League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Nov


I can speak for the mage side.

  • The intention with these changes is to make builds more differentiated from each other.

  • We also didn't want to make the system more difficult to balance (ie. have to ceiling one subclass' access to haste based on another subclass' access to haste).

From the design side, we want to use Haste as both a "progression" axis (makes your champ feel like it's getting stronger relative to the game state) and "choice". The AP Mythics all having Haste are intended to make your champion feel more fluid (you're not meant to choose between haste and no haste on Mythics, but instead a little haste [Ludens] and a lot of haste [Liandrys]).

As much as possible, we wanted to avoid the "one item that fills everything" in the second slot. Cosmic Drive is intended to be the "choice" Haste option, fighting against some of the more burst oriented options like Horizon Focus, Lich Bane, scaling options like Archang...

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Ahhh... of course. The map changes require that the unit (champion or minon) moves to re-calculate it's vision. The same would happen if you killed the dragon and stood perfectly still.

18 Nov


Originally posted by YandereYasuo

That on top of it too yes. An LDR would've been way better in this fight than PD.

Sure, but I'm not sure you can ever call LDR second the correct build overall.

I think PD second is pretty terrible, especially on a high-AS champion like Jinx, but regardless this is mostly a Graves thing.


Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Killing the 0-4 laner again vs collecting Bounties, atleast that's most likely the case here.

Also Sneaky's Mythic (Galeforce) has it's power mainly in its active that he already used and Graves' Mythic (Shieldbow) passive was still up (and also stronger IMO). Then there is also the fact that Sneaky bought a PD + Cloak, which are very shitty damage items.

Graves also gets an absurd amount of bonus armor through Quickdraw.

His armor was 204 at the start of the fight and 240 at the end with just Plated Steelcaps (Ninja Tabi). For reference, he's getting 108, then 144 armor through Quickdraw at 6, then 8 stacks.

So to be clear, this is much more a case of, "Wow, late-fight Graves is nigh-invincible to physical damage."


Originally posted by CutieMcBooty55

Tbh it's still kinda frustrating that there isn't another shot for the 2019 skins. I get it, they don't have to or anything, but I wasn't able to play during the Project event so I missed out on pretty much the only Prestige skin I really wanted, with no opportunity at any other point in time to get it despite being able to play more now.

Kind of a shame imo.

Stay tuned.


Originally posted by Ginger_Elvis93

This year's prestige shop will include an animated K/DA Kai'Sa emote, as well as grab bags for Pulsefire and PsyOps. Details on percentage drop chances and loot content are in the article

I wonder if the animated emote will actually be animated this year, since the Ahri one was teased up until and shortly after release as "Animated" then they pulled it from the shop and renamed it to remove the word "Animated"

It will be.


Originally posted by Byepolarpolarbear

I dunno, Whenever I run rav. hunter on Cass/Yi I get way more healing from it compared to casters like Kayn. Probably just because they have way more damage tbh.

Yeah nearly all kayn's damage is aoe, which is only 33% effective.


Originally posted by Byepolarpolarbear

why is omnivamp more effective on on-hit champions than ad caasters.

Why would it be? You mean because lots of onhits are magic or true damage?

17 Nov


Originally posted by unbeliever87

Going from 180 to 25 ping was pretty great though.

Fax. I think I had like 8 ping to OCE in my prime.


Originally posted by snowbanks

i have to ask what is your favorite pasty?

Pain of chocolate.


Originally posted by BluCrayons

Also OCE played on NA servers for a long time before they got servers in NA

I remember the Before Before Times fondly...


Originally posted by ElBigDicko

Thank god they are looking at Tear. They should look into Manamune. Stacking it takes literal years. Buying Manamune min 10-11 and having it transform at 22 is a joke.

Weird that Galeforce and crit in general isn't being looked at. Every crit ADC is in dumpster aside from Samira who is being individually nerfed. Also what the hell did Botrk do that it's being nerfed lol.

In regards to marksmen: Statistically Kraken is underperforming in comparison to the other two, so giving it a boost should help a bit, especially for crit marksmen who have the role of pumping out consistent DPS, which have been the largest losers of the first pre-season patch so far. Galeforce and Shieldbow are performing comparatively to each other though outside of a few edge case champs on the shieldbow side, which will get addressed as we arrive at more balanced items.


Originally posted by novayhulk14

I’m glad they’re buffing serpent’s fang, it felt terrible underwhelming, which is even worse considering it is a niche item

Yeah we recognize it's niche, but making it slightly more attractive will get people to buy it more often and interact with the (in my opinion) cool passive.


Originally posted by SCjaeger

That sounds reasonable I appreciate the answer. If I can ask one more question, is the nerf because of statistical over performance or because it’s monopolizing build diversity?

Both. It's highest winrate on most users, and it's the most broad as Assassins, Fighters, and Marksmen can take it. So it's gotta give some power somewhere.


Originally posted by SCjaeger

What part of eclipse are you hitting? 55ad 18lethality is underwhelming at its price point. I would rather lose the vamp and get 60ad 21lethality. Ad assassins get mileage out of their spells not standing autoing. It seems that prowlers claw is just going to be the next go to item if you aren’t khazix or talon buying duskblade. I would rather see the shield or vamp lowered before the damage

Probably proc frequency

16 Nov


It's happening! We have good lists being cooked up for all these items, feeling confident that we will make good progress patch-by-patch! Keep the feedback coming.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Looks very good for tank nerfs. Props here.

But where are the AP item nerfs? Demonic is one of the most OP 2nd items possible. Lich bane is still insane (down to 100% base AD I suggest) and there are many AP mythics that lack a clear line (Liandrys vs Ludens isn't really a choice but mostly based on whom you play because Liandries is actually pretty good agianst one tanks, too). But also that many of them are stupid strong. AP burst mages and AP assassins (in lane) do keep up with tanks.

I am just a bit disappointed because I expected a bit more.

As I said, we are doing a large patch on 10.24. It's been only ~5 days since the patch drops, we've hotfixed twice already, and normally we patch at a 2 week cadence. Just hotfix nerfing/fixing the most disruptive things in the meantime.


It's a start, expect much, much more on 10.24 patch, we are all focusing hard on getting the best first pre-season follow-up patch we can for y'all.


Originally posted by thiccnations

what kind of item can i buy for 800g to make a fed master yi useless?

Mundo can be 20/0 but as long as the enemy team buys GW he is no longer a champion.

Stopwatch. Plated Steelcaps. Galeforce to dash after he exists alpha.

Mundo is certainly still a champion even when affected by GW. He's just 1 of 5 on his team. Even getting the enemy team to pay the GW tax is a pretty substantial win.