League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Mar


Originally posted by Floh_the_6th

So you're saying that people that read the tech blog have a slightly higher chance to be hired as engineers? (I can make some very good coffee, just saying)

I wouldn't say it's a higher chance, but transparency in how we create products is certainly something that appeals to a lot of people. My brother is an engineer on Riot Direct (and also wrote this tech blog article about his work) and one of the things that tipped the scales for him to apply to Riot was getting to learn how Riot approaches problem spaces before he worked here.


Originally posted by cherrypop0100

Hey, Ken! In regards to the alternate 2018-2019 prestige skins, are they going to receive their own unique splash arts? If not, I think it would be nice!

They will not. We're following the precedent we set with Championship Riven and not updating the splash for circumstances like this one.


Originally posted by Floh_the_6th

I'm not sure how popular they are, but man I'm loving those tech blogs. Being informative for both in- and experienced people while still keeping enough humor so the text doesn't get dry. Hope we will see more of those.

They're usually written for a pretty niche audience of engineers who might end up working at Riot some day (please come work here engineers, we have coffee). The woman who ran, wrote, and edited the tech blog left Riot a few months back, which is why there haven't been any posts in a while. I miss her every day :'(


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Again, you're assuming that based on the average, but for some its not going to be far less, for me playing ARAM this is a nerf because for the 33 minutes i need to play i can win 2 matches of ARAM and earn more tokens, the numbers aren't lying due to the number of minutes required to complete the new quest

You could also LOSE those 2 ARAM games and get fewer points.


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Assuming the same amount of time sure, but not everyone plays by hours, and for people with more restricted gameplay time this is a substantial decrease

It's identical.


Originally posted by Phemeth

Let me be clear if you do the math on Ahri Everfrost ALWAYS does more damage then Luden as you have 20% extra AP ratio on Everfrost. The only situation when Luden might be better is if you can proc it twice in a prolongued duel, but for what Ahri does most of the games which are picks and burst Everfrost is far superior in both damage and utility.

Besides the Active you don't benefit as much from a Penetration build, full AP is usually better, as you have a total of 348% AP (/w Everfrost and Electrocute) while hitting your whole kit, and and the 10 AP mythic passive while slightly inferior is comparable to the Penetration from Luden due to Shadowflame making it possible to reach 38 Mpen without Luden/Proto.

Moreover Shadowflame is better then Horizon focus as 2nd or 3rd item, but worse as 5th

Do you have a link to a spreadsheet with the math in it? Appreciate the writeup, definitely surprising to me if Ludens is less damage but would love to understand it 100%


Originally posted by go4ino

yessss ive been wanting MF to spawn with strut forever

it was lame having to use W as you spawned

You love to see it. If theres anything similar to this that exists please let us know!


The correct numbers for Treasure Hunter are 70g base +20g per kill. A total of 550 bonus gold if collecting every stack.

The goal of the rune here is to provide a different mindset and option for the Hunter row. Instead of a slowly stacking scaling rune, this one is about spiking early and hunting down your final stacks (i.e. Junglers and some bloodthirsty HoB ADCs you might know)


Originally posted by ari_xiv

rip aram and tft enjoyers, a huge nerf to token gains :)

thanks riot

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Yeah thats still a nerf to token gains in the long run, you need to win a 33 minute SR to earn 10 tokens now instead of being able to win a 20 minute SR and get the same results, this is more time spent for the same rewards and is pretty disappointing really

Its pure greed

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by restinpeeperinos

*cries in aram*

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events. Even for ARAM.


Originally posted by NetSraC1306

It's astonishing how they can keep nerfing the passes and people keep buying em in masses. Just wow.

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by Arnhermland

Another skipped pass then, thanks riot for saving me money.

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by Caesaria_Tertia

they themselves wrote that the average game lasts 30 minutes. And they themselves take a longer game as a basis - of course, this is a nerf

Here's a spreadsheet indicating that it's an identical tuning to today's events.


Originally posted by JoshQuest1

You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd imagine the out of game time is higher for ARAM on overage for those 160 games vs SR 100 games.
(5 games a day for ARAM vs 3 games a day for SR, in theory ARAM and SR should be 01:30 (hh:mm) a day, but does the process of getting into (and out of) more games make it longer practically.)

I'm really curious if you have data on out of game time relating to events.

You're right, but that time to get into a game is consistent, no matter which version of the token mission you use.


Originally posted by Cypherous2

Where are you getting "only earning half the tokens for the same number of games played" from? Games are 29 minutes on average and according to your no source math you need 34 minutes for 10 tokens

No source? its literally in their own FAQ, you get 6 points per minute for a win and 4 points per minute on a loss on SR and ARAM


ARAM and Event Game Modes grant 4 points per minute played, or 6 points per minute played if you win. This includes game modes like URF, One for All, and Ultimate Spellbook. In other words, these will grant points at the same rate as PvP SR games.

So yeah its 33.3333333 minutes for a match rounded up to 34, so if you want to be pedantic about that knock...

Read more

I'd just like to drop in here and use your example above to show that ARAM is essentially the same amount of progress in the next event as it is in today's event.

In your SR example above, you use 100 games of SR at 29 mins average = 2900 minutes of gameplay in total.

Let's say your ARAM games are 18 minutes on average. I suspect they're slightly longer in reality, but 18 mins works for me. Let's convert that time spent playing to get number of ARAM games in a month:
2900 / 18 = 161.11 games (we'll use 160 to make the next bit nice and clean).

With a 50% win rate... 80 wins x 6 tokens = 480 tokens
80 losses x 3 tokens = 240 tokens
Total tokens = 720 tokens

Identical to what you'll earn in the next pass from 2900 minutes of gameplay.

01 Mar


Originally posted by OdaSamurai

Miss fortune update name: "I AM SPEED"


Glad you liked it! I was proud of this one in particular lol


Originally posted by Braxenionuwu

Hey Ken, just a question! In the new system will we get the equivalent to 25pp and 2 gems worth on ME? Say 45 ME? Or are we getting something different to gemstones?

25 ME from milestones, and the 2 Gemstones will be replaced by something else that is relatively equal value. It hasn't been finalized yet, but we'll let you know what we decide on there.

Also, we will be buffing the 100 Prestige Points for 2200 token option in the transition. For 2200 tokens, you'll get 125 ME in the new world.

Hope that helps!

28 Feb


Trymbi carrying the sound design team's dreams. Thank you, Trymbi for your Support.


Originally posted by Eternal_Huntress

That was definitely the messiest game of the split so far. Also Phreak's casting this game was just not it, him calling Biofrost making a "blind prediction" with W when they obviously saw 3 people walk into the bush was so bad.

I mean he still doesn't know they're exactly there in that brush, but yeah it's not fully without information.