League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

would be able to state which side of the pendulum a year worth of champion releases side on (complex vs. simple)? Is there a medium level as well to champion difficulty? or is it just extremes?


We do have medium, we have high, medium and low complexity. Our current goal is to have at least one of each, each year, but after that its pretty case by case

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

Is any champion this year intended to be niche or take more risks design-wise? Is the team looking into making a new Bard? It feels like despite the 6 champions per year announcement, they're all going to be focused on mass appeal.

Lillia was targeted as the Niche Champion this year. Generally non-humans end up fairly niche. The whimsical/cutsey stuff tends to also be niche, but it does have a pretty strong niche audience, one that we didn't feel existed in the Jungler role. One of the goals of Lillia was to add that type of elegant/pretty/cute theme to the jungle roster, since it doesn't currently really exist.


Originally posted by Beach_Font

League of Legends ✗ Pixar's Brave


[Bagpipes intensify]


Originally posted by Theweket

Is it like rakan range or more like syndra?

More Rakan

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Boss hope you're well.

Just wanted to ask if you guys landed on some sort of cadence when it comes to releasing simple vs. complex champions. Or is it by a case to case basis.

Cheers :D

We don't have a specific cadence, but out current strategy is that we intentionally ship some amount of simple Champs every year now


Originally posted by SpitefulShrimp

And when it was over she had blossomed into something we didn’t quite expect: the bravest champion we’ve made,

This is Poppy Erasure



Originally posted by SordidCanary

But multiple enemies hit at once does that do it? If she slaps 3 people with her swirly bob does she get X3? No right?

Correct, if she Q's three people, she gets one stack.


Originally posted by Baloomf

Time to midlane from the fountain

My boss killed me with an E from fountain to bot lane.


Originally posted by DuduBonesBr

Don't forget you're using a reliable source of cc and some mana. The chances that you hit this while avoiding scuttle, terrain and everything inbetween are stupidly low, while having enough of a risk that it's simply not worth it. You can bet that some youtuber will go ''LILLIA IS BROKEN?!? SLEEP FROM ACROSS THE MAPP? RITO PLS''



Originally posted by ChapterLiam

oooh, with that Q on low CD her jungle clear is probably going to be a huge selling point. this champ is really exciting

Yep! just be careful around the scary scary invade junglers.


Originally posted by Hanyodude

Something tells me phase rush lillia is gonna be a lot of fun

It makes you go very fast.


Originally posted by CelioHogane

She builds Runic > Liandries basically every game.

Not for me she wont, im going to first buy Nashor's for the first 5 games i play with her for no reason



Originally posted by WarriorSnek

Gonna take conq on her

She's classified as a ranged champion, so it isn't the greatest. We like Dark Harvest.


Originally posted by Kyrond

she has a ton more MS than the average champion. She gains the speed on any ability hit (not just Q), gains it on hitting anything (even jungle camps), and the speed stacks. So when she's in combat, she fast.

Oooh so that is the playstyle. That does seem interesting. Why isnt MS the main passive, and damage passive tied to an ability? The MS now gets overlooked. Would also allow her to scale over the entire game, matching gained MS of others in game from dead man or Zeal items. Especially given she already has damage on all her abilities, so her damage scales through entire game and the passive is %max HP.

The movement speed scales with Q rank so she hits a more powerful midgame spike.


Originally posted by hpp3

Is her E infinite range until it hits something?

Yeah, but terrain counts. So its really hard to get to get the long range ones off except in specific angles.


Originally posted by Mister_Dink

She sounds really suseptible to invades. Does the movespeed boost help her escape more mobile and vicious jinglers like Lee, Elise, Rengar and Nidalee?

Yeah, if you have some stacks and aren't hurting too bad you can get away. Its obviously still not great, you have to concede the camps.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you expect her to be a broad or niche champ

More niche. The playstyle is going to ask for some investment.


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

Is she ranged? What is the number as in Ashe is 600, Rakan is 350



Originally posted by MegaUF

That walking animation though...

0/8/0 Lilia: My gank is finished

Mid laner: but you did nothing

Lilia: Prances away

Me every time


Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

Something the video is really underselling is the movement speed. It stacks up to 5 times and is granted on every ability hit. Her game is about keeping the movement speed stacked up and using it to play a hit and run style or roam around the map.

She vry fast