Ok I also got a much darker impression. Nice to know
I mean, she's going to kill you in League. That's just a given.
Ok I also got a much darker impression. Nice to know
I mean, she's going to kill you in League. That's just a given.
I guess my skepticism comes from Riot historically (and iirc they've admitted to do so) holding off on any work like that if there was a vgu or even just a VU in the foreseeable future. Is that not a thing anymore?
I'm not aware of this, at least not for VFX Updates. We've never took into account VGUs or other projects that might remove our work.
how does her ult work with sylas?
When Sylas takes her ult, his skills apply the dream dust that he can use to sleep them. He doesn’t get the damage from the passive though.
Does her movement animation change with move speed? Like if she gets stacked movespeed she can hop really far? Would be really interesting
She has three movement anims. Zero stacks, 1-4 stacks, and 5 stacks.
On wings of night, a new Vayne has swooped on to the PBE.
Spirit Blossom Vayne is hitting the Rift with:
Spirit Blossom Vayne is set to be 1350 RP.
Spirit Blossom Vayne will be available to play soon on PBE! You know what that means? It’s feedback time! If you have thoughts about this festive skin then let us know in the thread below! I will be lurking around, all stealthy like, hunting the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! We have noted that there is some cohesion difficulties between the skin and the emotes/icons. The team felt it important to not hide Vayne's face as it makes it very hard to show any kind of expression in the icons/emotes. As for some of the other things mentioned we have decided not to make any changes at this time.
External link →Language!
Really weird that they're spending time on visual updates for champs that are probably near the top of the list of needing VGUs (pizzafeet hobo man should really be the most in need candidate, and ahri really needs a kit update/redefinition). They must really not have any plans to clean out the list over the next 2-3 years.
We're targeting what's most urgent. Udyr was loooong overdue. Theses updates don't change any plans we might or might not have for VGUs!
Super stoked about this champ! I just hope that the people complaining in here don't get you guys too down about what I'm thinking will be an awesome addition to League's champion lineup.
I think people are averse to change. Myself too. I hate change. I think Lillia is unique and beautiful, and that the team did such an incredible job creating her. And in a few months people will be fine with it.
Glad you're excited!
so they are waking up again or sleeping forever so that their dreams can forever be harvested by her mother tree? Because that's how it kinda sounded to me...
They wake up! Dreams used to go to the mother tree whenever anyone slept. Lillia just wants to save her mom.
I mean, it's an interesting choice, but Scottish accents don't exactly give me ancient and strange vibes. It just kinda felt slapped on since it's just not an accent we have used yet and it's one that is much more familiar to most people. I wouldn't be opposed to it if the design of the champion hinted some more similarities to Scottish culture, but it was just very jarring when hearing the voice for the first time.
Bonus scottish lillia edit lol https://imgur.com/a/K4OHphk
When I first heard Lillia the only thing I thought of was this and I definitely sent it to Interlocutioner.
Do you remember what her temp name was before you guys settled on lillia
Cute jungler. She used sion's model scaled down to 70%. I got lots of comments.
How are y'all gonna prevent her from being cancer in toplane? She has a lot of tools to be mega cancer top
She can wave clear and stay safe against a lot of melee matchups, but she gets outscaled by most every top laner. She has a lot of agency to avoid fights with you, but if she does, she won't be hitting the midgame spikes she needs to to be effective.
And if she becomes abusive in top, we can nerf her, don't worty.
Hello, everybody! Here are the design-related changes coming to Nexus Blitz after today's PBE deploy:
Design Changes:
Read more External link →Are you guys done making yordles? Last one was Kled 4 year ago and the next few champions don't sound like yordles either... also the lore for Bandle city isn't fleshed out at all. I'm hoping you guys havent forgotten about them...
There are plenty of Yordle fans on the team.
Are the cooldowns already released? Curious how high her Q CD is.
4 seconds all ranks.
Any worries she'll creep into midlane? Seems like she could be a pretty oppressive roamer post-6 if scuttle is up
Her roams are probably pretty good, but her range profile and low defenses means she gets bullied really hard
Gonna take Predator and Relentless Hunter and just zoom around the Jungle like some kinda speed demon deer!
Lillia wants you to follow your dreams
Missed opportunity for TEN BILLION PERCENT
This is why I'm never going to be a youtuber.
It's blocked by minions right?
Yeah, I'm just bad