Can you show TF's position on graph? I'm curious
Could I ask what projects Maxw3ll and Twin Enso are working on now
Can you show TF's position on graph? I'm curious
Could I ask what projects Maxw3ll and Twin Enso are working on now
Maxw3ll is working on a Champion with RiotEarp and SkiptomyLuo that won't release for along time (still in early discovery) TwinEnso is currently helping out SRT with some preseason stuff, but he will come back soon and start work on a new champ with LoneWingy and JohnODyin which would also be a ways off.
i also understand where you are coming from but coming from halo 3 days, bungie had a website for match history that was awesome (sometimes buggy) but it worked well, so to me using the excuse that you guys are a game developer just irks me. lasted i checked (a year or so ago for some nostalgia :'( ), the match history is still up.
the thing i don't like about 3rd party developers is that they need revenue from somewhere and that revenue comes from ads. some of those ads are pesky and intrusive.
also, thank you for the reply
Now you're speaking my language. Grew up with Halo. I also loved their website. Heat maps. Medal counts. Bungie really did a great job and set the bar super high. When I look back on that whole product it feels like an outlier. There weren't a lot of web experiences that Bungie provided apart from that. I'm assuming they decided this was an important core player experience that they wanted to provide and specifically wanted to make it available everywhere and not just in game.
When I look at our match history, at least the web part doesn't feel like a core part of the experience and we have other methods which we're using to make this data available out of game. Even today what 10 years later? I think the Bungie website is still the gold standard for web match history. I think there are some community websites that are close if not on par with Bungie. At least right now creating a great web match history experience isn't a priority for Riot. Bungie did a lot of things right...
Read moreHey Reav3, last I heard Rek'sai was in the top left, the niche category. Is she still up there?
She has been in a better place ever since we did the mini-rework on her, but she still isn't quite in the successful niche box. Still pretty good overall for a creature champ that doesn't even talk at all
Any chance you could show Jhin's position on the graph? It's okay if not. :) I'm just really-really curious since I wouldn't be playing League if not for him.
Here you go!
And hopefully excludes ARAM or rotating game modes, correct?
ARAM, yes. Depends on the the gamemode. It includes every mode players can CHOOSE their champion. So if its a gamemode where you can choose like Nexus Blitz, for example, they do show up here.
Hey Reav3, good to see you back again. Hope you didn't get harassed because of the sentinels event
Thanks, it was rough. Had to avoid reddit for a month or so. Back now. Don't get me wrong, their was a lot of constructive feedback from passionate players, and their is a lot we learned that we can apply to future events (hoping to put out a blog at some point going over what we learned from SoL Event) but a lot of it was just toxic and hateful. For my own mental health I had to take a small break from social media.
When can we expect another champion roadmap?
Working on one right now that should come out sometime at the end of this month
Interesting to see Yasuo and Lux being really close for the #1 spot. Has Yasuo ever been dethroned for being the most popular champ?
Yes. Kai'Sa was more popular then him for a few months at one point
Who is the top-right thin yellow line, being the most popular release?
so in reality this means, "why should we pay people to do this, when the community will do this for us for free" RIOT Games.
I can definitely understand this perspective, but I definitely don't share this point of view for a couple reasons.
What are the best places to follow for updates on the League APIs? I run a website for an amateur league that uses the game IDs from custom games to keep track of all of our players' stats and such. While I'm going to spend the next week or two trying to pivot towards the tournament API, but being able to use custom games as a solution was nice for us as it was so lightweight. If a captain wasn't able to make it to a game, someone else could still make the lobby, if someone entered the game wrong (wrong player/role/champion), we could go back to the official match history and see what actually happened. There's quite a few useful things going away with this update.
Tagging u/GitGene here. He's in charge of the comms for the Riot Games API. I believe the best place to follow for updates is the Riot Games Dev Rel Twitter account. There's also a community managed ...
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Hey /u/RiotTuxedo, just to be sure: This is just the matchhistory site being shut down, but the ACS API will still be functional?
After Monday, Sept 13th ACS will no longer ingest new match history and will effectively become read only. It may stick around a bit longer than the match history website, but it won't include new data from live shards. If you're a developer, you should move to match-v5 in the Riot Games API. If you're using ACS for pro matches that data should be obtained from Bayes.
Thresh is extremely resilient to nerfs
Or maybe, maybe, the nerfs are way too soft.
Its possible. Looking at similar changes to other champs, those nerfs have had more of an effect on winrate, but Thresh could just be more unique in how certain changes to his abilities effect him.
He had a high presence in LPL i think.
Yup, pro play in general
5th thresh nerf in a row. Nice
Thresh is extremely resilient to nerfs, it is rather impressive. No matter what we change about him he doesn't seem to be affected.
Bloody hell, i am a goddamn PROPHET with those exact gangplank changes.
Wow thats crazy, well done! We toyed with a few changes, mainly more hp/lvl, but we landed exactly as you predicted, crazy
Is the duration of mf r increased? Or do the waves fire faster now? Would be huge if they fire faster
Waves fire faster
Okay, I have to kinda jump in on the opportunity. Any chances of looking into Brand and Zyra jungle rather than the Zed Talon etc we are seeing?
Rather than? Unlikely. In the future? Possibly. Opening up new champions to the jungle is something we have explored a lot this season, and its possible more champions get looked at in the future to be added as junglers.