a lot of changes made seemed focused on removing difficulty to the extent of removing choice.

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We'll be tracking data regarding role pickrate, agency, and more nuanced data about what happens in the jungle early and how often new players bounce off the role.

Per your specific points: - Not really sure how recommended paths stop you from having a different early clear. In fact this path of learning is what we want. If you know the enemy jungler is going to stick to their rec paths, and then think to yourself how can I exploit that, then that's literally what jungle learning is. Same for the person who's getting invaded. The rec paths have no gameplay reward, so when you think they're restrictive, they're no longer for you. - Double camping we basically found was a "step function" of power. If you did it, you gained a ton of power and we needed to balance around that. This pushed a lot of power into a skill that was "go into practice tool and do this" that wasn't clear to most players. - The last 2 points seem to think that invading is dead. To put it briefly, we're ev...

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Originally posted by Cashmiir

How do you justify your stance that the stinky, poopoo blue pet is best when it is ABSOLUTELY undeniable that the best pet is the sweet, beautiful, handsome, perfect green lizard? I demand answer in essay form.

Cuz blue is my favorite color. Next question please.


Originally posted by TheTruexy

Well I'll be here answering any questions if possible....but mostly defending why the blue pet is the best one.

How do you justify your stance that the stinky, poopoo blue pet is best when it is ABSOLUTELY undeniable that the best pet is the sweet, beautiful, handsome, perfect green lizard? I demand answer in essay form.


Originally posted by drzhivago420

I'll repeat my concern here. Riot themselves have talked about the importance of making routine fun (making sure it is fun to last hit / clear waves with new champs, for example). How is jungle going to be fun when every game you MUST jungle as if you were a season 1 warwick player?

I think we need to be cautious about how absolute these statements are.

If there was 0 optimization in the jungle and a stationary bot could clear as fast as an experienced jungler, that's 100% a bad thing.

Our work for the jungle clearing is meant to lower the power in the specific camp clearing and move it to other aspects of the jungle (how well you find ganks, steal camps, get objectives, while clearing camps). IF that turns out to be a lower satisfaction place to put the expression, we'll be open to resolving that. But that's the bet we're making rn.


Well I'll be here answering any questions if possible....but mostly defending why the blue pet is the best one.


Originally posted by dumb-on-ice

Hey I had a question that I don’t see addressed. I’m in a somewhat rare situation. Since 2015 I’ve been playing on SEA servers (NA before). I have basically all champs unlocked (except 4-5) and a bunch of skins. Recently I moved to europe and now I’m demotivated to play because I’ve lost all my things and couldn’t transfer account cause of garena.

So I want to know would I finally be able to transfer to EUW from Singapore server after this move?

I'll need to verify but i would think it is likely you will be able to.


Originally posted by geozukunft

Will it be removed generally from LCU or just specifically not show the data anymore if it is a queue 420 lobby?

the latter


Originally posted by Karavusk

Every win that was not in Phreak's basement should be dismissed



Originally posted by Echoesong

Based and Phreakpilled

True and based


Originally posted by mkaan

do you guys have any plans about the jungle and summoner spell timers on those apps? i feel like they damage the competitive integrity of the game and being forced to install 3rd party apps with advertisements feels really bad.

We're talking about it but nothing to share yet.