Yep. My acct got hacked twice, once for 2 months and once for 3 (data hack issues from a while ago kept resurfacing).
Both times, by the time I got my acct back, it had been banned for hacking, apparently within a month of my info being stolen. And the hackers bought champions and skins for me, how nice!
The hackers buying accts on regular must go through them like crazy, and that’s assuredly expensive. An expensive, stupid, assholish hobby with what payoff? Slightly better orb walking? Getting to play Karthus for a thousand games? Oh man, what a reward, playing karthus!
If I had to guess, the reason hackers don’t bother with league is because it’s much less effort to hack just, just anywhere else really. The payoff is garbage anyway. Your team is still toxic. You’re still gonna lose a lot. Your wins are worthless because you’ll be banned in a month. I’m no hacker, but I can’t imagine there’s much allure.